
Park Suggestions for 2008


May 14, 2007
Waverly, NY
actually triples are possible off of phantom, it's just sketchy because you have to know who you are dropping with, we did this on our last trip to diablo this year, we had to offset the middle rider slightly forward so that our handle bars were beside the middle person's elbows but it is possible, makes for some great pics also. If I get a chance to turn a pic digital I'll post it. But yes, it would have been a lot less nerve wracking if the opening in the deck would have been wider. But I feel that phantom does exactly what it is supposed to, it is a perfect beginner drop to teach people speed control and drop angles. But I still think there should be a second story to the place, photo ops and spectator viewing would be much greater.:lighten:


Apr 10, 2006
I too vote for a larger/faster drop somewhere. That wood retaining wall on alpine seems like a prime starting point, but I don't remember what is below it.

Also, how about anything between the last wood bridge of Alpine and the lift at the bottom?


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2007
Foam Pit! Foam Pit! Foam Pit!

That would be so sweet. It's things like these, and some dj's, and a few bigger things that would bring more people out of the woodwork to go to diablo.

Also, if you live close to diablo and plattekill (in the middle I mean) or you like a half an hour extra away, these new additions would give people that push to go to diablo.

Just my opinion...


Nov 14, 2007
Darien CT.
I think a massage parlor with a happy ending would be about the best thing they could do:lighten:....rocks made of pillows was also a good idea to but i want to get as much crappy coverage i can out of my hmo:cheers:


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2007
fag they still wouldnt want your pink crf-50 on their track even if they built it.

CRF 50!.... hes not worthy... cause you can turn them into pit bikes.... he is more worthy of a pw 50.. that has a drive shaft so his shoe laces dont get stuck in the chain



Aug 6, 2007
for the domination series, you really need to cut back the price of entry fees for pass holders. 60 bucs is a great deal for non pass holders for a 2 day lift ticket, but why are you ripping off your regular riders?


Apr 13, 2007
Alpine starting at the gondola shed has got to be the best idea. I think that alpine is one of the best training trails diablo has. Lots of people use that trail, advanced and novice. Making something similar from the top down to where alpine starts. Now, have it ready by spring.

Thanks to the trail crew for doing what they do.


May 14, 2007
Waverly, NY
big road gaps and huge drops sound fun, or more like trail gaps at diablo, but I have a serious question, I hear everyone talk about 25 foot drops and so on, seriously has anyone here ever rolled up to a true 25 foot drop? I have and let me tell you, first I shivered, then I felt faint, then I took a poopy in my pants, then I turned around and went off the easy line a solid 15' drop to transition. And let me tell you I'd think twice before doing a true 15 footer again, and I'd have to say I don't think there is more than a handful of guys that would even give a true 25 footer a second thought, let alone actually do it. As a matter of fact next time you are at a full two story house climb up on the roof of the second story and look down that will give you a true perspective of a 20 footer. Not complaining just trying to keep everyone in check with reality. Oh and the alpine extension all the way to the top, again for the 20th time I second the notion.:clapping:

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
I've never been, but George Ryan said it was real sweet and I've seen vids of it for years now starting with the 03 US open. My suggestion wold be a HUGE curved wall ride (like the one at Whistler crankworx 04). And a half of a half pipe with transitions on each side for 270 transfers and such.



site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
there are already two wallrides.... only if they were extended so it wasnt like literally running into a wall......... it would be better to flow onto them.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 23, 2007
there are already two wallrides.... only if they were extended so it wasnt like literally running into a wall......... it would be better to flow onto them.

i think that the first one is ok... but the second one i totally agree they should put like one of those lips on it like they did to the first one


Turbo Monkey
Feb 2, 2007
Of course we know what we want as riders, but try to appeal to diablo too. If we had a slopestyle course, it would probably make that final push to go to diablo instead of plattekill, even if your 1 hour more away.

With a slopestyle course, a lot could be done. You could have local contests, and people attending these events, and whenever you have people attending events, you can almost ALWAYS find a way to generate money.

Yes, a slopestyle course would have bring in more riders for sure, and it would only give a cooler more attractive view to diablo, but I think it would really be sweet to hit a wallride to a 30 foot gap... I get chills just thinking about it.


May 14, 2007
Waverly, NY
We are working with a double edged sword here though with a slopesyle course. I have ridden, built and competed on a few and the only problem with a slopestyle course is that there is no way to make a course to fit all. If you have a expert/pro level course with 10 foot lips, 30+ foot gaps, and 20 foot ledges there is no way that beginners or even avid downhillers are going to do it. If you make a beginner friendly course anyone with slopestyle experience is not gonna have any fun or challenge on it, and the idea of making a course that would accomodate all ability levels just takes up way too much space. Again I have stated I would love a slopestyle but it just doesn't seem like it's gonna be feesible (sp?) for them. guess I'd be happy if they just add a few more "slopestyle" features along the way down from the top. Just a though, I have never heard anyone mention a "Kamikazi" style race once a year. Straight down off the ski slope fast as hell top to bottom. I think we could get a couple 35+ mph averages, Of course this would just have to be a sidebar race.

