
pda/ handheld advice?


Jun 10, 2002
i'm considering a pda for note-taking in class, and possible minor mp3 listening. i don't know much...anything...about them and am coming to y'all for help.

do they all have the ability to accept a folding keyboard? is there one brand i should pay particular attention to? weight really isn't a concern, i just want something i can take out, add a keyboard to, type, transfer file to my computer (windows based), and possibly listen to music on. help?


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i have always found pdas to be useless. i even interned for palm and got a few for free... and gave them away. pen + paper is the way to go, and buy a dedicated mp3 player if that's what you want.


Jun 10, 2002
i write slow. very slow. in actual lecture classes, where it's pure lecture (no slides, no writing on the board), i am screwed. attempting to write 4 - 5 pages of notes per day per class gets frustrating as hell when before i'm done with idea one, the prof has already moved onto to idea 3.


3 Dude Approved
He's right even if you get used to the pda slang ( motions for letters or words) it's still small and not as forgiving as pen and paper. You can record on most of them and then keep track of what went on. Ipaq if you are looking into them is the best for all around use. They are more consumer freindly and not as business oriented as alot of the units on the market.


Jun 10, 2002
i wouldn't write on it with the little stylus, i'd get one of the folding keyboards. if had the need for a laptop, i'd that instead. but i have no need for a laptop.


If it's that you are slow writing. Get a notebook. You won't keep up on a PDA. I hate my blackberry and want a real phone.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
the Inbred said:
i wouldn't write on it with the little stylus, i'd get one of the folding keyboards. if had the need for a laptop, i'd that instead. but i have no need for a laptop.
A pda is a waste of your money. A small laptop is a much better investment and more useful tool.

If keeping up is a problem use a tape or digital recorder. When I was in school my tape recorder was a life saver and allowed me to fill in the blank spots. Normally I would only write down what was put on the board along with a couple of other things that the professor was highlighting. After class I'd just fast forward thru the lecture and pick up the parts I missed or was not clear about. I would jot down the timer in my notes of parts that I wanted to review later.

Even today I use an Olympus DM10 in every meeting I go to.



3 Dude Approved
The pda with the keyboard is not like the blackberry, tungsten and palm use a differen os then the ppc. the keyboards (wireless are actually fast enough to type or stenograph a class lecture, since this is becoming a pda bash thread lets point out the facts.
Laptop is bulky and inconvienent sure it is faster but it's not that protable and if he's not using it for I.T. or networking then it's probably over kill. A pda can be used as a camera, a recording device an mp3 player, plus there's lot's of applications for the ppc devices along with better video integration wether its mpeg or mobile tv. He can load mapping software use it as a gps device hot sync it to his computer and save all the information. It fits the organization criteria hence the outlook, scary bear software, pocket informant and a variety of other applications. For college, the executive, sales or md they have an application for them. The coolest app is the novi remote, you can control different devices like tv's, vcr, dvd and stereos it uses the irda port.
I do real estate and graphic design the pda is a life saver, I gave up the laptops along time ago. Ipaq is the way to go, More bang for the buck.


Feb 11, 2002
A good balance is a tablet PC. The stylistic series goes on ebay for around $300- decently powerful for the price, decent battery life (usually), and an extremely flexible platform. I got it since most notebooks that fit into a hydration pack are pricey as hell; the stylistic fits great and the handwriting recognition is decent to boot. Go for the win2k version if you can- NT sucks and it's about to be purged from mine.


Mar 28, 2005
none! They are cool electronic toys but to write notes for school isn't the way to study.

Pick up a 10 dollar recorder, place it at the front (ask the professor) and record away.

Go hold, play it like a funky boy and write your notes that way. Best and affordable.

** note ** if you fell asleep in class, you are secured that your recorder is doing all the hard work, so sleep away in class :D


Feb 11, 2002
see, that works fine unless the instructor is writing stuff on the board...

