
People who are always late to rides....

I Are Baboon

Vagina man
Aug 6, 2001
MTB New England
TN said:
Late people are one of my big pet-peeves.

Being consistently late is selfish and shows a lack of consideration for everyone else. I don't understand why some people have such a friggin hard time showing up on time for something. Is planning ahead really that difficult? I get visibly pissed off when I have to wait for someone who is late.

Even when I am running late, I am usually five minutes early. I can't be late if I tried.

EDIT: To respond to Reactor's initial post, I'd wait for the girl first couple of times she was late. Everyone is late once in a while. But if she was late all the time, she gets left behind.


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
DRB said:
She probably pulls into the parking lot and goes "Dammit they're still here, I hate riding with those losers.". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Actually that's quite an idea. Schedule a ride, and make sure you're very late and the trails will be clear, you'll have a peaceful ride.


Plastic Santa
Jan 6, 2005
Reactor said:
Actually that's quite an idea. Schedule a ride, and make sure you're very late and the trails will be clear, you'll have a peaceful ride.
Reactor is one of those guys who gets dumped and believes the line "we can still be friends" and calls the next day to see if she's up for a movie. Ha!


Turbo Monkey
Apr 5, 2005
Chandler, AZ, USA
stinkyboy said:
Reactor is one of those guys who gets dumped and believes the line "we can still be friends" and calls the next day to see if she's up for a movie. Ha!
Actually, I have no relation ship with this person. She's a friend of a friend. Her personality is somewhat deficient. She does however schedules rides, and invariably shows up 30 to 60 minutes late for the rides she schedules. It's seems almost to be a mental problem where she has to keep people waiting just to feel important...

On Friday's ride, which I bailed on after an hour's wait, she stopped to use the little girls bush five minutes into the ride. The other people on the ride met up at the next regroup point and waited, and waited and waited. They finally called her, only to find out she had takes a different, easier route, to a point ahead of them, without telling them.

I've talked to my riding group, our plan is to saddle up and leave at the stated ride time for any ride she attends or leads. No more waiting , for her, we'll wait for other members of our small riding group. Her group seems to be adapting by showing up progressively later, to compensate for her behavior.

We by the way bring the beer, it will be their loss.


back alley ripper
Feb 3, 2004
NORCAL is the hizzle
The other thing that drives me nuts is when people show up on time but then need 30 minutes to get ready to ride.

Things happen and I think a 15 minute rule is fair. But you should apply it to everyone, including her. It's true that waiting a few more minutes is not a big deal on a cosmic scale, but it's just selfish and inconsiderate. And you shouldn't need to explain why you want to leave on time! Personally I feel like crap if I make someone wait, and it would never occur to me to suggest that it's someone else's problem. It's about treating others the way you want to be treated.

Time management is just not that hard.

So for this peach, I would say make sure she has shown you all the trails she knows, then stop putting up with her crap. If she respects you and your crew, she will show up on time. If not, good riddance.


Jul 2, 2001
Hershey, PA
Every email about our group rides include: "be there and ready to ride by x:xx." We rarely wait more than a couple of minutes. People that really want to ride with the group learn to show up on time. If they call, we tell them to call again from the trailhead and we'll arrange to meet them somewhere on the trails.