
Peeing on a dresser...


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Drunk enough to piss on your own dresser? That's special. In that I wear a helmet and ride the short bus kind of way.


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I had to pick up the Captain of a US Navy ship (the one I was on at the time) from jail because he was arrested for peeing on a cop car that was parked outside the strip club he and other officers were being kicked out of.

He failed to notice the cop was in it at the time.

I have never gotten quite that drunk myself.


Detective Dookie
Nov 10, 2005
media blackout
jimmydean said:
I had to pick up the Captain of a US Navy ship (the one I was on at the time) from jail because he was arrested for peeing on a cop car that was parked outside the strip club he and other officers were being kicked out of.

He failed to notice the cop was in it at the time.

WOW :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Apr 12, 2006
colo spigs
i used to think that pissin the bed, couch, chair etc was a bad thing.. i mostly kept it to myself or hid it if i was at a friends house :evil: i guess i kinda got comfortable, or at least accepted that blacking out and ending up finding the random puddle wherever i passed out was just a price ya pay. it still kinda worried me, was I the only one that does this on a semi regular basis? that was until i finally confided with a bud i drank with pretty regular, and especally after i saw this post. It happens to a lot of ppl.. sweet. I've pissed lotsa places.. my couch, someone i barely knows leather couch, a empty box in the livingroom after i first moved into a new apartment..

my favorites are waking up in random places after a good blackout though. One time I woke up the next mornin after a party in somebodys back yard a few houses down from the party, on a sunday am. The guy who lived there was standin over me with his grillin stuff ready to do sunday lunch, kickin me, sayin "uh.. excuse me" and i was curled up on his back porch. i jumped up and took off, only to find out the backyard was fenced in.. so i took back off in the other direction and made it back to my buds house, realized i only had one shoe on. My friend finally asked 2 weeks later if the neighbor had found my shoe around their house and they had :D in a tree in their back yard.. fun times.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
Westy said:
I had a new years party a few years back, in the wee hours of the morning found a friend peeing on my kitchen floor. He was in some kind of drunken sleepwalking. I mopped up his mess and woke him up by beating him about the head with the urine soaked mop. Good times.
that's too funny.
i'd have paid $$$ to have seen that.


Turbo Monkey
Jan 6, 2003
In the hills around Seattle
When I was like 13 or 14 I spent the night at a friends house and we proceeded to smoke weed and drink until his mom, her boyfriend and some seahag from the bar came home and then smoked weed and drank with them until everyone passed out or went to bed.

Somewhere in the middle of the night, I came to with said seahag half naked and pissing on the carpet next to the recliner I was asleep in.
When I woke up in the morning (still sort of out of it) I reached out to touch the place where she was squatting thinking it had been a dream but it wasn't...


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
this has nothing to do with furniture.
but it's a funny urination tale.

was living and x-c racing in texas at the time.
a friend of mine and i were traveling to a race well before sunrise.
he decided it was time to pull over and relieve himself.

as he was off in the grass just out of the glare of the headlights, he suddenly started jumping around wildly and backed up into the road.

anyone who knows anything about fireants will tell you about their uncanny ability for hundreds to crawl halfway up your leg without you feeling them.
and then their leader will give the signal and will all bite down in unison.

hence his roadside fancy footwork.

the funniest part was, as i was laughing as hard as humanly possible.
another car sees him and pulls over and asks if everythings alright.

all i could say was "fireants" as i was wiping the tears from my eyes.
the guy just looks at us, says "ok" and drives off.


The Spooninator
Mar 28, 2004
lovebunny said:
i have multiple friends thatll vouch for the truth of that statement. its not something im particularly proud of so what reason do i have to lie about it? especially on the internet

Cause you are a dork. I still and never will believe you.


High Priest or maybe Jedi Master
May 2, 2006
Ventura, CA
I feel so left out. I've always have been able to use the facilities. My aim may have been off, but I was in the right room.


jingoistic xenophobe
Aug 10, 2005
Upg8r said:
I feel so left out. I've always have been able to use the facilities. My aim may have been off, but I was in the right room.
as far as you know anyway. :)


Apr 17, 2004
I woke up one afternoon after a drunken stupor with my roommate's bedsheet wrapped around me(he was out of town at the time). I couldn't figure out why I grabbed his sheet but it was dry. Then it struck me - the drunken piss thing. I had been in his room to put the sheet back and look for anything else that was missing but this time I took my shoes off to do the piss search. Sure enough at the foot of his bed(which is close to toilet height) I found the wet spot. Then I touched the matress & guess what? I had only one day before he came back so I got the fans out and took careful note at how his sheets looked so I could put it all back. Luckily he never knew what happened.

Now before you get all judegmental and stuff, think about it. What would you do? After all, it's beer piss which doesn't really resemble the same as everyday piss. That, and I don't think he would ever forgive me and the type of waveless waterbed thing he had would have cost a fortune to replace.

O.K. Now my conscience is clean.


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
OGRipper said:
Is that guy in Cali now? I think I met him this weekend. Seriously.

I pissed into an electric wall heater in someone else's hotel room once. Those are some nasty fumes.
I was in a sauna at a hotel one time when I was a kid, they didn't have bathrooms anywhere in common areas, and you had to go back to your room to go... so I had to go, and the room was 3 floors up, so I pissed on the hot rocks.......the steam almost made me puke.... I bolted out, and as I left a couple who was waiting for me to leave so they could use it went in.... the next morning there was an out of service for cleaning sign scratched on a piece of paper on the thing. I laughed to myself... and wondered if it was me or the couple that caused the clean up note...your story just reminded me of it!


Turbo Monkey
Nov 16, 2001
getting Xtreme !
Ciaran said:
Of course while in foriegn countries I like to pee outside. This was inspired by my father in law who has peed outdoors in over 10 countries.

he is an amateur....

lets see, my best piss story...

euro roadtrip home from the 2003 kona launch in germany... small minibus, 4 people - about 15 bikes... on the autobahn and i need to wizzle... let me preface this by saying that my bladder is about 2 times the average size... i can seriously pee for days... so i drop the todger into the 40 oz gatorade bottle... ahhhh relief... so this goes on for minutes and i begin to worry since i m not finished yet and the bottle is almost full... thankfully i manage to finish before the thing overflows... i stop, get dressed and proceed to look for the lid... the lid is gone.... nowhere...

3 drunked louts, one full bottle of urine, speeding down the autobahn... what to do ???

since i didn t fancy holding onto the bottle there was only one choice... drop the bastid on the autobahn... and thats just what i did... the 3 of us were looking out the back window of the bus as i dropped the bottle on the roadway.... it was awesome... it just exploded and i swear three cars (including a nice new bmw) got an awesome piss shower... it was a massive cloud... never laughed so hard....


Turbo Monkey
Dec 25, 2004
San Diego
It cannot match the other stories here, but my best:

Leaving a party briefly in search of a place to empty myself, I ended up in some tiny apartment garage where three or four other guys were in the process of urinating on various cars / stuff in the garage. I promptly joined them.