I'm happy that the white house wholeheartedly condemned these comments....oh no wait they didn't......should be Bush policy then by this time next year. The lunatic frothers espouse it and it eventually becomes policy. Yay democracy.
I havent heard any democrats speak out about it either jacka$$. WHY would anyone dignify the comments of this talking head buy having a press conference to say how much of a jerk off he is.
robertson is a former pesidential candidate FORMER so is jesse jackson, when is the last time someone slapped him down for a stupid comment?
I havent heard any democrats speak out about it either jacka$$. WHY would anyone dignify the comments of this talking head buy having a press conference to say how much of a jerk off he is.
Pat now sez he never said "assassination", and that there are many ways to "take a person out" without killing them.
Al Franken's todays take on Republicans: A man breaks into his neighbors house to return a borrowed plate that he had broken. The neighbor comes home and finds the broken plate, goes to the neighbor and says what's the deal? The guy says he never borrowed the plate, but when he did borrow it, it was broken already, and when he returned it, it wasn't broken.
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