
Paging Kirstin and Capt Jack Sparrow


Oct 10, 2001
Hello Ladies!

Kirstin, I noticed you said you were racing XC at Snowshoe Nationals. Which class will you be in? Since I'm only racing Marathon Thursday and Super D Saturday (plus serving as the "Guest Star Instructor" for the Mtbchick.com rider clinic on Sunday afternoon), I should have plenty of time to watch the other races, and and I'll try to get over there to cheer you on!

Also, Capt., what will you be racing? I'm assuming DH, but which class?

Since I'll be hopefully taking lots of pictures, if I can find you two and get your race numbers, etc., I'll try to get some shots of you if you'd like. ;)



Mar 24, 2004
tammy said:
Hello Ladies!

Kirstin, I noticed you said you were racing XC at Snowshoe Nationals. Which class will you be in? Since I'm only racing Marathon Thursday and Super D Saturday (plus serving as the "Guest Star Instructor" for the Mtbchick.com rider clinic on Sunday afternoon), I should have plenty of time to watch the other races, and and I'll try to get over there to cheer you on!

Also, Capt., what will you be racing? I'm assuming DH, but which class?

Since I'll be hopefully taking lots of pictures, if I can find you two and get your race numbers, etc., I'll try to get some shots of you if you'd like. ;)


i'll be racing expert... i won't be racing DH since i have to be back in DC saturday night, but i am going to try and sneak in a few runs on the DH course on friday :)

and yay for cheerleaders!! :D

Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
tammy said:
Hello Ladies!
....I should have plenty of time to watch the other races, and and I'll try to get over there to cheer you on!

Also, Capt., what will you be racing? I'm assuming DH, but which class?

Since I'll be hopefully taking lots of pictures, if I can find you two and get your race numbers, etc., I'll try to get some shots of you if you'd like. ;)

Right on! Thanks for the support and possible photo op! I will be racing beginner DH Sunday morning, if you really think you'll be up that early! I'm easy to spot because my Trail's End jersey is orange-checkered, kinda like Purina. Also, if you hear anyone yelling, "Are you freakin' kidding me?!" at the top of a steep section, or someone whining that it's too early in the morning to ride, that's probably me! ;)


Aug 3, 2002
Northern, VA
Sorry, this is off topic but I was checking out TrailsEnd-they look cool! How did you find out about them?! :) Especially, since they're a little out of your way.

Back on topic, Good Luck in your race! :)
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
KPicha said:
Sorry, this is off topic but I was checking out TrailsEnd-they look cool! How did you find out about them?! :) Especially, since they're a little out of your way.

Back on topic, Good Luck in your race! :)
A Trail's End DHer, Chip, approached me after my first race because Trail's End was starting a small team and needed enthusiastic DHers. That's me! I'm probably one of the slowest sponsored riders out there... but really enthusiastic, nonetheless! Trail's End is a brand-new shop. Their road bikes make me want to ride road. (Orbea, De Rosa...) And roadies get to buy massage oil!!!! They also sell mtb stuff... Kona and Specialized....


Thanks for the race wishes! :)


Where have you been? How have you been. Haven't seen ya on here much... but it was soooo negative in here for a while I could barely stand it.


Oct 10, 2001
Hey Capt

Yep, I'll be up that early, since my hubby will be racing Expert DH Sunday morning as well. I'll keep an eye out for you. ;)

Oh ya, something else I've learned through the years - slower riders get more/better photo ops, when I'm behind the camera anyway, since they have more time in front of the lens!!! :thumb:


May 9, 2004
springfield, va
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
A Trail's End DHer, Chip, approached me after my first race because Trail's End was starting a small team and needed enthusiastic DHers. That's me! I'm probably one of the slowest sponsored riders out there... but really enthusiastic, nonetheless! Trail's End is a brand-new shop. Their road bikes make me want to ride road. (Orbea, De Rosa...) And roadies get to buy massage oil!!!! They also sell mtb stuff... Kona and Specialized....
that's too cool. i love companies like that - that care more about the perception of their team then how many top spots on the podium they get. nothing worse than seeing those killer riders/drivers/bowlers (whatever it is that happens to be sponsered) that are just total jerks to anyone they deem not to snuff. so i guess what i'm sayin is... congrats ! that's cool !
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
arsenic said:
that's too cool. i love companies like that - that care more about the perception of their team then how many top spots on the podium they get. nothing worse than seeing those killer riders/drivers/bowlers (whatever it is that happens to be sponsered) that are just total jerks to anyone they deem not to snuff. so i guess what i'm sayin is... congrats ! that's cool !
Thanks! Yeah, it's kinda funny 'cause I just started mtn. biking in January. Being female helps with the sponsorship thing because teams probably tend to want a little gender-balance.

If you want something you just have to go for it. I wanted to race--had no idea anybody would give me even three cents to help me do more races!


May 9, 2004
springfield, va
Capt. Jack Sparrow said:
Thanks! Yeah, it's kinda funny 'cause I just started mtn. biking in January. Being female helps with the sponsorship thing because teams probably tend to want a little gender-balance.

If you want something you just have to go for it. I wanted to race--had no idea anybody would give me even three cents to help me do more races!
being female didn't hurt i'd imagine. but i bet, from what you've said and the way i've seen you post here anyways, that you got it for personality if not for being superfast. unfortunately i'll never get sponsered for either of those reasons haha

i'd love to try dh one of these day. sure looks like fun!

later tho. i've only been riding again for umm... since last thursday !! lol
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
arsenic said:
being female didn't hurt i'd imagine. but i bet, from what you've said and the way i've seen you post here anyways, that you got it for personality if not for being superfast. unfortunately i'll never get sponsered for either of those reasons haha

i'd love to try dh one of these day. sure looks like fun!

later tho. i've only been riding again for umm... since last thursday !! lol
Lemme know when you want to try DHing. DamienC took me out on my first time....

It hurts at first, but you'll start to like it. :evil:
Jan 7, 2004
D.C. area
MudGrrl said:
I wanna go DHing!!!

...probably would be a better idea if I wasn't such a pansy. :D
YOU should try it, too.

I am the Mother of All Pansies. I'm a whiner also, so I try to remember to just stop riding and leave if I'm having an off-day and not riding right. That way no one else has to hear it for too long.