
Pacifica sanitizing

Brian HCM#1

Sep 7, 2001
Bay Area, California
Just got back from a midweek ride :thumb:, however someone did some sanitizing, some good, but some bad. Anyone have any info on who did this? Plus if someone is going to go out of their way to sanitize the trails, then trim back the flippen brush it's getting WAY overgrown!!!!


Sep 23, 2003
Mtn. View, Ca.
Brian HCM#1 said:
Just got back from a midweek ride :thumb:, however someone did some sanitizing, some good, but some bad. Anyone have any info on who did this? Plus if someone is going to go out of their way to sanitize the trails, then trim back the flippen brush it's getting WAY overgrown!!!!
Was this on crack? I haven't ridden out there for a couple of months. Last time I was out there, someone had cut some bushes down on the top of crack and layed them acoss the trail like some kind of halfass road block.


Dec 5, 2001
Pleasant Hill, Kali'fo'nya
markk said:
Haven't been up there in a few months. What did they do? Mess up the two drops?

How about Boyscout?
I was at boyscout yesterday. Everything looks the same as far as I can remember... except for the fallen tree in the middle of the trail (note: doesn't look like it was cut by a chainsaw by a human, looks like it just fell over. The roots and stuff are still there).


Pourly Tatteued Jeu
Mar 15, 2004
I'm homeless
ghettogt76 said:
I was at boyscout yesterday. Everything looks the same as far as I can remember... except for the fallen tree in the middle of the trail (note: doesn't look like it was cut by a chainsaw by a human, looks like it just fell over. The roots and stuff are still there).
The lips and landings on some of the stuff(mainly the step down) need to be rebuilt the rain has washed them away

El Santo

Apr 14, 2002
the 'burbs of SF
As of Saturday, the two doubles on the right side of the trail just above the turn off to Nelson's still have standing water pools below the trannies, so let those dry a little bit before you hit them.

As people have mentioned, there is a tree down on BS just before the sharp left hairpin followed by the hip. Cross over, not under, the fallen tree, because all that green stuff that is attached to the trunk is poison oak. In fact it is everyfockingwhere on the trail. I have never seen so much poison oak in my life - and I know exactly what it looks like, having been traumatized by it as much as I have.

The weirdest new 'feature' on the trail is at the very bottom. A large number of trees are in the process of being cleared, from Higgins to about 30 feet up the trail (or where it forks just after you can make a left or a right after popping off that little cement thing. I am guessing a new house is going in there, which means that the trail would need a re-route at the bottom. I asked a dude at a bike shop in Pacifica what was up, and he didn't seem to know.

In general, I agree with whoever said that this place needs some work before it dries entirely. If anyone is insensitive to poision oak, please, for the love of all that is holy, yank out some of the more prominent tentacles that are wrapping the trail. The lips on the jumps need some TLC, and brahs, the punji-sticks have got to go - particularly the broken-off sapling that is to the left of the logride. There's also another one conveniently located on one of the alternate switchbacks (the one that has a bunch of parallel snot-slick roots that need to be hucked) just below career ender. While I am all for technical obstacles not being scrubbed, no one wants to impale themselves for hitting a line wrong. That's just dumb. Take a saw to the punjis and make the world a better place.

If anyone wants to organize some trailwork (since it needs to be sanctioned by the landowner), PM me and I'll be there with shovel and beer.


Nov 14, 2002
Bay Area
I was out at Boyscout today and it was really fun to ride there again. It's probably been a couple of months or more since I was there. There are a couple of hazards though that should get cleared out like the poster before me said. I think the holes around some of those jumps need to be filled in for a couple of reasons. For one, they look bad to anyone hiking along the trail. They show a lack of regard for the area by the builders of the jumps and if by chance anyone is really off on a jump they stand to be hazardous. The pungi sticks are also a real danger and must go. Most all the jumps are in need of some work. Everything is drying out very fast. I expected a lot more mud than there was so perhaps some folks can pitch in an hour or so this weekend to shore up the jumps and clean up the trails a bit. I know they are having an Earthday celebration event in Pacifica this weekend so lets take care of this little piece of the Earth. As for the Poison Oak, I am one of the lucky ones that is nearly immune to it. That's amazing because I am allergic to most everything else. I plan on coming out there this coming Saturday to ride and I am willing to give up an hour of my time to do some work. Anyone else? I'm probably going out late morning on Saturday. Oh, that big tree that fell over the trail has to go. Does anyone have a chainsaw?


Feb 26, 2003
South Bay Area, CA
lonewolf, were you the guy riding the yellow bullit? I thought you had a different colored bullit for some reason.. but I was wondering if that was you. I was the one on the karpiel.

Umm, I don't remember any PO on that tree that fell over on the trail, and I hope it wasn't. My friend and I tried to take a lame stab at even budging the thing but it's huge. Who tore out the little plank thing at the bottom too?


May 24, 2002
san francisco
I haven't been back to Bscout in a few weeks so I don't know what's up with the downed tree, but is it postioned so that we could build a new line out of it? Maybe a small bridge drop or a jump? Something that wouldn't interupt the flow. btw some jackass had put a go around on the SMALL log lying FLAT on the ground right after the hip before the final shoot. I couldn't believe that one because the log is about a foot high and had dirt ramps over it on either side. maybe we can pile the poison oak we remove into that go around.