
Palos Verdes riders should go to City Council meeting on Saturday 12/4,re: closure


May 8, 2003
Simi Valley, CA
I'll post the details tomorrow, but there's a PV City Council meeting this Saturday to decide whether or not bikes will be allowed on "PV" trails.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Los Angeles
Can bikers do anything to help save these trails?
I grew up riding there as a kid and it truly is the most beautiful riding area in southern California. Not to mention some amazingly fun single track.
Take a look. Thats a pic of the fire road leading back up to the top of the DH. Look at that view!!!!


Sep 10, 2001
Torrance CA
Thanks for the heads up. I ride there every weekend and didn't know this was going down. I found some info @ http://mtbpv.org

I'm not sure what trails they're referring to but I think a Ridemonkey contingent should be present.

Anyone else care to join?


Sep 6, 2001
Orange County, CA
any one think of contacting that Grant guy from that Share deal? I know he and a bunch of the Warriors helped out big time when the Oaks were in danger.
I don't know how to contact him but someone should asap. He's pretty good at dealing with this sort of thing. Just an idea.
I'm going to be out of town this Sat. Good luck and I hope you keep the only spot in the south bay open.


May 8, 2003
Simi Valley, CA
-----Original Message-----
From: CORBA PV [mailto:info@mtbpv.org]
Sent: Monday, November 29, 2004 9:24 PM
To: Off-Road Cyclists
Subject: Last chance to support bikes

If anyone wishes to speak at this meeting please reply to info@mtbpv.org
so we can coordinate our effort.

Please come early, at least by 10:30 AM to get up front seating. Don't
hide in the back. We want our presence known.

Remember that the Forrestal Committee has allowed us to fully
participate in this process and we need to show our support and respect
for their hard work. The plan they created is good and we're only asking
for a few important changes.

Final Meeting for Trail Access - This is it !
The Forrestal Committee will present its final recommendations for trail
use to the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council. The council will take
public comments one last time before they make their decisions. All of
our hard work has come down to this day.

When: Saturday December 4th 10:30 AM (meeting starts at 11:00 AM but
come early to organize)

Where: Ladera Linda Community Center end of Forrestal Drive Map

Why: Bicyclists were not initially considered as trail users for
Forrestal. We started with NO TRAILS. Thanks to your large volunteer
turnout and all the work we've done for the past year, bicyclists have
been recommended for access all but two trails. We still feel that we
should initially have access to all trails.

That doesn't mean we'll get even one trail. The city council can still
do anything they want. We have to let them know with a large showing at
this meeting. We can be sure all the people who don't want bikes on
these trails will be there in force.

You don't need to speak, so all you public speaking challenged people
don't need to stress out. We're developing a plan to show our presence
by supporting just a few speakers. The council doesn't like to hear lots
of people get up and say the same thing anyway. We will email more
details the week before the meeting.
Just be there - please! All you who didn't show up for trail work, now's
your chance to redeem yourself. We can't let up now - it's not over

Our Position Statement
Off-road cyclists ask the Rancho Palos Verdes City Council to consider
these points:

.Rancho Palos Verdes has a long history of shared trail use for
equestrians, hikers, and bicyclists. The best native habitat on the
peninsula has coexisted with multi-use for decades.

.We support a multi-use designation for all trails to insure that all
users have equal opportunity to access trails.

.We also believe there is no effective method available to enforce
segregated trails.

.Access to trails should be based on objective measured data gathered by
an impartial process over a complete seasonal cycle and reviewed

.Trails should not be automatically closed when issues arise. Mitigation
measures should be the first step in resolving any perceived problems.

.Measures include trail enhancements and maintenance that minimize
impact on habitat.

.We have already demonstrated that we have a large volunteer group to
help achieve this.

.Also user education. Along with the PVP Horsemen s Association, we have
volunteered to provide an on-trail presence to promote considerate and
responsible trail use by and for all users..We invite all users and user
groups to participate in the Educational Trails Unit.

.What we ask for is an opportunity to prove that we can make multi-use
trails work.

.In summary:
Start with multi-use trails.
Monitor trails for a year fixing problems as we go.
Close trails as a last resort.
If a trail is closed, the reason for closure should be clearly defined
to allow for future remedy and reopening.

Thanks so much for your support,
CORBA Palos Verdes Members


Jul 24, 2002
Los Angeles
Damn, I can't believe I missed this. First SS and now my local spot... :mumble: :mumble: :mumble:

So what happened at the meeting?


Turbo Monkey
Aug 15, 2004
Los Angeles
Thats terrible news. I'll be visiting my family in Redondo latter this week and I guess it will be my last chance to ride up their. What they hell is going on in this state!