
Parole her for Crissake!


Don't mess with the Santas
Apr 16, 2002
Napavine, Warshington
Originally posted by LeatherFace

Okay, if that is the case...do you think Jesus would support capital punishment?
Great conversation!

I'm going to chime in here real quick.

I think Jesus wouldn't support capitol punishment for the simple reason that he asks us to love each other, and to leave judgement and condemnation to him. Hell is forever.

I too am unsure of which nitpicky old testement laws are valid. I lean towards the "new law" school of thought. Which is the "Golden Rule".

If I'm wrong how will I explain the tattoos and pork consumption....
Originally posted by ummbikes

Great conversation!

I'm going to chime in here real quick.

I think Jesus wouldn't support capitol punishment for the simple reason that he asks us to love each other, and to leave judgement and condemnation to him. Hell is forever.

I too am unsure of which nitpicky old testement laws are valid. I lean towards the "new law" school of thought. Which is the "Golden Rule".

If I'm wrong how will I explain the tattoos and pork consumption....
Seriously, because if we went with every Old Testament doctrine, this is one of the stipulations:

Leviticus 24:18-20
18 Anyone who takes the life of someone's animal must make restitution--life for life.
19 If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him:
20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured.
This is the "eye for eye" reference.

But, it also says...
Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

And as for the pick and choosers...imagine if we followed every single thing in the OT...
Leviticus 19:27-28
27 "`Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.
28 "`Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

20:9 For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.

20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.
Do I think that Jesus would support capital punishment? In all honesty, I will really have to go do a study of that. As I have said before, it is very easy to misunderstand and take out of context certain scriptures. When I say this, I don't just mean those who don't read the Bible, or worse, those who use scripture to suit their own means. (And I am NOT saying you're doing this. A perfect example is twisting scriptures to make it seem as if the scriptures don't condemn homosexuality, when they clearly do.)
I mean that I will have to make sure that I myself don't take the scriptures out of context. I will say that the one scripture I can find that most clearly addresses

I will say that I know for a fact that if we decided "You know what? I'm going to follow the Scriptures 100%, and all the Old Testament commandments", God would not be displeased. There are obviously some where we don't need to anymore, as I have said - as in sacrificing - but Jesus says this in Matthew 5:17:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Therefore whoever relaxes one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever does them and teaches them willl be called great ijn the kingdom of heaven."

From reading this, it is easy to tell that Jesus not only has no problem with us following the commandments - the "Law" - but that not following them will affect our standing in heaven. This includes 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, etc.'

Yes, this is good conversation! Haven't thought this hard in a while. *L* (I try not to. :D) Seriously, I really try not to jump to snap judgments where the Bible is concerned, until I have done a good study of it; and consequently, I don't really agree with people too much who do what I, as well as Leatherface and others, have said they hate - pick and choose scripture to suit their needs/situation, while discarding and/or not following the rest. I now have about 3 different topics for a good study of the Bible. Um, thanks. I think. :confused: :D

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by LeatherFace

Seriously, because if we went with every Old Testament doctrine, this is one of the stipulations:

Leviticus 24:18-20
18 Anyone who takes the life of someone's animal must make restitution--life for life.
19 If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him:
20 fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured.
This is the "eye for eye" reference.

But, it also says...
Leviticus 19:18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

And as for the pick and choosers...imagine if we followed every single thing in the OT...
Leviticus 19:27-28
27 "`Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.
28 "`Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD.

20:9 For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.

20:10 And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

The old testament is valid, however Jesus said, "I bring forth to you a new covenant." Most, if not all of the old testament Jewish law was therefore null/void. One of the reasons he was crucifed.


