
Pedal position for full cabs

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
So im no longer on the freecoaster, and im working on full cabs, i have them very close, and have gotten some, however, i always end up getting into the manual with my left (switch) foot fowards which also makes the rotation ****footed. Any advice, it just seems that 100% of the time (LITERALLY) i end up getting out left with left fowards, and cant get the hop. ideas?

*im doing the full cabs where you mash the pedals coming out of fakie, and than more or less manual to 180.


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
practice backpedaling faster then you are rolling. Once you can do that well, you can put your crank position anywhere, anytime. :thumb:


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Jam the pedals forward and lean opposite way of the turn.. I know it seems counter intuitive, but its how I do mine and it makes it so I pop up into the air and land controlled rather than sketchy.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
getting a little more detailed, i have to hop a 180 to get into fakie, i dont have anything i can roll down so i think the full cab has to also do with my 180 momentum. (maybe)

i just cant figure out (when im actually doing it) how to line up the pedaling backwards, its so natural for me to get out LFF but i cant ever get RFF although i know exactly what i have to do in head.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
I will try to get a video of it tomorrow morning. But basically, you are rolling backwards, so the momentum is leading you back. As you jam the pedal, you are forcing the bike to stop quickly, and if you put a little kick into the pedal your front end will get in the air.. at this point your weight should be forward and ready to counter balance... then you just spin like you are just finishing a 3. A good way to kind of get the feel for how you should be 180ing out of the fakie is get on a curb or something, and (if you are right foot forward) ride right to the edge of the curb so the drop is on your right, then give your right pedal a little kick to the drivetrain and lean way out to the right but look to the left, so you 180 out in your unnatural direction. This is the same kind of feeling I get when I cab out of a fakie, whereas with a normal 180 you are leaning over to the left and looking to the left to spin, this is opposing forces where you are leaning to the right and looking in the direction you are spinning.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Also.. rather than try to learn them straight out of 180 fakies, try doing them just out of a fakie first... use abubacas... nose jams, quarters, etc. Just to get rolling backwards.. Don't worry I still suck at rolling backwards, I never perfected it.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
Also.. rather than try to learn them straight out of 180 fakies, try doing them just out of a fakie first... use abubacas... nose jams, quarters, etc. Just to get rolling backwards.. Don't worry I still suck at rolling backwards, I never perfected it.
a problem i have with that is i need speed, otherwise i end up landing rolling FOWARDS. i can do them the "wrong" way with brakes and land fowards, but i need some speed from a 180 to get enough pop to end up rolling backwards again, ill try to film some of the better attempts and post it up here


Turbo Monkey
Feb 13, 2005
Charlotte, NC
Ahh.. I don't know why I wasn't reading that you want full cabs.. I fail. Full cabs are a bit different, I can only do them on a slope. But same general advice from me, really work on timing the jam on the pedal with the movement of your body over the bars and to the opposite direction of your spin. My park as this tiny little fun box that you can 180 and then fullcab but land on the slope which helps with the speed... maybe if you can get it down on something like that you will be able to slowly bring it to flat ground.

demo 9

Turbo Monkey
Jan 31, 2007
north jersey
Dialed them in a little since the last post-2 hours a day 5 days a week MINIMUM. I am now 1-5 and know as i start the turn whether i pull it perfect, end up in a manual, or have no hope. Another day or two and this might shape up!