On a side note, I tried really hard last quarter and it was my absolute worse quarter ever. I was completely laid back this quarter and so far (1 class has yet to be accounted for) I'm doing my best ever. Not exactly a difficult major (computer engineering at UCI), but not exactly the easiest either. I think actually getting into what you're doing affects your grade a LOT more than any amount of forced studying you induce on yourself.


Jun 10, 2002
'cause you don't learning anything if you're forcing yourself to study. it's all short-term memory stuff that will be lost right away.


Tirelessly Awesome
Jan 30, 2003
Lima, Peru, Peru
i will chip in from personal experience.

i bought a palm like 2 or 3 years ago... i thought it would be great and would help me organize me and be more efficient.
truth is, they are a waste of money, resources and pocket space. my 1st one is buried somewhere in my room. then i got cheaper ones as gifts.. but they are all the same crap.

i got to the conclusion:
the hassle of a palm overweights its benefits. if you need to write something down so fast, that you cannot wait for a laptop to start up and use it.. then is something usually simple enough to be taken care with a pen a paper.


Jun 10, 2002
point is, i don't want to spend $600 on a laptop that would only be used to type notes. i just got a new desktop, so there is no need for me to buy a new, good laptop. i just want something small to type notes on, that'll transfer them over to Notepad, or some word processor. that's it. like i just want a cell phone to make phone calls.

recorder might work out, i just don't know if i'd want to listen to lecture again, then read.

friend of mine had an iPaq 3yrs ago. that thing was neato.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
I have a Palm and never use it. The GF has a Palm and LOVES it. She's on her second one. She used the first for like 3 years and eventually just kinda burned it out... it got tired. She has a Tungsten T5 and would be lost without it. However, she was one of those people who kept a "Day Runner' organizer and it was always overflowing with paper and such. She used to usee the folding keyboard but the new Palms recognize regular writing well enough that she doesn't carry it anymore. She carries MS Office documents on it, pictures, etc. I think it depends on who you are. If you are an organizer type of person anyway you will like it. If you have no use for an organizer you will likely not have any use for a Palm. My take on it.

Toshi - I have noticed that a ton of the docs at the hospital where I work love their palms. Do you think that you might find soemthing like a palm more useful once you have finished school and are practicing? I imagine that in school a laptop would be more useful. Just curious. We also did a small test program where we gave the docs tablet PC's that were wireless... they loved those even better.

Edit: if all you are really going to do wit it is take notes and such, you can find a laptop on e-bay that will do the trick for 200.00 or so... get a little P2 or P3 500mhz or so... win2k. Might work for you.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
i don't need a palm now since i have all my schedule-junk synced up with my phone. yes, when i get out in the field having a database of meds and such will be helpful, but for now my little SE T637 is all i need


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
When I record things I actually listen and hear more because I am not worried about missing things. I hardly ever listened to the entire lecture again. Just fast forwarded thru all the dead time and unimportant things to hear the meat. When you are not in a terrible hurry to take notes its amazing how much better and useful they become.

With a digital recorder you could literally keep every single lecture that you recorded. With the DM10 I'm able to record meetings, transfer them to my laptop and send them to my secretary. She stores the recording and then creates a notes sheet, reminders and outlook entries. I'm also able to make a digital mark on the recording and she will insert the actual audio from that part into my notes or at least highlight that portion in the notes.

Again the point is to pay attention and hear what the professor is saying, not get caught up typing or taking notes.


A fowl peckerwood.
Sep 5, 2001
just sittin' here drinkin' scotch
My boss has a Palm and I've been on his case to buy me one. I would just use it as a phone book and little reminder thingy. But over the years I keep trying to use an agenda book...I never make through January before I give up. I wonder if this would be the same thing.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
Another vote for the recorder. Supplement with hand written notes if the prof is doing board work. I found the most important thing to do when in college was go to *every* class and pay attention. Pay *close* attention.



butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
MMike said:
My boss has a Palm and I've been on his case to buy me one. I would just use it as a phone book and little reminder thingy. But over the years I keep trying to use an agenda book...I never make through January before I give up. I wonder if this would be the same thing.
get a smart phone for that. Nokia 6600 (or any of the Series 60 phones) or SE T630, T637...