I wish I was Canadian
Sep 8, 2001
Victoria, BC
Originally posted by Motionboy2

I agree completely.
However this is what i don't get. Why is it that if you get LIFE in prison you can get out in like 10-20 years. That isn't life really. What says how long until you get the opporitunity for parole? what determines 10 years versus 30 years? I don't understand the justice system very well. If you are behaving well in prison does that help you get out faster. What constitutes "good" behavior in prison. Do you have to be "good"? Or do you just have to be a little better than the other inmates?
I think a life sentence should be at least half of the average life span or a human being....as for the ggod behavior part..all you have to do is show up on time to work, chow, showers and transfers, stay out of fights, volunteer, and be submissive to the guards and your pretty much in the clear.....D

Zonic Man

Originally posted by Motionboy2

I agree completely.
However this is what i don't get. Why is it that if you get LIFE in prison you can get out in like 10-20 years. That isn't life really. What says how long until you get the opporitunity for parole? what determines 10 years versus 30 years? I don't understand the justice system very well. If you are behaving well in prison does that help you get out faster. What constitutes "good" behavior in prison. Do you have to be "good"? Or do you just have to be a little better than the other inmates?
A life sentence is an "indeterminate" sentance, NOT for a term of years.

Good behavior is based on many things in CA...and other states...."good time" with no 115s or 128s (violations), work time, type of work, trades earned/programs completed, etc.

Goes into a big matrix done by a computer to determine the "actual" sentencing. I learned how to do this when I worked for Juvenile inmates in helping determine how much "time" they had left.

I worked this last year for the board of prison terms and represented four "lifers" in there for murder. Interesting stuff too. If anyone has any questions about the "life" deal that goes on in CA, I can answer them based on my experience, or try to anyway (or FIND OUT an answer).

And if you watched Leslie's last two hearings via closed circut TV and knew the criteria that the Penal Code sets forth for Parolees, you wouldn't have granted her a date either, according to the internment offense and the contents of her "c" file (central prison file).

BTW: Our liberal gov. davis will never parole anyone, even if the board of prison terms' commishioners grant a date, davis won't let them out for politcal reasons....

Zonic Man

Originally posted by Damn True
Good behavior = He hasn't killed anyone "recently".
I had one client who did four "stickings" while in prison...pretty heavy stuff.


Originally posted by Zonic Man

I had one client who did four "stickings" while in prison...pretty heavy stuff.
are you a barrister?
if so....
don't you ever tell people like that "You deserve the worst of what you get"? or something conscientious like that?

Zonic Man

Originally posted by gravity

are you a barrister?
if so....
don't you ever tell people like that "You deserve the worst of what you get"? or something conscientious like that?
No, I don't tell people that.

Everyone deserves a fair shake.


Calendar Dominator
Apr 23, 2002
Broomfield, Colorado
So can a life sentence be for life? If not why is it that they don't call it a 1/2 life sentance or a number of years? Is it for the initial shock value in the courtroom? "You are sentenced to LIFE!" "gasp"


Zonic Man

Originally posted by Motionboy2
So can a life sentence be for life? If not why is it that they don't call it a 1/2 life sentance or a number of years? Is it for the initial shock value in the courtroom? "You are sentenced to LIFE!" "gasp"

Life sentance is an INDETERMINATE sentance. That means that there are no "year" boundaries.

Sticking is prison stabbing, yes. Brutal.


Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by LeatherFace

I couldn't find one of TCM's Leatherface--and yes, this is a pic of Michael Myers ;) ---I'm a horror film fan, if you can tell :p And I don't think Leslie Van Houten is a monster. Charles Manson on the other hand...

Hundreds of German soldiers and guards at the death camps were put to death for what they did. Do you think they should of been treated differently because maybe they were brain washed by Hitler or the Nazi. Lesle Van Houten made a choice and now she has to live with it.

As far as abortion goes, I believe that people who want to outlaw it are just neive. As the only people you will be effecting are the poor or those that do not live close to the Canadian or Mexican borders. The enforcement of such alaw would reguire the loss of so much of the freedoms we take for granted. What are we going to do have DEA arrest people for traffic in Day after pills. Make women submit to pregnacy test before they leave the country,,,just incase they might be going to have and abortion. Why not work on providing these women with a different choice. I know Let's pass a law that we can not enforce just to make ourselve feel good.
Originally posted by mikec918

Hundreds of German soldiers and guards at the death camps were put to death for what they did. Do you think they should of been treated differently because maybe they were brain washed by Hitler or the Nazi. Lesle Van Houten made a choice and now she has to live with it.

