
Perception of Rape


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Just to break up the creation/evolution threads a little here's something more relevant to every day life.

It has been reported today that 25% of people in the UK believe that any rape victim was at least partly responsible for being raped, for example, through provactive behaviour or dress.

The police in the Uk also believe that no more than 15% of rapes are reported and of the ones that come to their attention only 6% result in a conviction.

Quite simply I find this stunning.


Fear my banana
Apr 5, 2004
So Cal
Tough subject... I feel that...

No one is responsible for being raped. Though there are things that women can do to lessen the odds. (how they dress, being aware of where they are, etc)

Penalties should be harsher for rape. The victim has to live with the crime for the rest of their lives. So should the rapist have to be punished for the rest of their lives as well.

I think that many rapes are not reported or talked about. I don't know why. I wouldn't presume to understand what a rape victim goes through and deals with.

It makes me sick. Rapists deserve a special place in hell.


Mar 5, 2003
Most rapes arent reported because its someone the victim knows fairly well and either doesnt want to embarass that person or doesnt want to let others know. I would agree that no one can be faulted for being raped but I would think that women would be more careful i.e. not walking home alone at night, watching their drinks at all times etc. Rape needs to be treated as a public health hazard and an epidemic if the problem is ever expected to be reduced.


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Camille Paglia's "Rape and Modern Sex War" is a great read.

I tend to look at the 'blaming the victim' phenom this way...

Women who are raped are victims, plain and simple. Just like victims of robbery are victims. However, if a rich man walked alone and drunk down a back alley with his wealth prominently displayed, would anyone be surprised when he was mugged? Hopefully we'd have sympathy for him, but we'd still think he was an idiot.

Just because bad things shouldn't happen doesn't mean people shouldn't try to take reasonable and intelligent measures to protect themselves, just for their own good. I don't blame any woman who has been a victim of rape, date-or-otherwise-type, but a lot of them could have saved themselves the agony of both the act and its terrible consequences by simply being more prudent.

And rapists should indeed be castrated or worse...they're scum of the earth as far as I'm concerned. However, the difficulty does come in the less-than-obvious cases where there's a debate over who drank what when and did what to whom and who may be acting out over other issues or redefining his or her own actions in retrospect...and only two witnesses to the act, each with an opposing story.

In our society, you need only create a reasonable doubt to be found not guilty. I wouldn't trade that principle for getting a few more rapists punished.



Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
BurlyShirley said:
Rape wouldn't even be an issue if chicks would just give it up easier.
Do you want me to punch you in the face or can I use my feet?

valve bouncer

Master Dildoist
Feb 11, 2002
kidwoo said:
Aw he's just still bitter about the initiation he got when he joined the marines and they "suprised" him while he was tying his shoes.
No-one knows more about giving it up easy than Shirley. If he was a woman he'd be buried in a Y-shaped coffin.:blah:


Aug 30, 2002
valve bouncer said:
No-one knows more about giving it up easy than Shirley. If he was a woman he'd be buried in a Y-shaped coffin.
..with his face down? :blah:

Being raped is one of the worst things that can happen to a person.
The psychological damage is huge ...and permanent.

1 vote for chemical castration.


Jul 16, 2002
Glitter Gulch
i'd like to see the stats on women who get raped because they are walking around at night, drunk, in tiny outfits.

Most women are raped by people they know. most of these women are also made to feel that it is their fault.

women get jerked out of their cars going to work the third shift at the hospital, women get jerked off the street while running or walking before they go to work, people break into women's homes when they are sleeping, cooking, showering, etc. women get raped by "friends" who take them to a party, get them drunk, and then tell them its their fault and they were asking for it. hell, women get pulled in to closet, classrooms, and breakrooms by people they know, work with, and go to school with and are raped.

rape is never excusable, it is not the victim's fault. i think its sad the shame that comes with being a rape victim. i think it's sad that when a rape is reported it is automatically discredited or an attempted reasoning is made for the part of the rapist.

it should be treated as an epidemic. Mental suffering from the physical act of rape aside, the spread of HIV and the chance of pregnancy make it even more frightening and detrimental to the lifelong health of the victim. If I am nervous every time i leave my house to walk my dog before the sun comes up, or walk to my car after class when it's dark outside, something is not right.


resident influencer
Sep 21, 2001
fluff said:
Just to break up the creation/evolution threads a little here's something more relevant to every day life.

It has been reported today that 25% of people in the UK believe that any rape victim was at least partly responsible for being raped, for example, through provactive behaviour or dress.

The police in the Uk also believe that no more than 15% of rapes are reported and of the ones that come to their attention only 6% result in a conviction.

Quite simply I find this stunning.
In Britain, if you are drunk, you are SOL?


Monkey Turbo
Sep 8, 2001
Feeling the lag
Whilst I dislike the idea that if you're drunk you're screwed and I feel that consent cannot be seen as a default, if the woman admits that she cannot remember if she consented or not does make it hard to bring a guilty verdict.


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
sanjuro said:
Do you want me to punch you in the face or can I use my feet?
You guys from SF look for any excuse to use your "fists" huh? Go gay marry somebody instead.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
BurlyShirley said:
You guys from SF look for any excuse to use your "fists" huh? Go gay marry somebody instead.
burly, here are two songs for your iPod:

big black - fists of love
antony and the johnsons - fistful of love


Oct 17, 2002
preppie said:
1 vote for chemical castration.
if the rape can be absolutely proven, I'm for it too.

While I have zero sympathy for rapists, we should never make the mistake of finding an innocent person guilty. I suppose I'm saying that they'd have to be a serial rapist. Protect the innocent, phuck the guilt.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
fluff said:
Just to break up the creation/evolution threads a little here's something more relevant to every day life.

It has been reported today that 25% of people in the UK believe that any rape victim was at least partly responsible for being raped, for example, through provactive behaviour or dress.

The police in the Uk also believe that no more than 15% of rapes are reported and of the ones that come to their attention only 6% result in a conviction.

Quite simply I find this stunning.
All this proves is that 25% of people in the UK are dip$hits, and that your cops/prosecutors may be borderline misogynist. No surprise.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
narlus said:
burly, here are two songs for your iPod:

big black - fists of love
antony and the johnsons - fistful of love

Mr. Bungle - Love Is a Fist.


Cranky Pants
Nov 10, 2004
BTW - all rapists need to be put in a wood chipper.

Women need to watch themselves, and drink responsibly, because rapists are evil.


Eastcoast Softcore
Staff member
Nov 7, 2001
behind the viewfinder
Damn True said:
All this proves is that 25% of people in the UK are dip$hits, and that your cops/prosecutors may be borderline misogynist. No surprise.
what do you reckon the US stats would look like?

i was recently impaneled on a jury for a criminal case (assault w/ intent to rape), but the case was settled out of court before it started. :confused: