
People who are mean to their kids


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
The whole idea of being "nice" to your kid is a whole bunch of new age, BS, mumbo jumbo anyway. Kids don't need a pat on the back, they need a boot in the ass. I hated my father until I was 20..now we're best friends and I dont smoke meth and havent spent any significant time incarcerated.
Any questions?


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
The whole idea of being "nice" to your kid is a whole bunch of new age, BS, mumbo jumbo anyway. Kids don't need a pat on the back, they need a boot in the ass. I hated my father until I was 20..now we're best friends and I dont smoke meth and havent spent any significant time incarcerated.
Any questions?
i've never hated my dad, nor smoked meth.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
By the way, Im just being facetious, (fecesious would be a good word). I like kids. Too bad they all like PS2 instead of fishing or they'd be cooler.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Kids love fishing, if you take them fishing.
No they dont. Ive seen them at the lake. They just get all tangled up and start b*tching for someone to fix their "pole". It's not a "pole" for one thing you little sh*t, and you better learn some self reliance before the great famine sets in.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
No they dont. Ive seen them at the lake. They just get all tangled up and start b*tching for someone to fix their "pole". It's not a "pole" for one thing you little sh*t, and you better learn some self reliance before the great famine sets in.
I mean if you actually take your kids fishing. As in being present, and teaching them how to fish.

Going to the lake and giving your kid a fishing rod and then ignoring them while you drink beer and eat Slim Jims and watch a DVD in the Excursion is not taking them fishing.

Most parents suck.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
The student fisheries society @ school, (of which I am actually a member) is hosting a kids fishing derby this spring. I have to be involved supposedly, so I will report back first hand on how it goes.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
The student fisheries society @ school, (of which I am actually a member) is hosting a kids fishing derby this spring. I have to be involved supposedly, so I will report back first hand on how it goes.
Oh jesus. Those poor kids.



Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
I think people should become parents before they complain about they way kids act. It's a whole different story when you're trying to get ready for work, 2 kids dressed while one child is ignoring you, the other has thrown herself on the ground having the traditional emotional breakdown, all this before 8:00am.................. It's going to another wonderful day.
Huh? I don't have to be qualified to complain that you have no control over your children. Thats BS. Shut off the effin TV and teach them how to behave. I could care less how they act at home. But in public YOU should have complete control of your children. Nobody should have to deal with them except for you. They are your children and how they act is a reflection of the job you're doing as a parent. If you can't control your child then for the sake of everyone who either has control of their children or chose not to have children.. Keep them home. Please.


Turbo Monkey
Dec 12, 2006
I really never cared if my mom or dad yelled at me, the one thing I hate is them trying to wake me up in the morning. Poking me is not nice. Just blast some music or throw water on me, poking just makes it a long annoying 3 minutes before I finally am up.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Huh? I don't have to be qualified to complain that you have no control over your children. Thats BS. Shut off the effin TV and teach them how to behave. I could care less how they act at home. But in public YOU should have complete control of your children. Nobody should have to deal with them except for you. They are your children and how they act is a reflection of the job you're doing as a parent. If you can't control your child then for the sake of everyone who either has control of their children or chose not to have children.. Keep them home. Please.

As a parent I simply must....

AGREE with you.

People who can't control their kids in public just suck as parents. It's really bad when you are at the playground or the park and other people's kids are being little fvcktards to your kid and others. I've got in many confrontations with lazy parents after I reprimanded their kids.

One went like this:

Them: "Don't you tell my kid what to do!"

Me: "Ok, next time your little brat throws sand in my kid's face and you don't say or do anything, I'm throwing sand in your fvcking eyes. Bitch."

The conversation did not go beyond that.

Quo Fan

don't make me kick your ass
When I was growing up, I feared the neighbor's parents as much as I feared mine. That is because I knew full well that any thing I did was going to get back to my parents and then I would be punished a second time for the same offense.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
When I was growing up, I feared the neighbor's parents as much as I feared mine. That is because I knew full well that any thing I did was going to get back to my parents and then I would be punished a second time for the same offense.
Sounds like you lived in a good neighborhood and had good parents. I grew up in a similar environment, for which I am thankful.


Grammar Civil Patrol
Jul 2, 2004
Sandy Eggo, CA
Hmmm... this is a tough one; Laura, you probably have good instincts. You will likely have an opportunity to approach the mom in a way that will not challenge her parenting skills, but appeal to the tugged-from-all-sides woman in her. She's clearly embarrassed by the girl, but doesn't have the emotional maturity or confidence in her parenting to handle it well. She probably feels some degree of burden that either the girl is cramping her style, or the opposite, she feels guilty for having to leave her and it manifests itself as anger towards the girl.

People are rarely (especially today) willing to take personal responsibility for situations they have created, but SOMEONE has to be guilty and be the target of the anger/hurt/frustration. Most people are reluctant to be angry at themselves, so the kids are the easiest target.

I think all of us are given many opportunities to make the world a better place, albeit in small ways, by stepping outside of ourselves and putting ourselves out there for someone else. I also think very few of us ever notice those opportunities, let alone act on them. Follow your instincts, such that no matter the outcome, you will not regret your action or inaction.

My scary moment came when I asked a lady I knew only peripherally, and only saw two or three times a year, in a loving way, why she had gained so much weight in the preceding 6 months (the poor woman had probably gained 50-75 lbs in 6 months). I let her know I was concerned for her health, that although I didn't interact with her much, I always was encouraged by her smile and her kindness. She's roughly my mom's age, and I told her that, were my mom to gain weight suddenly, I would not know it since I'm 1500 miles away, and I would hope someone would care enough to express concern.