I agree with you about the Nazis, however, studies have been done (before ethics were really brought into the picture) of how people will behave when they are absolved from all responsibility of their actions. The most famous one was done by Milgram, in which he had a subject administer shocks to someone in the other room when they answered a question wrong. Take a look Milgram Experiment So it goes to show, that anyone is capable of anything. Besides, what the Nazis did greatly outweighed what Van Houten did.

Zonic Man

there is a series of factors that goes into granting a date.

Leslie's internment offense was so brutal, so calculated, so heinous, if you actually read the police report you would be shocked. AND there was the influence of charlie, but it WAS carried out independantly, with independant thought and intent thrown in. So that's one thing.

The other thing is she has not been a model prisoner. Although she doesn't have any disciplinaries, she has not participated in very much self help....in terms of groups, personal or otherwise. She hasn't done much recently to "help her cause".

Her classification points have also not been reduced sufficiently to transfer her levels to a 2 from a 3....which helps (this is a very complicated formuli...goes to your original points when you get in for your offense and then on to what you do in prison).

She doesn't have too many positive chronos in her favor from guards, counselors, or work supervisors that could help her out. More of those would be good.

Also, during the hearings, she has not been (in my opinion) very forthright and outgoing with the hearing officers in terms of regret for the original offense. That may be because she knows the hearings are pointless with Davis being the govenor and that she's been through it so many times. To show this she has even waived counsel for the last decade or so.

She also has show quite a bit of mental illness/dangerousness in her psych evals, which is not good. Right now she's still a "moderate" threat, and until the shrink says she is not a threat at all, a date is unlikely to be given.

She has been getting one year denials (I think, maybe 2 year denials, don't quote me on this), and that's a good thing...maybe if she does some of the stuff that the board wants her to, she may get a date with the new govenor that's sure to be coming in soon.

In my opinion, because of the greivousness of her offense, she won't get a date and will die in prison.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by LeatherFace

The most famous one was done by Milgram, in which he had a subject administer shocks to someone in the other room when they answered a question wrong. Take a look Milgram Experiment
The milgram experiment IS definitely the most famous, but it is not complete nor does it entirely explain the behavior of the german soldiers. The difference between the subjects of the milgram test is that they were remorseful/horrified that they were "hurting" the "patients," but continued to do so under duress. The Nazi soldiers that were sentenced to death displayed none of that same remorse during the perpetration of their crimes... Basically, the argument that the Germans were "simply following orders" no longer holds any water.

There's obviously more to it, but I don't really feel like typing it all out. If I can find a link, I'll post some more recent studies...
Originally posted by ohio

The milgram experiment IS definitely the most famous, but it is not complete nor does it entirely explain the behavior of the german soldiers. The difference between the subjects of the milgram test is that they were remorseful/horrified that they were "hurting" the "patients," but continued to do so under duress. The Nazi soldiers that were sentenced to death displayed none of that same remorse during the perpetration of their crimes... Basically, the argument that the Germans were "simply following orders" no longer holds any water.

There's obviously more to it, but I don't really feel like typing it all out. If I can find a link, I'll post some more recent studies...
Yes, but the Nazis who were tried and sentenced to death at Nuremburg were not the only ones participating in the mass homicide. You are seeming to say that each and every German soldier that took part in WWII wanted to do what they did, based on the lack of remorse of the people at the top.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by LeatherFace

I agree with you about the Nazis, however, studies have been done (before ethics were really brought into the picture) of how people will behave when they are absolved from all responsibility of their actions. The most famous one was done by Milgram, in which he had a subject administer shocks to someone in the other room when they answered a question wrong. Take a look Milgram Experiment So it goes to show, that anyone is capable of anything. Besides, what the Nazis did greatly outweighed what Van Houten did.
I disagree with that. Murder is murder regardless of the numbers or motivations.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by LeatherFace

I only used this to illustrate how easily humans can be influenced.

Honestly, do you think Leslie Van Houten would have killed people if she had never met Charles Manson?
Who's to say. But, once she did meet Chuck she could have chosen not kill. The responsibility is still hers.

