


May 6, 2006
upstate NY
I have a bike.

Two wheels, pedals and a chain. Engineers aside, it's not all that different from your bike. Spec' til the cows come home, but it's as simple as turning the cranks. Or is it about the ride... the view... the company we share. The time away or the reprieve.


define it as you like



Paranoid Member
Jan 9, 2004
They have diamond soles so they're pretty uncomfy. They look dope though, and suprisingly grip quite well on DX's.


bikey's is cool
Jul 26, 2002
in a bear cave
Honestly i really appreciate philosophical threads like this. It warms my heart to know there are like minded folk out there who appreciate the finer subtleties of mt. biking. That being said that trail would be killer if you had to take a dump, i mean all those huge deciduous leaves would be great for cleaning up, and all those ferns to hide the evidence. Ahh the peaceful serenity of the outdoors.:)


I give a shirt
Jan 17, 2006
da Burgh
Good Post Mud!

I thoroughly agree skooks, an intellectual post on the monkey? wow!

I just had a similar conversation about the reason we ride etc. on the trail 2 weeks ago. A rider who we cant really stand any more, came pedaling up with his friend and wife and started his whole Sh!t about why we left without him on a ride earlier in the week? and was it because we didn't want him to kick our asses? blah blah blah... I just rode off, and our group started to follow. I don't even think anyone said see ya or anything we all just rode off. I got up the trail about 50 yards and stopped. everyone stopped. I could tell that a couple of feathers were ruffled in the group and I put it like this. "I have had enough of His bravado! if we are on a ride, with people of all skill levels, it is a "FUN RIDE" not a race pace. everyone that rides with us knows when we ride with a certain group we ride a "fun ride" pace. He makes everything a competition." Although I am often times up for his challenges, it intimidates other riders, and the fun ride becomes a death march. "At any food/water breaks he gets real pushy and wants everyone to rush. he makes comments on the trail about throwin elbows if you dont let him pass, blah blah blah." My final statement that summed up the whole rant was this "I ride my Mountain bike because it is fun and I love it! I don't need anyone talking down to me or being condescending because of the bike I ride, the pace I want to ride, or the stunts I will or won't do with it! I will refuse to ride with anyone who puts down riders I ride with who are out for the same reason as me and that is to HAVE FUN" I proceeded to say "that is why I think _______ is a FVCKING FVCK and I will not ride with him again if I can have any control over the matter." everyone started laughing and saying "I couldn't have said it any better"

I think we all know people who don't understand the reason we do what we do. We usually say they are in it for the wrong reason. If that photo of the fern forest and beautiful single track gets your heart beating a little faster, and you cant wait to go out solo or with some friends to hit a favorite stretch of trail or maybe find a new favorite piece of trail? then maybe your in it for the wrong reason!


Rex Grossman Will Rise Again
Jul 4, 2002
I just really, really think people put way too much thought into this bike riding thing.
I mean, I dont have any philosophical reason to go and ride...I just like being in the woods, and biking is more fun than hiking. My "soul" isnt connected to a piece of suspended aluminum anymore than its connected to the graphite of my fly rod. I really like railing down the hills, and on occasion, get a rush from cresting some big ass climb... fitness is just a good side effect.
I think for a while, you know, I was pushing myself for the wrong reasons, entering races, etc... I would end up really dissatisfied if I didnt do as well as I expected, plus Id lose money, all that... why? I mean, being competitive is fine, but I dont need to be UNHAPPY about something so meaningless as riding a bicycle. Its supposed to be fun...
One thing i DONT like about mountain biking is all the people and their causes. I know this isnt a symptom of MTBers exclusively, but as a group, they sure like to yap about alot of things (commuting to work, critical mass, heart rate monitors, ti-parts, carbs, anti-establishment jibber jabber) that I just dont care about...so I tend not to hang out with many riders EXCEPT when Im riding...
Anyway, this thread belongs on MTBR.