
Peer Presure from an Unexpected source


Nam I am
Well tonight being thursday night, means its ride night. well tonight BadDNA posted a start on the other side. I wasn't sure if I was going because I gave a Pint of Blood today, but It was nice out and my son was out riding around the yard so I asked him if he wanted to go , he said yes, so Into the woods we went to meet up with folk.

Here is my buddy riding over a log .

we Met up with the Silver turtle and BadDNA, her eis the Turtle doing a small drop.

then My son looks t it and sys he is going to do it some day, they he turns round to me , and says "If I do it will you do it ? "

Great now I'm getting peer presure from my 10 year old !!!

the Boy doing a Roller

BadDNA rolling over a rock

well It was getting drk so Pete and I headed home

here he is at the bottom of a long fun Downhill

and fianlly this is one of his favorite rocks to hop off of.

Nothing beats riding with your boy!!!



Oct 17, 2002
I know we all want our kids to do better in life than us, but isn't 10 yo a little soon for that?



Awesome. I hope my kid likes to ride too.


May 30, 2007
Probabaly less than 5 years - here is my 12yr old at the Dureya DH hitting the bunker gap. He comes down after his second practice run Hey Dad I hit the Bunker gap - you gonna hit it - um......let me think...No Way!!!

Great to see kids out riding