Would a mob hit man kill w/o a contract? Probably not, but you hold him equally liable to whomever put out the hit.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by LeatherFace

Yes, but the Nazis who were tried and sentenced to death at Nuremburg were not the only ones participating in the mass homicide. You are seeming to say that each and every German soldier that took part in WWII wanted to do what they did, based on the lack of remorse of the people at the top.
Right, I'm not talking about the higher ups; I AM talking about the common German soldier that CHOSE to follow orders and commit these crimes. It's not each and every German soldier that participated in WWII; some were on the front lines, some were transferred to posts that didn't require dehumanizing brutality. But for the most part the ones that murdered innocents did NOT do it simply because they were following orders.


Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by LeatherFace

Yes, but the Nazis who were tried and sentenced to death at Nuremburg were not the only ones participating in the mass homicide. You are seeming to say that each and every German soldier that took part in WWII wanted to do what they did, based on the lack of remorse of the people at the top.

Leather face,

there were basicely three kinds of German Soldiers durning World War II. One ones who saw combat on the Western front that for the most part behaved as soldiers under the laws of war. The SS would conducted the roundups deportations and exterminations of 12 million people. Who were assisted by a number of soldiers and police from other countries in Eastern Europe. And the German Soldiers who took part in a no hold bared war with Russia on the eastern front were Germany want room to grow. Problem was the people who already lived there had to go. Chances are if a german soldier was captured on the Eastern Front he wasn't going home. In fact it was well into the 50's until all German POWs were released.


The Fresno Kid
Nov 26, 2001
Originally posted by LeatherFace

But...what would have happened to them if they didn't follow orders?
there was actually official policy in place because they higher ups assumed that some soldiers wouldn't be able to stomach what higher-ups were about to ask them to do. The policy was a transfer without demotion. It might have not been the most "honorable" (I cringe using that word to describe this) transfer, and there may have been peer pressure, but there was NO loss of rank or pay. NONE. A suprising few number of soldiers chose this option.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Well, isn't this a wonderful can you've opened?!
How I didn't see it until now I don't know.
I'm sure there are plenty of things in here that have offended plenty of people, there are arguments that are never going to be resolved.
Soap boxes getting erected everywhere.

Abortion? That wasn't the topic of the thread.
Van Houten....sorry LF, but in my opinion you've said a lot of things that just don't make sense.
- "would she have killed had she not met Charles?" I'm sorry dear, but I think you're smarter than that. It doesn't matter...the fact is she chose to. Don't blame her actions on him.
- "she was 19, she didn't know any better..." BULLSH*T!!! That's an absolute crock. You know darn well what is right and what is wrong. That innocent little girl crap is a worthless argument. Gimme a break. "She was only 19 and was manipulated, blah blah blah...." She knew what she was doing...and she knew it was wrong!
- "Van Houten isn't a monster...but Charles on the other hand...." I see. So the amount of people you kill determines just how bad of a person you are? They're both cold-blooded killers. Both horrible people.
- "why is America so unwilling to forgive?" Perspective. I know you've heard it before, but take your own mother for example (or if you don't like your mother take someone else, someone that you care more for than anything in the world). That person is the most innocent loving being on earth (in your world) and everyday is a bright sunny day just because that person is in your life. Now someone comes along and brutally murders her. For no reason at all, just kills her. Your mom's blood has stained the floors. Her bowels were relieved as her last breath exited her lips. Her eyes that watched over you with love are now stone cold. Perhaps she called out your name while she was in utter horrible pain, pain that can't be described, pain that nobody should have to ever go through. This horrible, disgusting person put your dear loved one through that. And you have nightmares about it...over and over and over.
Yeah. Let's see how soon you forgive this monster.


Apr 26, 2002
Charlotte, NC
Originally posted by Damn True

Who's to say. But, once she did meet Chuck she could have chosen not kill. The responsibility is still hers.
True! She knew better and still did it! That is why she is guilty and should not get out of jail! She should have been put to death! That is one reason why crime is so rampant in america! There is no deterrant to stopping it!
FYI....usually, depending on the state, life in prison means 33 years! Usaually, it is automatically cut in half for good behavior. So this means that someone gets life for killing someone usually gets about 10-15 years max! What a crock!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :angry:

Oh....and I believe we need to go back to hanging at high noon and invite the public!!! Once people see that, I can almost guarantee that crime would be almost non existant!

