
People bug the crap outta me sometimes...

dh girlie

It bugs me so much when people call here...I ask for their address, and they'll say...1234 Any street...San Jose (city name changed to protect the guilty surf-the-internet-while-working employee), California...

well of course the address is in the goddamn city of San Jose and the state of California...You're calling the f'ing city! Irritates me.

The other thing that bugs me is...when someone calls to bitch about a raised sidewalk that poses a tripping hazard...they can't just accept that I have taken all the necessary information to send an inspector out, and that it will be fixed in the next 72 hours...they have to add that CHILDREN PLAY THERE AND THE ELDERLY WALK THERE! If they catch me when I'm in a particularly pissy mood I will say something like, well we don't want ANYONE tripping and getting hurt regardless if they are 5 years old, 25 years old or ninety years old an inspector will be out within 72 hours...then I silently add...go take a blind walk near that tripping hazard!


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dude you are the person who handles raised sidewalks in the city??

You must have some people skills....

dh girlie

stosh said:
dude you are the person who handles raised sidewalks in the city??

You must have some people skills....
And trees and landscaping, etc. I do...In four years the only complaint my boss has ever received about me was this guy that was a complete dick realtor that was being a dick to like 3 other employees here. I've got tons of commendations from citizens in my employee folder, if you can believe that! I'm just nice and sympathetic and then I come here and bitch or bitch to any friends or coworkers that might be within ear shot...


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
And trees and landscaping, etc. I do...In four years the only complaint my boss has ever received about me was this guy that was a complete dick realtor that was being a dick to like 3 other employees here. I've got tons of commendations from citizens in my employee folder, if you can believe that! I'm just nice and sympathetic and then I come here and bitch or bitch to any friends or coworkers that might be within ear shot...
Ohhhhhh gottcha!!!

What do people usually complain about?


Jul 3, 2004
The armpit of San Diego
dude, there's one thing i've learned from being a lifeguard; You can't please everybody. just tell them to become one of those crazy crack fiends that hangs out near sjsu hitting people up for money every 3 seconds. So, the moral of the post; Either please everyone or become a crack fiend.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
Because I am in the business of customer service...it takes an act of god to get fired, but I just like doing my work and layin low...getting good performance evaluations...I don't want anyone complaining about me being rude.
So let me get this straight... you take the orders from the customers to the engineers?


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
dh girlie said:
Because I am in the business of customer service...it takes an act of god to get fired, but I just like doing my work and layin low...getting good performance evaluations...I don't want anyone complaining about me being rude.
dh girlie said:
...then I silently add...go take a blind walk near that tripping hazard!
You know when you "silently" add it, they can't really hear you??? :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

dh girlie

stosh said:
Ohhhhhh gottcha!!!

What do people usually complain about?
They complain about anything and everything you could imagine. The sidewalk is raised up...the tree drops sap, drops spikey balls, needs to be pruned, smells bad, drops leaves, is ugly, will poke a blind persons eye out, birds sitting in the trees and crappin on their cars, squirrel nests...stuff like that... :nopity:

They also like to tell you how old they are if they are over 70, and how long they've lived in the city...sometimes what highschool their grown children attended. It can be interesting to say the least...there are also lots of armchair arborists out there that like to tell me to tell the certified arborist how to cut their tree.

dh girlie

manziman said:
dude, there's one thing i've learned from being a lifeguard; You can't please everybody. just tell them to become one of those crazy crack fiends that hangs out near sjsu hitting people up for money every 3 seconds. So, the moral of the post; Either please everyone or become a crack fiend.

Some days I think that most of the residents of this city that call in ARE crack fiends.


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
They complain about anything and everything you could imagine. The sidewalk is raised up...the tree drops sap, drops spikey balls, needs to be pruned, smells bad, drops leaves, is ugly, will poke a blind persons eye out, birds sitting in the trees and crappin on their cars, squirrel nests...stuff like that... :nopity:

They also like to tell you how old they are if they are over 70, and how long they've lived in the city...sometimes what highschool their grown children attended. It can be interesting to say the least...there are also lots of armchair arborists out there that like to tell me to tell the certified arborist how to cut their tree.
ROLF @ Armchair arborists....

dh girlie

stosh said:
So let me get this straight... you take the orders from the customers to the engineers?

Kinda...the guys on my crews maintain those medians in the middle of the roadways, trees located near the curbs in front of houses, sidewalks, curbs, gutters. I take the calls, put in service requests, dispatch emergencies. Then I babysit the guys...make sure they get paid, and I get to see all the confidential stuff that comes through, like who pisses dirty, and who got caught lying about their whereabouts when they're supposed to be working. :sneaky:


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
dh girlie said:
Kinda...the guys on my crews maintain those medians in the middle of the roadways, trees located near the curbs in front of houses, sidewalks, curbs, gutters. I take the calls, put in service requests, dispatch emergencies. Then I babysit the guys...make sure they get paid, and I get to see all the confidential stuff that comes through, like who pisses dirty, and who got caught lying about their whereabouts when they're supposed to be working. :sneaky:
You're missing all my Office Space references.


