
Paging all 20" gurus. BoyBoy? Schaefdog???


Jul 27, 2003
Ok, i need some help. I'm in the market for a new 20". I haven't really been in the 20" scene for sometime so I don't know what to get now that i'm buying one. I was thinking of going w/ a complete but I know i'll be upgrading before it's out of the box so I think i'm going to build one. I think I prefer a smaller frame (i'm 5'6" and 135) like a 20" TT and a smaller rear. I was looking at some sale frames on Danscomp. I like the Eastern Ace of Spades, but heard it's HEAVY ( I want to build a complete under 34lbs ). Also I was looking at the Fly Estampida ( it's 7.? lbs). Now can I get a 7lbs. frame and still build a bike under 34lbs? Other frames I looked at were the Volume's, but i'm not a huge fan of those. I saw some other frames in the $230-$270 range that I know i'd be happy with like the Fly Pantera, Fly Diablo and the FBM Outsider, however these are going to make it awful hard to get good parts because it eats up the coin. Really i'm more concerned about getting a good wheelset and cranks. I want to try to keep the totall under $600 for sure and the closer to $500 the better. I want 14mm dropouts and what do you guys think about the placement of the rr brake? chainstay or seatstay? what's the REAL advantage of either? I'm pretty sure a frame w/ an american b.b. and chainstay mount brakes will probably be cheaper than a euro w/ seatstay mounts, no? I'll be using the bike for street, park and djing. Also i'm not getting into it cold, I rode bmx for over a decade and have recently been trying them out in the parks, plus my primary bike (dmr rhythm) i've been running rigid and it's basically a cruiser so the lack of suspension on a 20" is no thang. Any help you guys can give will be greatly appreciated. If you can point me in the direction of deals or possibly good used stuff that would be great.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
damm. I second what Echo is saying.

I don't know what the frame size is but that is a very nice frame and EVERYONE wants them so you won't have a problem replacing it. sell the frame if it's too long and get something else.

the bottom line is, if you really ride your gonna break stuff so I wouldn't worry too much about getting everyting exactly how you want it. just replace what breaks when it breaks.

but first buy that kink. best deal ever.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
forgot to add.....

your shorter then most so you definitly want a shorter frame. I currently ride a macneil Heaton. it's 20 inch top tube and the back end is freakin short. I hit my feet on the rear pegs it's so short. but only if I try too. they don't get in the way when I'm riding.

it's just over six pounds I think. very nice frame.

(buy that kink)


Jul 27, 2003
Sweet. thanks for the heads up. I pm'd him so if you talk to him let him know. yeah i know i'll break stuff and i'm not really trying to get exactly what I want, just something decent from the get go. I appreciate your input guys, really. Yeah I like that Heaton, I was told by someone to check them out. I've been riding a Rueben recently and kinda like that too.


ass balancer
Aug 22, 2001
Rochester, NY
Thanks guys for keeping me in mind!

That poor Kink is just hanging in the rafters down at the shop :(

It needs to be ridden, not collecting dust.


i said change it damn it....Janet...Slut!!
Aug 3, 2003
yeah, my shops got a suuuper nice federal division hanging up in the shop...
primo hubs, 36 hole, hand built to hula hoops, wethepeople cranks, primo ring, milk bars...odyssey brakes...
for like $700 or 750...
some guy put a deposit on it and backed out...laaame...

its a shame to see such a nice bike just hang.....wish i had the money to buy it...


Jun 10, 2002
i'm selling a 20.625" T1 built with Trend's #2 kit (with the exception of sub'ed T1 bars). it has about as much ride time as Instigators wheels, pedals, and such, if not less. nothing cut, grinded, a couple scratches from when i set it agains a piece of metal......

for $600 + shipping


what the poo....has Trend shut down, or something? i guess i could stop by since it's just down the road. i suppose Trend's #2 build is the same as Empire's now, since i bought the bike from Tom and Tina when they owned Trend.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
yea, trend is history.

and here's a bit of trend history for ya.

way back in the day they had a t-shirt that said "video games are for fags, I RIDE."

I wish I still had that shirt......:D


Pretty Boy....That's right, BOY!
Oct 7, 2002
Originally posted by schaefdog
I third the motion to buy the kink. then sell the frame and get a heaton. They are really dang good frames.
not to SPAM you but i have a Heaton for sale. with lots of goodies on it $500.

PM me if you want details.

The Kink or the heaton are both great frames so it's kind of a toss up.

EDIT: forgot to say theat the heaton (frame, fork, rear wheel, sproket, bars and steam) are hardley used:D


Jul 27, 2003
Ok guys I got the Kink. I'm not sure the frame size is optimal, but it's shorter than the Ruben i've been borrowing for the park and I haven't really had any problems with the size so it's probably fine. Mag, I was interested in the Heaton, but couldn't wait any longer. It was either buy quicky or my wife would have found some other use for the money, which would have been depressing. A friend of mine picked me up some Sun BCRs w/ a Mosh cassette hub and Mosh front for my b-day (which isn't for a month, but i'm not complaining). So now I even have 2 sets of wheels too. Well just wanted to thank Echo, PnJ and Instigator for the word and the deal. I'll post some photos when it's all done. Thanks again all.


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
Cool man, glad it worked out for everyone. It was a shame to see Ralph's bike not getting used. Be sure to post some good pics of you kicking ass on it when you get to the park :thumb:


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Originally posted by freerider215
Ok guys I got the Kink. I'm not sure the frame size is optimal, but it's shorter than the Ruben i've been borrowing for the park and I haven't really had any problems with the size so it's probably fine. Mag, I was interested in the Heaton, but couldn't wait any longer. It was either buy quicky or my wife would have found some other use for the money, which would have been depressing. A friend of mine picked me up some Sun BCRs w/ a Mosh cassette hub and Mosh front for my b-day (which isn't for a month, but i'm not complaining). So now I even have 2 sets of wheels too. Well just wanted to thank Echo, PnJ and Instigator for the word and the deal. I'll post some photos when it's all done. Thanks again all.
Sweet Steve!

Get some picks of you rippin it up on the Kink for us!! :cool: :D :thumb:


Jul 27, 2003
Hey what do you want? I'm no good with names. You know ya call a guy a "guru" you'd think he'd take the compliment (however misdirected) and keep quiet. sheez.