


Nov 26, 2005
So Cal
Are all shoes compatible with the time atec pedals? How about the crank brothers pedals? Who do you guys think make a better pedal? Ive narrowed down my search to the

Shimano dx
Time Atec z contorl
Crank Brothers Mallet M

What are you guys riding, and could you list a couple pros and cons about each? Thanks - Oliver.

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
All shoes should work with all pedals. Pedals all come with different cleats that screw onto the shoe. I think they're called cleats. It's the metal part that screws onto the shoe and lets you clip into the pedal.

Shimano makes their own system for clipless pedals (SPD), Time makes another, and Crank Bros makes another. None of these are interchangeable, you can't ride SPD pedals if you have Time cleats on your shoes.


Friendly Neighborhood Pool Boy
Apr 23, 2002
Sand, CA
shimano dx, 647s, i have 4 pairs. only ****manyo product i own.
wont run anything else. i tried crankbros and time. not enough adjustment for me. and the 647s use the "xtr" latching part. never had a issue with mud yet. the older ones i sure had a ton of issues.


Nov 26, 2005
So Cal
Ya i dont have enough money to go and "buy and try" them all right now, i think i might go with the shimanos. I like the design of the times. I read on mtbr that you come uncliped on rough decents and on steep up hills, and they can't handle 4 foot drops with out unclipping? Is this so?


Nov 26, 2005
So Cal
Yes and i know you guys are all better spellers then me..... i really couldent care less. I know this thread is going to turn into a grammer nazi fest. So enjoy it while it lasts....

black noise

Turbo Monkey
Dec 31, 2004
Santa Cruz
Seeing the amount of pros who are on Shimanos I think they're good pedals. SPDs usually aren't great with mud though. I have the Time pedals and they're great with mud.

One thing to keep in mind is that Times and Crank Bros are not adjustable. SPDs are. Try them out on bikes at a LBS or on your friend's bikes.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 20, 2005
a-town biatches
if i was you and i was to go clipless i would go with the mallets. ive heard nothing but good reviews about them. they work with every dh clipless style shoe out there, they are four sided entry, have a huge platform with pins so when you come unclipped you can still ride on them with traction, and there is a **** ton of mud clearence with them. i have never heard of anyone complaing of unclipping from a four foot drop with these pedals. acctually ive never heard anyone complain about them. i would say that is probly rider error but thats just my 2 sents.

if you want to make things easy i say go flats and get tioga mx love these pedals.


Jul 15, 2005
At a computer...duh
Take my word for it, you don't want non-dh clipless pedals for Santa Barbara riding. The platform helps immeasurably. Time pedals will have more side-to-side float and SPD's you have to keep your foot very straightforward in, so your riding style and weight distribution will play a large role. I really can't speak for mallets however, but I've been more curious about them lately.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
The interface between shoe and pedal is the MOST important part of this whole equation. With virtually every single shoemade, XC style, hiker style or BMX style sole...you need to clean out lots of material around the cleat with an exacto knife, wire cutters or whatever's handy. It makes all 3 of the brands mentioned work SO MUCH BETTER.

I reccomend ANYBODY using clipless for DH buy a BMX style shoe(SixSixOne, Lake, Oakley, Shimano, Answer, etc). It mates better, gives you a grippy wide surface to sit on the platform part without feeling like you've got PVC on your foot...and are in general more comfortable for hiking back up trails and getting your feet muddy, wet, etc. Plus they give you more protection than XC shoes.

Next, for ranking features
1. Crank Bros
2. Time
3. Shimano

Adjustability (Tie for 1st)
1. Shimano (tension only)
1. Crank Brothers (changes release angle from 15degrees to 20)
2. Time (most float but zero adjustment)

Durability - TIE (rocks win-no pedal wil beat a rock!)
3. Crank Brothers
3. Shimano
3. Time

1. Crank Bros (Mallet M is 100 grams lighter per pair)
2. Time - (Ti version)
3. Shimano

Engagement (personal preference-no winners)
Shimano is spring tilted rearward and rocks forward to click in
Crank Brothers engage from any direction (4 sided)
Time engage similar to Crank Brothers

Warranty (TIE)
Everyone I know, including my experiences with 2 of the 3 companies, has had good luck with repair items and replacement parts for all 3 brands.

How's that for unbiased? Do I get a MTB mag job now?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
i Personally like teh mallots myself. They give you enough twist that you can move around some without "Popping out" the celats are cheap. As far as what works with what shoe. All three cleat systems you listed will work on An SPD style shoe. Only mountain pedal that is different and requires an adapter is teh speedplay. Xc pedal for sure.

IF it helps i am a 250 lb rider and have no troubles with the mallots


Rusty Trombone
Jul 10, 2003
If you are going to go to clipless for DH get the mallets hands down. I was a LONG time shimano user up until last summer and i started riding a pair of mallets. They are incredible, i have since sold them for lighter weight pair of candy's (all mountain bike). But seriously, crank brothers stuff is really good.