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
dh girlie said:
It bugs me so much when people call here...I ask for their address, and they'll say...1234 Any street...San Jose (city name changed to protect the guilty surf-the-internet-while-working employee), California...

well of course the address is in the goddamn city of San Jose and the state of California...You're calling the f'ing city! Irritates me.

The other thing that bugs me is...when someone calls to bitch about a raised sidewalk that poses a tripping hazard...they can't just accept that I have taken all the necessary information to send an inspector out, and that it will be fixed in the next 72 hours...they have to add that CHILDREN PLAY THERE AND THE ELDERLY WALK THERE! If they catch me when I'm in a particularly pissy mood I will say something like, well we don't want ANYONE tripping and getting hurt regardless if they are 5 years old, 25 years old or ninety years old an inspector will be out within 72 hours...then I silently add...go take a blind walk near that tripping hazard!
The least you could do is come up with a different rant. Sheesh.

dh girlie said:
Man, have you ever heard someone say anything about CHILDREN and ELDERLY...f**k that bugs the crap outta me...

Everytime someone calls to bitch about a raised sidewalk or a big tree they have to say...CHILDREN PLAY THERE AND ELDERLY WALK THERE!!! As if we would not fix it if only people in their 20's walked there...:rolleyes: If they happen to catch me on a day I'm feeling rather pissy, I will say we don't want ANYONE to get hurt regardless of how old they are, so please give me the address.

Oh...another one that's great is, they call to report something...give you their address...and then tack on the city, state and zip code...it's like SHUT THE HELL UP...I KNOW YOU ARE IN CITY X or you wouldn't be CALLING ME!

Friggin drama queens in this city... :eviltongu


dh girlie

stosh said:
ROLF @ Armchair arborists....

Oh it's so true dude...they will be all...tell him (the arborist) to cut it WAY back...I don't like the leaves that fall off the tree...or they haven't pruned the tree in a year! People don't realize you can really f up a tree by pruning it way back or too often...instead of retarding leaf growth, it can make the tree proliferate and produce MORE leaves to protect it from sunburn. Wow...I've either learned a lot sitting here, or I too...have become the dreaded armchair arborist! :D
I can only imagine what it must be like in a large city, the town i work for is tiny and we still get complaints like those everyday. Difference here is all those crazy people come directly to engineering, like i can do something about a tree dropping "bean thingys" in their yard. I mean this is engineering what do they want me to do, maybe i could design a road running right though their front yard that way the "bean thingys" only get in the road and not their yard.

dh girlie

caboverpete said:
I can only imagine what it must be like in a large city, the town i work for is tiny and we still get complaints like those everyday. Difference here is all those crazy people come directly to engineering, like i can do something about a tree dropping "bean thingys" in their yard. I mean this is engineering what do they want me to do, maybe i could design a road running right though their front yard that way the "bean thingys" only get in the road and not their yard.

It's a great job to have, benefits-wise, but man it gets maddening sometimes. I had a woman call me THREE times in like 5 minutes yesterday to complain that the teenagers in the skate park were not wearing helmets, she wants a street light added in front of her house and then a third time to say she wants signs posted on her street with the street sweeping schedule. I also can't stand when people call ME to find out a neighboring city's phone number...it's like look in the friggin yellow pages this is NOT 411!


makes avatars better
Dec 25, 2003
Six Shooter Junction
dh girlie said:
It's a great job to have, benefits-wise, but man it gets maddening sometimes. I had a woman call me THREE times in like 5 minutes yesterday to complain that the teenagers in the skate park were not wearing helmets, she wants a street light added in front of her house and then a third time to say she wants signs posted on her street with the street sweeping schedule. I also can't stand when people call ME to find out a neighboring city's phone number...it's like look in the friggin yellow pages this is NOT 411!
Now we're getting somewhere. Let it all out.
dh girlie said:
It's a great job to have, benefits-wise, but man it gets maddening sometimes. I had a woman call me THREE times in like 5 minutes yesterday to complain that the teenagers in the skate park were not wearing helmets, she wants a street light added in front of her house and then a third time to say she wants signs posted on her street with the street sweeping schedule. I also can't stand when people call ME to find out a neighboring city's phone number...it's like look in the friggin yellow pages this is NOT 411!
Haha... I love street light people. The ones that complain about how dark their street is and how they need street lights. Then a month later you get a call during the pole install and the same person is complaining saying the light is going to shine in their window and they want it moved.

dh girlie

caboverpete said:
Haha... I love street light people. The ones that complain about how dark their street is and how they need street lights. Then a month later you get a call during the pole install and the same person is complaining saying the light is going to shine in their window and they want it moved.
HA! We just straight up say no...and recommend they install motion sensor lights.


What do I have to do to get you in this car TODAY?
Nov 15, 2002
Charlotte, NC
dh girlie said:
OK...which one of you clowns just called and said...oh...maam...I'm sorry...I must've reached the wrong number. I was looking for the number for the City of San Jose...do you have it? No sh!t...someone just called and did that...

Do you have caller ID at work?


the teste
Nov 22, 2002
dh girlie said:
pssst...I don't work for the city of San Jose! :eviltongu I've eliminated the city I work for for exactly this reason! :D
Thanks for the info, but this can't that hard to figure out.