
Pedro's MTB Festival 2007 (long report, lots of pics)

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MtnBikerChk and I just got back from Pedro's festival. It's a three day MTB festival in The Berkshires. We got there Friday and could only stay two days. Too bad, because we had an absolute blast. There are a bunch of bike companies there offering demo rides, a vendor area, schwag, trails, camping, night rides, etc.

We arrived early Friday and promptly invaded Splat's campsite (splat, his wife, and their two kids). Soon after, Quo Fan and Big T arrived and joined us. Once we got our campsite situated, it was off to the expo area to snag some demo bikes.

First, I took advantage of half price tires at the Kenda truck. HOORAY Nevagals and Blue Grooves!

Demo ride #1: Titus
MBC snagged an El Guapo

as did I.

Quo Fan also took an El Guapo. Big T took a CARBON Racer X! Splat also took a RacerX and Mrs Splat took a Moto Lite. Pretty Tituses all in a row.

That El Guapo was a sick, sick bike. If I didn't buy the RFX, I'd have wanted an El Guapo. It climbed great for a 30+ pound bike, was stiff in the back, and descended really well. That was a really fun bike to ride. Quo Fan agreed.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
One gripe I have (one large gripe) is that for an MTB festival, there weren't all that many trails to ride. There may have been five miles of trails in the main event area. The trails got very crowded. The trails were fun though, I'll give them that. Really tight, twisty singletrack. The trail crew did do a nice job with the trails they made.

MBC taking that El Guapo over a rock.

Splat at the bottom of a wrong turn. Although that nice long descent was fun, we had to turn around and go back up it. Dammit.

Splat in a river.

Splat exits the river.

She-Splat not far behind.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Demo ride #2: Rocky Mountain. Splat, myself, and MBC took ETSX's.

Splat got the honor of being the first person in our group to break a demo bike. :cheers: The chain got stuck between the hub and cassette. D'oh!

Fortunately we were not that far into the ride, so Splat decided to carry the bike back and get another. Hurry the hell up, Splat! Splat came back with some sort of beefy Kona Dawg somethingorother.

Those aren't PILLOWS!

We rode for a couple of hours. After riding some trails (the same ones over and over), we took a quick ride over to Jiminy Peak to see what was going on there. Not much, so we decided to head back to camp. The ETSX was a good XC bike but not the bike for me. Time to get another demo...

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Demo ride #3...we all took different bikes. I took a Titus RacerX 29'er (HATED IT), MBC took a women's specific Trek (HATED IT)...ehhh, I can't remember what the heck everyone else took on that ride. :think:

I didn't like the RacerX. I took a regular 26" RacerX last year and thought it was awesome. I just didn't like the 29" wheels. Not for me.

The loop we took on that ride was killer...both good and bad. It was probably a four mile loop, the first of which was a straight muddy climb up a washed out doubletrack. Most of it wasn't rideable. Once we got off that trail though, it was all smooth, tight, twisting singletrack that didn't let up. Real fun stuff to ride. Dusk had arrived and pictures weren't coming out too good in the dark woods. One lone shot of Quo Fan:

After that it was dinner time. Treesaw joined us at this point! She was here represeting her Luna Chix team and scoping out some bikes. We were happy to have her camp with us. Dinner was good. Quo Fan made teriyaki steak skewers and Splat made some sort of beef on a stick, both items they were happy to share with me. Good stuff!! I made hamburgers. :rolleyes: I did share my Rogue Dead Guys though. :cheers:

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
MtnBikerChk bought herself a light at Pedro's! Dan, the owner of Danolite (that's him in the yellow on the website), hooked her up with a pretty sweet deal. MBC had never ridden at night, so of course we had to change that and test the light! We made the mistake of joining the group night ride. Freakin clueless ride leaders. :rolleyes: They took off, didn't bother to wait at all to keep the group in a group, and the "sweeper" flew past the riders in the back of the pack and lost them (including us). Eventually we ran into the group by chance at an intersection. MBC and I decided to ditch the group and do our own thing. So the ride leader counts heads and says out loud, "OK, we got eight? Let's go!" Ummm...you started with 14, dipsh!t. Way to lose half the pack two miles into the ride. :rolleyes:

Anyway, once we decided to ride on our own we had a blast. MBC loved the Danolite and had a lot of fun on her first night ride. I also got to try my Niterider Minewt for the first time and I loved that. After the night ride, we took hot showers and went to bed. It was cold at night....like, 50 degrees. I thought this was July? I did manage a solid night's sleep though.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Day Two.