She was very moved, and holding my hand in hers, explained her fibromyalgia and a recent surgery and meds, etc. She was getting it under control, and hoped to get back to walking regularly soon.

It was one of the more difficult conversations I've deliberately walked into, but it reminded me that we are all connected, and it is our relationships with others that defines who we are.

Let me know how it goes.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
Is it usually before coffee?

I sometimes sound like a maniacal drill sergeant when I'm trying to get my 3 kids into boots, jackets, backpacks, then into the car. 10 minutes before we need to leave to hit the slopes.


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
Huh? I don't have to be qualified to complain that you have no control over your children. Thats BS. Shut off the effin TV and teach them how to behave. I could care less how they act at home. But in public YOU should have complete control of your children. Nobody should have to deal with them except for you. They are your children and how they act is a reflection of the job you're doing as a parent. If you can't control your child then for the sake of everyone who either has control of their children or chose not to have children.. Keep them home. Please.
Complete control over children? Please. There is no such thing. A 4 year old is perfectly capable of going completely and utterly mad at the drop of a hat regardless of how perfect a job as a parent I do.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
Complete control over children? Please. There is no such thing. A 4 year old is perfectly capable of going completely and utterly mad at the drop of a hat regardless of how perfect a job as a parent I do.
They have these neat little handles called "Ears" on which a firm grasp can quell even the most violent of tantrums. Try it.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
Complete control over children? Please. There is no such thing. A 4 year old is perfectly capable of going completely and utterly mad at the drop of a hat regardless of how perfect a job as a parent I do.
So what do you do to said 4 year old when they go utterly mad in public? Once again I could care less what they do at home. But in public it is your job as a parent to remove that utterly mad child from public view. Then teach that child that what they did was wrong and that it can't happen again or they will have to stay home. Alot parents ride out the storm or are so desensitized to their brat going utterly mad that they do nothing. If I have to deal with your kid in anyway I will then let you the parent know that you suck as a parent. Right in your face. So the long or short of it is if your child is going utterly mad, you have failed. So stop being lazy and take care of your child. It shouldn't take a village to raise YOUR child, it should take YOU. Lots of good parents have complete control of their children....


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
So what do you do to said 4 year old when they go utterly mad in public? Once again I could care less what they do at home. But in public it is your job as a parent to remove that utterly mad child from public view. Then teach that child that what they did was wrong and that it can't happen again or they will have to stay home. Alot parents ride out the storm or are so desensitized to their brat going utterly mad that they do nothing. If I have to deal with your kid in anyway I will then let you the parent know that you suck as a parent. Right in your face. So the long or short of it is if your child is going utterly mad, you have failed. So stop being lazy and take care of your child. It shouldn't take a village to raise YOUR child, it should take YOU. Lots of good parents have complete control of their children....
You simply don't have a clue.

And you think if I'm desensitized to my 4 year old some dumbass is going to get to me. I'd laugh in your face and tell you to go pound sand.


Tool Time!
Feb 17, 2002
Nowhere Man!
You simply don't have a clue.

And you think if I'm desensitized to my 4 year old some dumbass is going to get to me. I'd laugh in your face and tell you to go pound sand.
I don't have any children. I don't want to have children. And I don't want to deal with your children. Me not having a clue is not nearly as dangerous as someone with children not having a clue. Ask anyone here that has ever met me if you would laugh in my face or have the chance to tell me to pound sand. Prolly not... I have been applauded on a plane for calling a couple on their poor parenting skills. Afterwards pasengers and crew came up to me in the terminal and thanked for doing what they always wanted to. Yes I am that asshole.

My brother and his wife have 3 children ranging from 2 - 11 and he has complete control over them. They are like little soldiers in public. Tell him he doesn't have a clue and he would put a foot to your throat and hold it there while you cried like a baby in front of your friends and family....


May 24, 2006
I don't have any children. I don't want to have children. And I don't want to deal with your children. Me not having a clue is not nearly as dangerous as someone with children not having a clue. Ask anyone here that has ever met me if you would laugh in my face or have the chance to tell me to pound sand. Prolly not... I have been applauded on a plane for calling a couple on their poor parenting skills. Afterwards pasengers and crew came up to me in the terminal and thanked for doing what they always wanted to. Yes I am that asshole.

My brother and his wife have 3 children ranging from 2 - 11 and he has complete control over them. They are like little soldiers in public. Tell him he doesn't have a clue and he would put a foot to your throat and hold it there while you cried like a baby in front of your friends and family....

So you were applauded for doing something your bro would put a foot to the throat for? Why would you do something your brother finds so offensive?


unemployed bum
Oct 24, 2002
Watchin' you. Writing it all down.
I don't have any children. I don't want to have children. And I don't want to deal with your children. Me not having a clue is not nearly as dangerous as someone with children not having a clue. Ask anyone here that has ever met me if you would laugh in my face or have the chance to tell me to pound sand. Prolly not... I have been applauded on a plane for calling a couple on their poor parenting skills. Afterwards pasengers and crew came up to me in the terminal and thanked for doing what they always wanted to. Yes I am that asshole.

My brother and his wife have 3 children ranging from 2 - 11 and he has complete control over them. They are like little soldiers in public. Tell him he doesn't have a clue and he would put a foot to your throat and hold it there while you cried like a baby in front of your friends and family....
Well aren't you and your brother just the regular badasses.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
Teach a kid self control and respect, and they will have self control and respect.

It's not easy, but it works.