
Perv Fetish imput


Aug 20, 2002
Chelsea, Quebek
EDIT: *input
i'm getiing a new frame becuase i relized that the geo of my last frame was way off for what i wanted (well 19.5 TT and i'm 6ft, stupid me). i curently have a free agent steletto and i'm just going to swap parts. anyhoo i can get a good deal on the perv fetish frame and i'm just looking for some input about it. the web sites info is a little stingy does anyone know what the other agles are? i'm assuming SA 71' and HA 74'.:rolleyes:
im 6' and ride street/parc

they look nice in raw too:devil:
pics are fun too. i'm bored and feel like increesing my over all posts so i made this topic. ;) is there any reason NOT to get it?


Turbo Monkey till the fat lady sings
Aug 14, 2002
I would find out FOR SURE what the geo. is before buying it.

some of the S&M frames used to be really mellow (head tube angle). I don't know if they changed that or not.

if your jumping, a less then 74 degree HT isn't that bad. it makes the bike less twitchy at high speeds.

I've never heard of that frame or company your asking about and I'm guessing not to many others have either, seeing how no one else has replied.

if you can get a good deal and it looks like something you want, get it.