
Paging $tinkle to the white courtesy telephone:


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
Poor Ted, the man's self-loathing knows no bounds. I think this is what certain eastern religions would call "karma".
For the first time since we've met, Ted isn't looking directly at me. "Here's where I really am on this issue," he half whispers. "I think that probably, if I were 21 in this society, I would identify myself as a bisexual." After a weekend of Ted trying to convince me of his unambiguous devotion to his wife and kids, I'm at first too surprised to say anything.

"So why not now?" I ask finally.

"Because, Kevin, I'm 54, with children, with a belief system, and I can have enforced boundaries in my life. Just like you're a heterosexual but you don't have sex with every woman that you're attracted to, so I can be who I am and exclusively have sex with my wife and be perfectly satisfied."

Read More http://www.gq.com/news-politics/newsmakers/201102/pastor-ted-haggard#ixzz1D707kXeL


Turbo Monkey
Apr 4, 2003
The Natural State
Certainly an interesting read. Ted comes off as the typical Flanders'esque dork Evangelical, but I could sense that he's been through some crap for sure.

"it was where I was taught that I could pray through my issues instead of getting real help."
That screwed me up more than almost anything. Hide it, pray about it, put on the good faithful Sunday School Teacher / Preacher face and it will "go away"........the problem is it didn't........at least in my case.

Ted may be telling the truth, but his peculiar brand of self-victimization and protestation—in which every "I messed up" is followed by a "but... "—makes it hard for people in Colorado Springs to believe that he's actually sorry for what he did.
I can have sympathy for the dude in some respects but he just shoots himself in the foot when he's all defensive........

Anyway, I applaud dude for doing that interview, and being honest that he truly struggles with things, not the cleaned up "perfect" Christian.
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