
pakistan's rape laws updated


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
seattle post/intelligencer

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Pakistani lawmakers passed amendments to the country's rape laws Wednesday, ditching the death penalty for extramarital sex and easing a clause on making rape victims produce four witnesses to prove the case.


The amendments include dropping the death penalty and flogging for people convicted of having consensual sex outside marriage and giving judges discretion to try rape cases in a criminal rather than Islamic court. Strict Islamic law dictates that a woman claiming rape must produce four witnesses, making a trial almost impossible.

Consensual sex outside marriage remains a crime punishable by five years in prison or a $165 fine [~$.09/day]


"We reject it," Maulana Fazlur Rahman, a top Islamist opposition leader, told reporters after the vote, which he described as a "dark day" in Pakistan's parliamentary history.​
translation: "gay marriage, here we come!"