
Paul/Ventura '12??


Texans fan - LOL
Aug 13, 2007
Looks like we could have a new ticket in '12....

Thousands of Ron Paul supporters gathered on Tuesday in a show of support for the former Republican presidential candidate, who has been marginalized at his own party's convention.

The libertarian-leaning Texas congressman sold more than 10,000 tickets, at $17.76 each, to a day-long "Rally for the Republic" at a basketball arena across the river from the Republican convention
In an afternoon speech to the rally, former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura questioned whether the U.S. government was hiding information about the September 11 attacks and hinted at a presidential run in four years.

"Let's get the revolution going," Ventura told the cheering crowd. "If I see it in 2012 we'll give them a race they'll never forget."

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