
Page misses drug test...


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
It really sucks for him....if they want to be jerks he could be suspended for two years over it. I think the whole system is fvcked....burden always falls on the rider.


Former U.S. cyclocross champion Jonathan Page has been notified that he missed an anti-doping test at the World Cup at Koksijde, Belgium, on November 29.

UCI anti-doping officials have forwarded a report of the missed test to the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency for review. UCI anti-doping coordinator Peter Van den Abeele told the Belgian website Sport.be that Page failed to appear for a drug test despite being notified that he had been randomly selected.

Page, however, said that he had not heard anything about the test until he was informed that he had missed it three weeks later.

Page’s wife Cori said that she and her husband stayed around the finish at Koksijde and would have easily been found had UCI testers simply asked.

“We were still in the parking lot when the race finished and the racers were heading back to their vehicles,” Cori Page wrote on the couple’s web site, www.thejonathanpage.com.

“We stopped at the race headquarters where Jonathan had to pick up his travel money. No one said anything and when we asked them on the phone over the last few days, they said they didn’t say anything because they didn’t know! We believe them.

It’s strange though because the only other time I’ve been present when a rider didn’t show up for doping control, the organizers, officials, racers, soigneurs, everyone, was trying to get that guy to report. His name was repeatedly announced. They sent people to find him and many people, including a friend of ours, called his phone. That guy missed it on purpose. Fresh off a two-year suspension for doping, he was at it again. He got the luxury of every opportunity to show up. Jonathan got none.”

The case is slated for review by USADA, which could issue a warning or impose a suspension following a review of statements from UCI testers and Page.

Page was expected to be named to the U.S. team to the world championships, slated for February 1 in Hoogerheide, in the Netherlands. Page finished second at the world championships in 2007.

USA Cycling is expected to name its elite men’s squad next month. Governing body officials could not be reached for comment on Saturday.
Here is what nice guy Sven said

On the road it happens more easily and I was repeatedly told that one cannot just ride homeward after abandoning a race. Allowing this – although it is very sad for Page – would encourage others to benefit from this example
Honestly, I'm not in favor of leaving this missed control as it is, even though I realize this is a disaster for Page.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 20, 2008
Methuen, Mass. U.S.A.
does anyone know how they go about picking people for testing? if it's supposed to be random, what exactly does that mean? by that i mean, is it possible that one guy/girl gets picked more than once a season? is it done by computer with the name randomly chosen and does that name get taken out of the rotation? what i'm getting to is... if they (UCI and whoever) knew that he was going to be tested next and that he was going to be at that race, why not let him know when he checks in that it's testing day for him? it would suck if he gets a suspension because of this and to find out 3 weeks after the fact!!! that's just f'ed up!! how can they wait 3 weeks to let you know you missed a test!?!?


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
I bet a lazy drug screener who couldn't be bother to find Page in the rain is going to screw him over.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 6, 2007
does anyone know how they go about picking people for testing? if it's supposed to be random, what exactly does that mean? by that i mean, is it possible that one guy/girl gets picked more than once a season? is it done by computer with the name randomly chosen and does that name get taken out of the rotation? what i'm getting to is... if they (UCI and whoever) knew that he was going to be tested next and that he was going to be at that race, why not let him know when he checks in that it's testing day for him? it would suck if he gets a suspension because of this and to find out 3 weeks after the fact!!! that's just f'ed up!! how can they wait 3 weeks to let you know you missed a test!?!?
I don't think it's truly random. During the Tour the supposed random tests were targeting specific people. A friend had problems with a USADA guy at a national and chewed him out....low and behold, he was the random rider selected. The whole system is bullsh!t....when I got my pro license there were was no information on testing or race procedures. I called and asked US Cycling and they pointed me to USADA's website....what a fvcking joke. Check out this press release, if I'm an athlete that is being tested out of competition I have the opportunity to a win water bottle....only after a random drawing of course. Glad that they might give me a water bottle for my effort :disgust1:

http://www.usada.org/files/active/athletes/Legalities for Water Bottle 4th Quarter.pdf

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Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2006
Funny thing about being tested, I never have, nor would I have failed at the time of a test, (work related) yet I have three friends that on the day they couldn't pass, the got checked.

Sorry state for Page if he gets screwed cause of a minor mistake.