
passing on e-mail from WIM...... (regarding wwest side racing)


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
Cut and paste......

Hey everybody. Eric from Round and Round here. If you don’t live on the West Side of the Cascade Mountains, you can delete this email.

If you do live on the West Side, this message is to let you know that I will making my way over the mountains this weekend and will be in Seattle the better part of next week. Now is the time to let me know where you think we should have a race. Send emails to: eric@roundandround.com

A few things to keep in mind: we are looking for places that we can have a

XC and a DH at the same venue. There needs to be an adequate area for parking. There should also be good, running water nearby (within a few miles). The XC needs to be a loop with as much singletrack as possible. The DH should be challenging enough for experts, with go arounds for the really gnarly spots. And for the DH, there must be a road to the top that we can run a shuttle on with spots wide enough to get trucks turned around. These are just a few of the things we are looking for.

Email me your suggestions by this Friday and I will go look at the spots. The good news is that I already have a place to stay, so there will be no need for you to spiff up the spare bedroom or plan any gourmet meals or anything.

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and help. Hopefully we can come up with a few venues that are fun and challenging and a little closer to home for you.

Eric Ewing
Round and Round Productions.


Jul 17, 2003
east of Seattle
Does anyone know if the cross country at PA is a loop? I think that place a near perfect (this side of chair lifts) for the DH.


Turbo Monkey
bibs said:
dod south sea tac would be perfect...heheheheh..j/k
Not perfect, but it could be unique. Have a multiple-run race over several different line selections...best total time of them all.
I want to do that just for sh*ts-and-giggles. It could actually be an interesting event if done properly.

Man, there are so many places that could host races, such as Snoqualmie or Crystal. They need to take the blinders off and see the light.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
PA- would be awesome. They did it once before so they know whats there. Also there is now a very challenging EXPERT course, and from what ive heard, plans to make it complete from the top. They also have the 4x thing there and maybe Psycho1 could get his wish and have a 4x qualifying race there..(for nats)... i remember this from some posts back.

SST, well they did mention something at wenatchee about wanting to hold a big bike event during the XC races.....maybe that idea could be brought up again....but that would only be for fun.....

Other west side venues that have held races: Monte, Shelton, Jones Creek. All with limitations for an event of that size. THe other DH-able places shouldnt be put on the list since they arent really legal...... or if they are barley tolerated a race with 300 people might jepordize them too much.

THe summit would be ideal, but we know that story.... (broken record...)


Turbo Monkey
Ya, PA def. sounds like one of those places - not that I've ridden there, but have heard more than enough about it to know it would be a good spot for sure.

SST would totally be a 'fun' thing w/o a doubt. Perhaps it could draw alot more racers with the amount of Seattle locals and money raised could go to a charitable cause.
Prizes for overall winner and winners of each indivdual runs could be awarded.
There are a multitude of lines that are there - each one would favor different styles of riders.
If I wasn't so damned busy digging down there, I'd be trying to contact organizers to put something like that together myself.

All I know is that I'm looking forward to seeing at least one race on this side of the hills - wherever it/they may take place.:D


Jul 17, 2003
east of Seattle
SST really wouldn't offer more then a novelty type race. it's not up-to-snuff when it comes to DH courses. Too flat, too easy, not even the need to shuttle (although that's a good thing). It will be nice when we have westside races though.


Feb 25, 2004
Hey guys this is all stuff we're going to talk with eric about at the meeting on the 4th. If you wanna go PM me.


skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
But they did announce a "fun" race in combo with the battle in seattle thing. We all know SST wouldnt be a real DH place, but somethign fun could be created... slopestylish?


Turbo Monkey
oly said:
But they did announce a "fun" race in combo with the battle in seattle thing. We all know SST wouldnt be a real DH place, but somethign fun could be created... slopestylish?
That's what I was thinking if they did something there. Non-traditional kind of race for sure.
More for fun, social and fundraising - also a good chance for metro-Seattle peeps to get liscensed, etc.
I hope they have a couple/few races on this side of the Cascades next season for sure. If I don't race, I will at least attend and/or volunteer.:cool:


Dec 8, 2001
Olympia WA
oly said:
A few things to keep in mind: we are looking for places that we can have a

XC and a DH at the same venue. There needs to be an adequate area for parking. There should also be good, running water nearby (within a few miles). The XC needs to be a loop with as much singletrack as possible. The DH should be challenging enough for experts, with go arounds for the really gnarly spots. And for the DH, there must be a road to the top that we can run a shuttle on with spots wide enough to get trucks turned around. These are just a few of the things we are looking for.

well I don't race but I'll throw my input in anyway. Based on the above desires, Capital Forrest seems like it could be a potential location. Well, except for the "challenging" DH part. Based on what I've seen (not first hand) from some of the other WIM courses, it may be challenging enough or has the potential to be challenging enough with a few modifications (maybe with approval from DNR). It's a pretty good resource with the potential to host a fairly large event. yesno?


Brevity R Us
Aug 16, 2001
Lynnwood, WA
Reiter F'n Pit! errrrrr I mean trails.....:D

I sent him an email to that effect and offered to show him around up there....jsut east of Goldbar WA for you unfamilliar and some of the nastiest terrain, especially when it is wet. :D

Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter ,Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter, Reiter.............


Aug 12, 2004
Cle Elum
SR said:
well I don't race but I'll throw my input in anyway. Based on the above desires, Capital Forrest seems like it could be a potential location. Well, except for the "challenging" DH part. Based on what I've seen (not first hand) from some of the other WIM courses, it may be challenging enough or has the potential to be challenging enough with a few modifications (maybe with approval from DNR). It's a pretty good resource with the potential to host a fairly large event. yesno?
Only been there once for the "Over the Top" race. It certainly has xc trails. I know the trail down from Capitol Peak was pretty rough and rocky and the climb up was hell, wouldn either of these trails work for a DH course? How tough was this course? Almost all the riders were expert imho and there was not one woman on the course. (maybe they were smarter?)

There are camping facilities and permitting a race probably wouldnt be too hard, although there is the moto problems. When we did over the top I was blasting down when motos were coming up and I dont think they liked the fact I was on the trail. (my failing to yield reminds me of another thread.)


Turbo Monkey
If it didn't involve jumping thru a hoop of over 1,000,000 lawyers and city council members, I think downtown Seattle is begging for an urban DH...done in the fashion of the Red Bull one in Portugal.
The XC races could be held in the metro-tunnels???
Actually, Capitol/First/Beacon/Q.Anne hills would quench the thirst for suffering that they desperately crave...those psychos!!!:)


Turbo Monkey
Jul 3, 2004
Vashon, WA
I wish it were easier to get into/make races. I want to race beginner DH and some xc next summer, but cannot figure out who to talk to.