Monkeycamp at daybreak. (edit :actually, this appears to be the night before :D )

Quo Fan had demoed a Fuji MTB Friday and got a water bottle and visor for doing so. Me and Splat were jealous! So we decided to try Fujis too for the free stuff (we're serious big time whores). I didn't expect much from the Fuji bike. I haven't heard much about them and really just wanted the schwag. I was happy when the Fuji rep told me the bike I was about to take out had NEVER been ridden. WOO HOO, virgin ride on the bike!

My Fuji demo: Outland RC (fully pimped)

MBC got on this Thrill LT1.0. As with my bike, it had never been ridden!

Splat also got an Outland RC. His was a 2008, but had been ridden once before. LAME. I win. :happydance:

Quo Fan got on an Ironhorse MK3 and Big T got on some K2 chickie-specific bike. Big T, Quo Fan, MBC, Splat hanging out by the Ironhorse tent:

Splat juggling his Stonyfield Farms yogurt stress relief balls. :D

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
On with the FUJI ride!

Splat climbing.


We came across a nice gentleman who offered to take our group picture. Sure! (l-r: Big T, Splat, IRB, Quo Fan, MBC)

MBC going up a log and, well, just up it. :D

Tough log though. Quo Fan's attempt wasn't much better.

LOL....Quo Fan didn't do too good on this log, either! (his feet are both airborne) :happydance:

He was fine though.

Splat, try smile once in a while.

MBC right behind him.

Quo Fan gives the "Baboon Salute"

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Big T not far behind.

Smile, monkey!


And thus ended the Fuji demo. Let me tell ya, that Fuji Outland was absolutely FANTASTIC. I felt like a ROCKET going up the climbs. The thing weighed 24 pounds...I've never ridden a 24 pound bike before. I was excited when a climb approached because I'd stand and just hammer up it. The bike handled very well too. When I got home, I checked out the bike on Fuji's website. MSRP is $5600. :eek: I honestly didn't know what I was riding at the time. Such a sweet, sweet bike. Oh, and I got my water bottle and hat. :D

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
That ended up being the last ride for MBC and I.

Back at the expo, a trials demo was going on. Lots of people watching.

Those guys are nuts.

Splat and MBC talking shop with Danolite Dan.

Fellow monkey ZMAN trying to explain to Splat and Quo Fan why wheels are round. :D

Soon after that ride, we had lunch, packed up, and headed out. Can't wait 'till next year! We're staying for the entire event next time, dammit. Thanks to Splat and family for letting us camp with you, and thanks to Quo Fan and Big T for sharing your delicious food! It was very nice to see Treesaw again too.

When we got home, I took this pic of the free stuff we snagged. I wanted to get our registration amount worth ($150). This doesn't include the t-shirts MBC shaked her ass for, or the Fuji hats.


Splat and Quo Fan will post their pics in the coming days, hopefully.

/end report

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
I also want to give props to Mavic. They were set up at this event (seems like they are at every event). I have a Deetrax rear hub that had a little play in it. I asked the Mavic guy to take a look at the hub. The Mavic rep completely disassembled it, put some new parts in, and didn't charge me for it. :thumb: No play in the hub anymore. He did say the hub has some wear and really can't be fixed up much more, and to just use it until it dies.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Wow - looks like you had a blast. A $5,600 bike! Holy ****!

I built up a $400.00 bike today - quite a difference.

Did you guys see any of the bikerag crew there? Just wondering if bullitboyz had his Sinster 29er built and present.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Wow - looks like you had a blast. A $5,600 bike! Holy ****!

I built up a $400.00 bike today - quite a difference.

Did you guys see any of the bikerag crew there? Just wondering if bullitboyz had his Sinster 29er built and present.
Wish you were there, Mark. You would have loved looking at all the bikes, talking to the reps, and taking the bikes for spins.


Ride till you puke!
Dec 10, 2002
Burlington, Connecticut
Yeah - what other 29ers did you see there? And what was it generally or specifically about the Racer X 29er that you didn't like Babs? I think splat liked the one he rode last year.

Why so few miles of trails??? Or were there "hidden" trails for only those "in the know" or something that you didn't get to ride?

Was there a Stan's Booth?

Oh and did the Kenda trailer have their 29er tires for sale? I should have given you some bucks to pick me up a Nevegal 29er tire or two.


Feb 5, 2003
The Blackstone Valley
Why so few miles of trails??? Or were there "hidden" trails for only those "in the know" or something that you didn't get to ride?
You generally need a local to find the best trails. Not sure about this year, but some of the led advanced rides at previous Pedrofest's used to hit the better stuff.

There's a big problem with atv's poaching the singletrack in that area. Most of the entrances to trails are hidden.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Yeah - what other 29ers did you see there? And what was it generally or specifically about the Racer X 29er that you didn't like Babs? I think splat liked the one he rode last year.

Why so few miles of trails??? Or were there "hidden" trails for only those "in the know" or something that you didn't get to ride?

Was there a Stan's Booth?

Oh and did the Kenda trailer have their 29er tires for sale? I should have given you some bucks to pick me up a Nevegal 29er tire or two.
I thought the 29'er was harder to corner with. I took it on a real gnarly downhill trail (think a much more intense Moose Alley) and I didn't like the way it handled. I also thought it was harder to pedal when you're in your granny gear, and when you have weak ass legs like mine, you notice that.

This year was a new location for the fest, so I figure more trails will be developed in coming years. I know the trail crew worked their butts off to make the trails that were there, but there just weren't enough trails for 3,000 MTB'ers.

No on the Stan's booth, and I didn't notice any 29ers at Kenda...not that I was looking.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
Some of the pics I took.

Splat over a rock

Baboon over the same rock

Scenic shot after the fun long downhill wrong turn

Mrs Splat through a river (this very same river would be a trickle the next day)

BigT, same place

Splat's replacement ride after breaking the demo bike

We know who wears the pants in the Baboon family (by the way, those are MBC's pants)

Crash thread material

This morning, we decided to demo high zoot road bikes, so we went to the Titus trailer and grabbed almost all of their road bikes and took them on a 20 mile jaunt. We left the festival, and turned left up 34 to Brodie Mountain Road, over to Route 7, turned left and rode down to 34 and back to the festival. When we were planning the route, I suggested that we go counter clockwise because Brodie Mountain Road is a bad climb, so might as well get it out of the way early. Ended up being a good choice. Route 7 was 5 miles of descending, and route 34 was interval climbing. If we had done it clockwise, we would have had a 5 mile grind uphill with no relief.

Shortly after we turned onto 34, Splat declares "I have a flat". We then realize that we 1)have no road tubes and 2)we have no pump. Splat pulls a narrow 26" tube out of his pack and finds 1 CO2 cartridge. We jam the tube into the tire and try to inflate the tire. It holds air, but not much, so Splat is riding a "soft" tire. We have about 10 miles to go before we get back to the festival. The bike is ridable, so we ride. Splat says that since the tire is soft, there will be no high speed cornering. Even with his tire being low, he still was way faster than the rest of our little group.


Jan 16, 2006
The Sinister crew got booted from the festival. I heard rumors why, but I'm not spreading them. I'll post my few pics in a while.

We were Quasi Booted.:busted:

I arrived Sat AM with some frames and shirts...On my way there I get a call from FTW and he's freaking because some donkey told him that the Sinister Gang blew up a potra-potty, and Skye was wiping fecal matter all over peoples cars etc.

Needless to say Ben and I were a little worried LOL...

BUT when I arrived I spoke with the Event organizer and he let me know that the story FTW had been told was an exaggeration....a big one LOL.

There was a big shindig rocking at the NYC Freeride/Sinister camp site and there were some fireworks getting shot off. Some underage kid (no association with NYC or Sinister) got drunk and defecated himself. In trying to clean his drunk ass up (literally) he was just tossing nasty paper towels all over the ground.

Now enter the land owner...he comes strolling through to find a bodega of explosives, poop and booze...

He was not happy. The police were called

SO. The short of it is (trust me there's a much more in depth description....) that The NYC and Sinister guys had a party and it got a little nutty. No one blew up a crapper. Jimmy Hoffa did NOT show up to ride the new Sinister prototypes and yes, there was a guy who looked just like Bubbles from TPB.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

The Sinister 29er Geek


Jan 16, 2006
Yeah - what other 29ers did you see there? And what was it generally or specifically about the Racer X 29er that you didn't like Babs? I think splat liked the one he rode last year.

Why so few miles of trails??? Or were there "hidden" trails for only those "in the know" or something that you didn't get to ride?

Was there a Stan's Booth?

Oh and did the Kenda trailer have their 29er tires for sale? I should have given you some bucks to pick me up a Nevegal 29er tire or two.
Dude, Nevegal and Blue groove 29ers for $30 casholoa....yeah.


Nam I am
OK I will be doing it in 2 batches m for the 2 different cameras I use.

first the riding Pictures , take with the little point and shot.

Quo_fan Just staring out first ride of the festival

WHich way do we go boss which way do we go.

Quo_fan Ove some logs.

My Wife on her Moto Lite.

Iare Baboon

there isa little captain in him , that he has gotten back up and his bike has yet to finish falling ! --Now that is a light bike!!

Quo_fan Doing what IAB just crashed on,

Similar Results

MtBikerChick through the river

Big T same Place.

Going past the giant Marshmellows

Over at Jimny Peak

An in action Photo, Taken while I was moving with out running in to anything

Low Bridge

IAB struggling with the slow turning 29er wheels .

Off we go again

IAB runs right into the log.

MBC makes it a bit farther .

IAB has the picture of Quo_fan pommel horseing his bars , here it is a 1/2 second later

MBC railing a turn

QUO_FAN was doing really good on this ride!!

QUo_fan doing the stairs at the condo

And what do ya Know BAH was there !!! ( not really )

Now IAB and MBC had left , My Wife and Big T went and did the Skills CLinic with teh Luna CHicks , so that Menat only one thing to do , Qu0_fan and I demoed More bikes , didn't have time for may pics because we were flying down and around these trails , but here is one of Quo_fan on his Konq King Dawg (?)

Well He and I were pretty tired when we wer returning and just before camp , I look over at the other trail ( about 100 Yard away , and I see a familiar Helmet going into the woods , so I have to chase the boy down ! He had a great time there .

we we got back , and I met up with My wife and she wanted to try out the fuji that MBC had earlier , so WHile she got that I got a Jamis Dakar XLTR1 ( I think )

the level of the water had gone down so much in just one day

ANd this one was now dry !!

and the fnal set we rock so Awemoe Titus road bikes for a great 20 Mile ride ( Quo fan picked the right way to ride this one )

Off we Go !!!

Broooooooooooooom ( was a slight up hillo and that was actually Quo_fans Speed it is reading )



Jan 16, 2006
Wow - looks like you had a blast. A $5,600 bike! Holy ****!

I built up a $400.00 bike today - quite a difference.

Did you guys see any of the bikerag crew there? Just wondering if bullitboyz had his Sinster 29er built and present.
He picked his frames Sat at Pedros...having wheel issues right now LOL.

Mike B.

Turbo Monkey
Oct 5, 2001
State College, PA
Yeah - what other 29ers did you see there? And what was it generally or specifically about the Racer X 29er that you didn't like Babs? I think splat liked the one he rode last year.

Was there a Stan's Booth?
No Stan's booth this year. Haven't done Pedros in a couple years because of conflicts but it's always on the list for consideration. Currently packing up for Mt Snow nationals, leaving on Wednesday.

Oh, and I must mention how much I love my 29" Racer X. Absolutely phenomenal singletrack machine in rocky, rooty, twisty NY.


Nam I am
OK Batch 2 from the other camera , Around the Festival type pictures .

I Are baboon says he can set up the tent , first he has to figure out how the poles go toether.

My Kids on top of the Kenda Booth

IAB and MBC heading in to the festival

2nd Set of Demo Bikes MBC, IAB and My Self on Rocky Mts , Quo_fan and Big T on Treks

Well I managed to Brak My Rocky 1oo yards out so I quickly went and swaped it for a Kona.

My Son In the tire Toss contest.

Next set of Bikes

MBC on a trek Fuel , Me on an Salsa El Santo , Quo_Fan On a Fuji Thrill, IAB on a Titus Racer X 29 and Big T on a Gary Fisher

My Daughter on the Climbing wall

Then at Dinner while eating my Crown on Tooth #10 Craked and came off in 3 pieces , Doesn't hurt , but its going to hurt the pocket book.

IAB Put a Dirt rag "special " sticker on ther enew Table ,MBC did not approve

Next day , Anothe rbatch of Bikes

Quo_fan on an Iron Horse MKIII , Bit T on a K2, IAB on a 07 fuji Outlad RC , Me on aan 08 Outland RC with 08 Shimano XTR on it the only one in the country ( I win ) and MBC on a Fuji Thrill.

Took this picture of a 1 of a Kind Merlin for MMcG, and a few one of a kind proto type parts on it.

Bye !!!!!

My Next demo , a Carver 99er , didn't like it , had the manuvarability of a Small Dump truck

Next it was just a ride with the wife and my self , She had the same thrill MBC road earlier, I had a Jamis Dakar XAM 2.0

Luna Chicks in the Mud Bog race

Luna Chick in the Mud !!! ( with Ragertim's head in the way )

Brother vs Sister , this time its personal

Luna Chick -- Tree Saw with her Sinster Mustang , ( in Red Sox Paint Job)

Quo_fan Testing it out on the pump track

My Turn

Bit T and My Wife with Allison Dunlap

Alison Dunlap autographing my Wifes Jersey

Pedro , the Man him self

I was getting a Little artsy with our Neighbors Bikes . I Like this shot , its Just right.

Turns out DRB was one of our Neighbors

A sticker I got from Dirt Rag ( I also have the same one IAB tried to put on the table )

Sunday Morning , Our last ride , and we took out some Ubber nice Titus Road Bikes .

With Our roadies



Chocolate Milk Doug
May 15, 2002
Shut up and Ride
You generally need a local to find the best trails. Not sure about this year, but some of the led advanced rides at previous Pedrofest's used to hit the better stuff.

There's a big problem with atv's poaching the singletrack in that area. Most of the entrances to trails are hidden.
new owners at the old location that didnt want a fest on their land, so this year the fest was held miles (and a mtn) away from that location, AND I think there was zero exisiting trails at the new location.

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Some underage kid (no association with NYC or Sinister) got drunk and defecated himself.
Some young guy who was rediculously drunk tried to get friendly with me as I walked out of a Port-a-Potty. :twitch: Dude was slurring his speech and stumbling all over the place. Funny but pathetic. I wonder if it was the same guy.

A proper drunk can keep his wits about him at all times. :monkey:

There need to be more bikes done with Red Sox colors and lettering.


Jan 16, 2006
Some young guy who was rediculously drunk tried to get friendly with me as I walked out of a Port-a-Potty. :twitch: Dude was slurring his speech and stumbling all over the place. Funny but pathetic. I wonder if it was the same guy.

A proper drunk can keep his wits about him at all times. :monkey:

There need to be more bikes done with Red Sox colors and lettering.

Aye, I agree 1000%...BUT, the nice folks from Red Sox Nation Inc (or whatever they are LOL) don't agree...In fact the Mustang Treesaw gets will likely have normal decals...until she emails me and I get her set up with some custom jobbies....see I, RJ, can GIVE them away or give out the design, but alas, Sinister can not sell them. Wink wink, nudge nudge. I have a set of them for my Green 29er...perfect match for the St Patty's day home opener.:busted:

Jim Mac

May 21, 2004
the middle east of NY
We were Quasi Booted.:busted:

I arrived Sat AM with some frames and shirts...On my way there I get a call from FTW and he's freaking because some donkey told him that the Sinister Gang blew up a potra-potty, and Skye was wiping fecal matter all over peoples cars etc.

Needless to say Ben and I were a little worried LOL...

BUT when I arrived I spoke with the Event organizer and he let me know that the story FTW had been told was an exaggeration....a big one LOL.

There was a big shindig rocking at the NYC Freeride/Sinister camp site and there were some fireworks getting shot off. Some underage kid (no association with NYC or Sinister) got drunk and defecated himself. In trying to clean his drunk ass up (literally) he was just tossing nasty paper towels all over the ground.

Now enter the land owner...he comes strolling through to find a bodega of explosives, poop and booze...

He was not happy. The police were called

SO. The short of it is (trust me there's a much more in depth description....) that The NYC and Sinister guys had a party and it got a little nutty. No one blew up a crapper. Jimmy Hoffa did NOT show up to ride the new Sinister prototypes and yes, there was a guy who looked just like Bubbles from TPB.

That's my story and I'm stickin to it.

The Sinister 29er Geek
See, if Pedro's would have happened in the Plattekill parking lot, all of this would have been OK! (or at least expected...HA!)