Turbo Monkey
Aug 13, 2005
yeah im going ride the malets or the times myslef, oliver this is good for you look this guy weighs as much as you and he has had no problems


Nov 26, 2005
So Cal
Thanks zac, your a great friend. TOO bad you have to go to San Fran this weekend, im going to be riding about 6 trails. THAT REALLY SUCKS. And guess what..... ILL STILL BE FASTER THEN YOU! -the elk


Turbo Monkey
Mar 10, 2005
the mallets give you loads of float, and cliping out isn't like the shimano where you snap out. i think you should just get the shimanos just to start coz then you can adjust the tension so get used to them their also cheaper. the crank bros will be really hard at first as they need to break in.
then again, i would say if you are going to drop that much cash for new shoes and pedals, why not just get 510 impacts? just my 0.02


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
bizutch said:
Adjustability (Tie for 1st)
1. Shimano (tension only)
1. Crank Brothers (changes release angle from 15degrees to 20)
2. Time (most float but zero adjustment)
Depending which shoe you put the cleat on the Times offer the choice of 13° or 17° release angles.


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
SBDownhillRacer said:
what shoes would you recomend for mallets?
for Mallets, definitely go with a BMX style soled shoe. You need the thin sole to be able to engage the cleat with the pedal.

SixSixOne Launch
Oakley Radar Lock
Shimano DX
Answer...something or other

They all make a clipless with BMX sole. Even with the BMX sole, trim the rubber sole out around the cleat a little bigger around than a Ritz cracker. It keeps mud from clogging in the sole and makes it SO much easier to find the cleat.
Sep 9, 2004
Littleton, CO
I really love my Time pedals. I have ridden the Shimanos and the Crank Bros. as well but the Times are the best, hands down. Also, I know Bizutch is all about the BMX style shoe but I prefer the XC style shoe. They are lighter, cooler with more airflow, shed mud better and they have a stiffer sole. I am a big fan of all SiDi shoes. They have the best quality and best fit. If you need ankle protection you should check out the Specialized Sawpit shoes. They are super comefortable.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 21, 2004
Los Osos
Anyone make a carbon or stiff-soled version of an SPD compatible, skate style shoe? I love my carbon soled Shimano shoes but they are falling apart, and it wouldn't hurt to get some ankle protection. Those Addidas Hematoma's look pretty good. Only things I am really worried about are weight and stiffness. What are everyone's experiences with modern agro shoes?


Nov 26, 2005
So Cal
the specialized shoes have a carbon so and so....... but there 200$, is that a lot for a pair of shoes?


Turbo Monkey
wingman24 said:
Once you go flat, you never go back.........
For all of us mortals who can't double up as NFL linebackers, clipless is the way to ride if you want to go fast. Name one guy with the exception of Pascal who isn't HUGE who can ride flats with the rest of the field? Pascal is prb the most technically sound and skilled rider on the WC so its fitting that he can hold his own but other than him name one person?


Turbo Fluffer
Aug 8, 2005
My own world inside my head
Any shoe will actually work with the mallots. Trick is to use teh spacers to get teh Cleat to fit Properly. I am Running shimano Carnons Myself... Expensive as crap....Wont be replacing with carbon this summer do to cost, that and i didnt see enough of a difference with carbon to make it worth while. Anyways with the Shimano carbons i needed 2 spacers when teh shoes were new. By the time i was ready for a second pair of cleats the sole wore enough to only need one, third and last set for teh shoe no spacer.

As far as adjusting on the Mallots.... there is no adjustment because its not spring tension that keeps you in the pedal. Its the cleat design and shape. If your Pulling out then One of two things is happening.
1. Your cleat is not spaced properly and the cage does not go all the way into place
2. Your cleats are worn out and you need new ones. this would be teh more common problem.
the cleats for eggbeaters Are made out of brass. they did this Due to the pedal being a NO adjustment pedal. that way it wears the cleat instead of the pedal. A good question to ask yourself is What do you do with your feet when you turn on Flats??? Do you cock your feet a bit on teh pedals or keep them straight??? If you turn and twist like i do, then you want mroe float so your not comming unclipped at Inoportune times. If you keep your feet straight then i woulld say get shimano with the 2-4 degrees of float vs Mallt/time with 10-15 degrees


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
DirtyMike said:
the cleats for eggbeaters Are made out of brass. they did this Due to the pedal being a NO adjustment pedal. that way it wears the cleat instead of the pedal. ....
FYI, Crank Brothers is specing the Mallets now with the harder metal cleat from the Quattro's now. THe super soft brass ones that originally came with the Mallet's were wearing too quickly. Those are what I'm running on mine currently and doing well.