SDH Racing

Apr 5, 2006
We are working with a double edged sword here though with a slopesyle course. I have ridden, built and competed on a few and the only problem with a slopestyle course is that there is no way to make a course to fit all. If you have a expert/pro level course with 10 foot lips, 30+ foot gaps, and 20 foot ledges there is no way that beginners or even avid downhillers are going to do it. If you make a beginner friendly course anyone with slopestyle experience is not gonna have any fun or challenge on it, and the idea of making a course that would accomodate all ability levels just takes up way too much space. Again I have stated I would love a slopestyle but it just doesn't seem like it's gonna be feesible (sp?) for them. guess I'd be happy if they just add a few more "slopestyle" features along the way down from the top. Just a though, I have never heard anyone mention a "Kamikazi" style race once a year. Straight down off the ski slope fast as hell top to bottom. I think we could get a couple 35+ mph averages, Of course this would just have to be a sidebar race.

Well since Mountain Creek already has a fair amount of beginner stuff I say plan out more of a "slope style" course. Along with a "RIDE AT OWN RISK" sign attached. To this day I've never understood (although rare cases) rides that get hurt and try to sue. Hello... YOU'RE the one who chose to ride it no one forced you to. Simple as that, build it.. caution it and call it a day. Let the riders judge for themselves if it's worth the risk to them.

Team SDH
Sep 23, 2007
I agree.

Please do not hold back the progression of east coast riding... ( ie I dont want to drive to highland every weekend)

Diablo has plenty of beginner freeride features to learn on before riding a real slopestyle course.

i don't care what you guys build, I'm sure it will be fun...

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
but guys we all know its diablos fault for me newbness not being able to do this 100 foot bender huck on my sweet hardrock sport with disc brakes

thats the mentality of the people that sue


Aug 6, 2007
I agree.

Please do not hold back the progression of east coast riding... ( ie I dont want to drive to highland every weekend)

Diablo has plenty of beginner freeride features to learn on before riding a real slopestyle course.

i don't care what you guys build, I'm sure it will be fun...
u just want a slopestyle course so you can be cool and people can take pictures of you and you can beg people on this forum for them and piss people off.


May 14, 2007
Waverly, NY
yes, you build it, and yes I will come ride it, heck I was calling slopestyle course a year ago on this site, but it still comes down to it, if they build it it will be accessible to less than 1% of the people that ride it if they build anything insane enouph to be fun. That just isn't smart economics. but again, I'm all for slopestyle, I just don't see it happening, just like everyone bitched when I said it would be cool to have a 30-40 foot gap jump line all the way down the mountain. To me that would be a blast, but the percentage of people that would use it would make it a waste, I see 75% of the people unable to clear the 15 foot table tops down dominion, let alone a 15 foot step up to kicker to 25 foot drop with 18 foot gap followed by a 20 foot gap 7 foot lip double left hip kicker to wall ride letout to 10 foot drop 90 degree right berm 8 foot lip to back of excavator dump box jump out front over cab to transition off the hood.:lighten: Damn I'm startin to drool now, I'm going out to ride. See you all next year.
Sep 23, 2007
To me that would be a blast, but the percentage of people that would use it would make it a waste
I'm sure whistler says the same thing when they put in a new trail.

wtf this isn't brain surgery. We have to start somewhere.

btw i don't know what days you ride the park on, but there are PLENTY of riders that are capable. you have a very "im an elitist biker" attitude that is gay.


Aug 6, 2007
I'm sure whistler says the same thing when they put in a new trail.

wtf this isn't brain surgery. We have to start somewhere.

btw i don't know what days you ride the park on, but there are PLENTY of riders that are capable. you have a very "im an elitist biker" attitude that is gay.


May 14, 2007
Waverly, NY
im not gonna argue the fact of it being a great movement, i'm just explaining how diablo is going to view the subject from a dollar and cents / insurance / lease the mountain point of view. and for the elite biker? no just someone that loves to ride and someone that has definitely been shown that there's a lot of better riders than me down at diablo so as I have said 27 no 45 times if diablo builds a slopestyle, I'll be there, I just don't see it happening. Now I'm done arguing with 12 year olds. Let's just get ready to ride next year, and if anyone wants to get out and do some park/dirtjumping before then drop me a line we'll bs at the jumps. Ray's trip late january/early february!!!bring out the hardtails.
Sep 23, 2007
Now I'm done arguing with 12 year olds. Let's just get ready to ride next year, and if anyone wants to get out and do some park/dirtjumping before then drop me a line we'll bs at the jumps. Ray's trip late january/early february!!!bring out the hardtails.
I would come dirtjump with you, but i will be busy with the rest of my 13 yr old friends ripping up the incline club with my scooter all winter. RAZ0rZ F0REVER!!!!!!!! and besides I can't drive, and my mom is mad at me for looking at porn on the internet.....

fyi riding a bike isn't hard, it just takes pratice like any other sport. please stop the "will someone please think of the kids" BS that you are spouting.

I'm sure Diablo already has set in stone what they are building next year. At least we can entertain them with this gay ass thread... :clapping: