
PEDs are PEDs, hey?


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes

Thoughts on the russian figure skater case? Not sure if this is PAWN worthy or not...

Curious to get your monkey-thoughts on what you think should be done in this came. I was chatting with my wife and brought up the Sha'cari richardson case...ie, peds are peds and if you do something illegal, whatever the case, you gotta be out. I think you could make the case that pot isn't a performance enhancing drug, or that Valieva was drugged by her coach, but either way, I think she shouldn't be allowed to compete if she popped a positive PED test...


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Wirh regards to doping, the rules are the rules. The athletes and their coaches know that. Doesn't matter whether or not they make sense (that's a subject for a different debate), ignorance is no excuse. You violate a rule, regardless of intent, you should be out of contention.


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding the baggage carousel.
Wirh regards to doping, the rules are the rules. The athletes and their coaches know that. Doesn't matter whether or not they make sense (that's a subject for a different debate), ignorance is no excuse. You violate a rule, regardless of intent, you should be out of contention.

That said I think Mrs Richardson makes a point.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout

That said I think Mrs Richardson makes a point.
absolutely has a point. plus she copped to what she did, and didn't blame "grandpa's medicine". what a fucking crock.

not only that:

"Sport's highest court on Monday cleared the 15-year-old Russian Olympic Committee's Valieva to continue competing in Beijing, although no Olympic medals will be awarded at the women's singles event on Thursday if she finishes in the top three."

so she's allowed to complete, and if she places top 3 then OTHER athletes will be punished. what in the actual fuck.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
Yeah, I cannot believe the ROC is allowed to compete and win. They should be allowed to compete, but get participation medals and nothing more. Yeah, you beat all the other racers, but Russia. Here's your goodie bag, Canada gets gold.


Starshine Bro
Mar 19, 2014
Yeah, I cannot believe the ROC is allowed to compete and win. They should be allowed to compete, but get participation medals and nothing more. Yeah, you beat all the other racers, but Russia. Here's your goodie bag, Canada gets gold.
The IOC seems to be terrified of upsetting Russia/ROC/whatever they'll go by next time. It's pathetic.

It's one thing for individual athletes to test positive for banned substances. That happens. At the margins of competition, any perceived advantage is worth pursuing. But when you have an entire country/federation engaged in a systemic doping scheme, the ban hammer needs to drop hard and fast to discourage that. Pussyfooting around will give the impression that theres little consequence for breaking the rules and we will continue to see such flagrant violations.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
My kids were asking me about this last night. I couldn't come up with a logical explanation that didn't require jumping through mental hoops. I think that if you can't explain it to a 9 year old, then it's because your case is weak.
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I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
Yeah this whole thing doesn't make a lot of sense, but I've stopped trying to make sense out of what the IOC is trying to do. "Russia can't compete, but they can. You can't take PED's, but you can."


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
All the articles I've seen so far indicate the heart thing would not function as a PED in this instance (figure skating)?

I just got a cortisone shot in my knee to help keep it from swelling up after 100 miles in endurance events.

I can see how the lines can get really grey as you pursue any and all possible advantages short of known PEDs with quantifiable/testable results in terms of performance. As in, you want to be sure your body is operating at 100% capability...but not pushing to 101 or 102% through the use of drugs...


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
Russian athletes are the pride and joy of the Russian Federation, their success bolsters support for Putin, Putin has been known to have people murdered with Polonium, if I ran the IOC I'd probably let her compete as well...

One can argue the utility of the drug she took, same with weed, but at the end of the day ban lists are just that and you're either clean or you're not. I don't give a fuck if an athlete is clean, I'd actually prefer it if they were all juiced, road cycling was way more interesting in the Lance days, but rules are rules. Until they put me in charge and I make railing lines of testosterone at the start of every event a requirement, the Richie Rude excuse doesn't fly.


Turbo Monkey
Jun 19, 2003
"Sport's highest court on Monday cleared the 15-year-old Russian Olympic Committee's Valieva to continue competing in Beijing, although no Olympic medals will be awarded at the women's singles event on Thursday if she finishes in the top three."

so she's allowed to complete, and if she places top 3 then OTHER athletes will be punished.
I hadn't heard/read this. This is insanely unfair to the other athletes and perhaps the stupidest thing I've read in a while.

what in the actual fuck.


My name is Nick
Sep 21, 2001
where the trails are
Did you guys know that the head of the Global Anti-doping Agency is named Dick Pound?

Competitors skating against that Russian kid should take the ice, skate over to the Russians, flip them off and go sit down.
On prime time.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Marijuana absolutely is a performance enhancing drug if used immediately prior to the event. It simultaneously increases your heart rate and decreases anxiety, thus jacking you up with more blood flow and confidence. Granted it’s on a smaller scale than other PEDs.

There was a reason all the experts and pros would disappear 15 minutes before the start of their xc races back in the 90s. I miss those days. Not day glow clothing though.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I am here to tell you I smoked weed with an 02 meter on. Several times to prove it wasn't a fluke. Every time my o2 levels went up to 99%.
Normal O2 should be around 95 or higher. I've never tested lower than 99 and it's either 99 or 100. How would this help an athlete? I seriously doubt they have low O2 saturation to start with.


Nacho Libre
Mar 16, 2004
Normal O2 should be around 95 or higher. I've never tested lower than 99 and it's either 99 or 100. How would this help an athlete? I seriously doubt they have low O2 saturation to start with.
I dunno. I had COVID and was battling o2 in the low 90s and the weed smoke would take it up to 99%


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
How could smoke in your lungs increase o2 saturation?

Sketchy correlation is sketchy. :think:
And blood only carries so much O2 unless you are adding more cells for more carrying capacity or something crazy like that, so an athlete that is likely to be 99-100% saturation already isn't goin to "over saturate".


ancient crusty bog dude
Jul 7, 2013
Free Soda Refills at Fuddruckers
How could smoke in your lungs increase o2 saturation?

Sketchy correlation is sketchy. :think:
There's just no way in Heaven, or on Earth, that any of my riding, racing, workouts could show at-minimum results on par if marijuana was something that resembled a routine. It's been close to 30 years since even touching the ol' reefer madness, having quit it and Marlboro Reds at once. Am not choosing to be hard assed here; for what I need to do to prepare for personal training, structured rides I just don't understand where it'd fit, let alone offer any form of benefits.
Have learned to balance electrolytes, BCAA intake, some pre-workout mix for a gym day here and there. Never any HGH, Steroid or Steroid derivatives, The Cream, etc. etc. either.
To me, it's just not natural and in the end negates any true effort being made.


Pig my fish!
Staff member
May 23, 2002
borcester rhymes
All the articles I've seen so far indicate the heart thing would not function as a PED in this instance (figure skating)?

I just got a cortisone shot in my knee to help keep it from swelling up after 100 miles in endurance events.

I can see how the lines can get really grey as you pursue any and all possible advantages short of known PEDs with quantifiable/testable results in terms of performance. As in, you want to be sure your body is operating at 100% capability...but not pushing to 101 or 102% through the use of drugs...
Isn't it an FAO inhibitor? I'm not sure how that would enhance, but metabolic manipulators aren't what I'd call "fair".


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
Weed is a bronchodilator which could explain the increase in O2 in the blood.
Yeah, I've heard the same for people smoking cigarettes, claiming it "opens them up", while apart from that initial "hit", it's just depositing crap and screwing the cells all up in the long run. Not sure though if either one of these could increase the VO2 max of a non-smoker or someone in good physical shape, unless that person was suffering from some condition to start with that was limiting their O2 levels.


Business is good, thanks for asking
Jun 4, 2006
I have no idea where I am
Yeah, I've heard the same for people smoking cigarettes, claiming it "opens them up", while apart from that initial "hit", it's just depositing crap and screwing the cells all up in the long run. Not sure though if either one of these could increase the VO2 max of a non-smoker or someone in good physical shape, unless that person was suffering from some condition to start with that was limiting their O2 levels.
Nicotine is a bronchial restrictor, the opposite of cannabis. It restricts the amount of oxygen you can intake. When you smoke either cannabis or tobacco, you irritate your lungs and you will cough. Cigarette smokers will cough after they have stopped smoking where as a weed smoker won't. Even ex-smokers will continue to hack up nasty black crap.

Anyway I read an article a long time ago that explained the differences between the two. And as I understood it bronchial restrictors inhibited the ability to breath and bronchial dilators expelled crap from the lungs. But if you are ingesting via combustion, then you are still adding tar to your lungs with weed. Vaping will dramatically reduce the amount of tar while retaining all the benefits.


Turbo Monkey
Oct 30, 2006
Corn Fields of Indiana
Nicotine is a bronchial restrictor, the opposite of cannabis. It restricts the amount of oxygen you can intake. When you smoke either cannabis or tobacco, you irritate your lungs and you will cough. Cigarette smokers will cough after they have stopped smoking where as a weed smoker won't. Even ex-smokers will continue to hack up nasty black crap.

Anyway I read an article a long time ago that explained the differences between the two. And as I understood it bronchial restrictors inhibited the ability to breath and bronchial dilators expelled crap from the lungs. But if you are ingesting via combustion, then you are still adding tar to your lungs with weed. Vaping will dramatically reduce the amount of tar while retaining all the benefits.
So it would seem the only healthy way to partake is. . .