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Originally posted by dg806

True! She knew better and still did it! That is why she is guilty and should not get out of jail! She should have been put to death! That is one reason why crime is so rampant in america! There is no deterrant to stopping it!
FYI....usually, depending on the state, life in prison means 33 years! Usaually, it is automatically cut in half for good behavior. So this means that someone gets life for killing someone usually gets about 10-15 years max! What a crock!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad: :angry:

Oh....and I believe we need to go back to hanging at high noon and invite the public!!! Once people see that, I can almost guarantee that crime would be almost non existant!

DG ended all but one sentence with an exclamation point. :D


Apr 26, 2002
Charlotte, NC
LOL! Didn't even notice. When I get hot about something, I guess I just want to make sure my point comes through.................?:D And only you would notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Originally posted by KrusteeButt

Van Houten....sorry LF, but in my opinion you've said a lot of things that just don't make sense.
- "would she have killed had she not met Charles?" I'm sorry dear, but I think you're smarter than that. It doesn't matter...the fact is she chose to. Don't blame her actions on him.
- "she was 19, she didn't know any better..." BULLSH*T!!! That's an absolute crock. You know darn well what is right and what is wrong. That innocent little girl crap is a worthless argument. Gimme a break. "She was only 19 and was manipulated, blah blah blah...." She knew what she was doing...and she knew it was wrong!
I think people are failing to recognize the complexity of the enmeshment that Charlie had over these individuals. It was the whole basis for the Prosecuter's case: Helter Skelter, race war, blacks would rise up and overthrow whitey, Charlie and his family would hang out in Death Valley and then emerge 144,000 strong to reshape and rule the world. The murders were to accelerate what Charlie had "forseen." It was much bigger to them than murdering a few people---they had a mission. Van Houten didn't even partake in the Tate murders...she went along the next night for the LaBianca episode. I seriously think if she hadn't been exposed to Charlie and his preachings, she wouldn't have done what she did. Could she have made a choice? Maybe. But maybe she felt she didn't have a choice...we'll never know.

Originally posted by KrusteeButt

- "Van Houten isn't a monster...but Charles on the other hand...." I see. So the amount of people you kill determines just how bad of a person you are? They're both cold-blooded killers. Both horrible people.
Charlie didn't kill anyone. He had no part in the murders. And as for Van Houten, who knows if she killed anyone? Tex Watson sure took care of it all when they were in the LaBianca house. There is speculation that she was pressured to partake while she was there.

Originally posted by KrusteeButt

- "why is America so unwilling to forgive?" Perspective. I know you've heard it before, but take your own mother for example (or if you don't like your mother take someone else, someone that you care more for than anything in the world). That person is the most innocent loving being on earth (in your world) and everyday is a bright sunny day just because that person is in your life. Now someone comes along and brutally murders her. For no reason at all, just kills her. Your mom's blood has stained the floors. Her bowels were relieved as her last breath exited her lips. Her eyes that watched over you with love are now stone cold. Perhaps she called out your name while she was in utter horrible pain, pain that can't be described, pain that nobody should have to ever go through. This horrible, disgusting person put your dear loved one through that. And you have nightmares about it...over and over and over.
Yeah. Let's see how soon you forgive this monster.
Bad example...my mom is already dead. And just because I forgive doesn't mean I condone. There is a difference, and each case is different.


Apr 26, 2002
Charlotte, NC
People have to start realizing(right now!) that they are accountable for their actions. Good or bad. And if they are bad their are consequences! No if ands or buts!

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
I think people are failing to recognize the complexity of the enmeshment that Charlie had over these individuals. It was the whole basis for the Prosecuter's case: Helter Skelter, race war, blacks would rise up and overthrow whitey, Charlie and his family would hang out in Death Valley and then emerge 144,000 strong to reshape and rule the world. The murders were to accelerate what Charlie had "forseen." It was much bigger to them than murdering a few people---they had a mission. Van Houten didn't even partake in the Tate murders...she went along the next night for the LaBianca episode. I seriously think if she hadn't been exposed to Charlie and his preachings, she wouldn't have done what she did. Could she have made a choice? Maybe. But maybe she felt she didn't have a choice...we'll never know.

Enmeshment? Hooey!

The central point is that SHE KILLED. The fact that someone told her to do it is immaterial. The circumstances of Charlie's deception, irrelevant. The point that she only killed one? Isn't that enough?
She had the ability to choose not to kill. She chose instead to kill.

Why the vociferous defense of this cold blooded murderer?
Originally posted by Damn True

Why the vociferous defense of this cold blooded murderer?
I don't know...maybe its because I'm so anti death penalty and anti prison. Maybe it saddens me that humans are so ready to seek vengeance. Maybe its because we are so eager to throw people away and view them as trash. Maybe its because I think people can change. Maybe its because I don't think she is a "danger to society." Maybe its because...because. I have different views, that aren't fuelled by religion or morality or revenge I guess.


I can't believe its not butter!
Jul 3, 2001
why the hell do YOU care?!
Wow...I'm really surprised at you.
Poor example? Sorry, I forgot about your mother. Regardless, in my opinion it's not a bad example. And you know what I mean. Take someone else very close to you...a close roommate perhaps. Same idea.

So you have to actually be the one pulling the trigger or wielding the knife to be a killer? Someone holds down your loved one, ties you loved one up, watches and encourages another person to brutally murder your loved one. Takes your loved one's blood and smears it on the wall.
Is he any less a killer? Don't think so.

Your views aren't fueled by morality? By the basic concept of what's right and wrong?!

I'm so infuriated with some of the things you've said, my fingers are shaking on the freakin' keyboard right now.

Ah, f*ck it. I s'pose all of society shoulda been convicted for those murders...it's obviously society's fault for everything that's gone wrong in this world.
Originally posted by KrusteeButt

I'm so infuriated with some of the things you've said, my fingers are shaking on the freakin' keyboard right now.

Wow...had no idea that I touched such a raw nerve...sorry :( It's just my opinion KB, and obviously you don't agree with it, and I'm sorry I have angered you so much. I just look at things differently. Like I was soooooo happy they gave Andrea Yates life in prison and not the death penalty. I'm sure you would disagree with that one as well. Studying criminal justice and sociology as long as I have makes me look at things differently, that's all.

Friends? :(

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Well, I'll tell you what. If you can give predators a big hug and ask them to please stop killing and it works, I will happily unlock the gates to San Quentin.

Until then if someone commits a capital crime they either get a capital punishment or stay in prison until such a time as they leave in a pine box.

There is no room in society for them.

What fuels your view that these people have worth? Of what worth is Charlie Manson? John Wayne Gacey? Sirhan Sirhan? Ted Bundy? Susan Smith? Jeff Dahmer? Timothy McVeigh? Richard Ramirez? Those are the famous one's. The particularly sensational crimes.

But what about the people that just kill the sons or daughters of Joe Nobody folks like: Jesse Timmendequas? Larry Singleton? (look this guy up, parole is neat) Herbert James Coddington? Dorothea Puente? Cary Stayner? Or Robert Spedding? Look that guy up too. I knew him. He is of no use to society.

Now as a Christian I know that there can be forgiveness from God for their sins. If God forgives them, fine. They can live out the rest of their sentances, however long or short, in peace that they will reside in the house of the Lord. But until then, they will reside in the house of the State.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by LeatherFace
BTW DT, what does the last thing in your signature say? That phrase must mean a lot to you as something Jesus said, yet, its kind of contradicting your sentiment right now, isn't it?


Yes, interesting little paradox there isn't it? I myself am not 100% comfortable with it.

Jesus will not condemn, God can forgive. But given the opportunity to do so I will lock killers up and melt the key. The worst of them, should recieve the death penalty.

I seriously don't buy Yeates's defense any more than I buy Dan Whites Twinkie defense.