
Photo Monkies: price question


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
What would be a good price for a 10.5x6.9" print? I will be selling photos of nature scenes, urban scenes, etc. as well as sports photo's such as motorsports, biking, etc.

Should I take, maybe 30%-40% off the normal price (normal price=for people I don't really know very well (or don't know) that are buying photos off the site) for prints for my close friends of themselves biking,dirtbiking,skating,etc. (so the price will keep them wanting photos)?


<b>TOOL PRO</b>
Oct 20, 2005
In the bathroom, fighting a battle
mtnbrider said:
What would be a good price for a 10.5x6.9" print? I will be selling photos of nature scenes, urban scenes, etc. as well as sports photo's such as motorsports, biking, etc.

Should I take, maybe 30%-40% off the normal price (normal price=for people I don't really know very well (or don't know) that are buying photos off the site) for prints for my close friends of themselves biking,dirtbiking,skating,etc. (so the price will keep them wanting photos)?
Depending on the situation, for nature I usualy go between $20 and $30 for an 8x10 it varries based on how hard it was to get the image and how much time went into it. Sometimes higher for realy unique and hard to get shots. As for sports and other shots with people in them it is best to figure in a fair amount $3-$5 per print as a kickback to the subject. It helps keep them freindly.

As for freinds and family it is tough for me to say, some relatives will buy them just to be freindly, so giving them a discount doesn't help you. If they realy want them they will pay full price, but being freinds and family you should hook 'em up with a discount if they are close freinds/family. Not quite so much of a discount for your school duddies, 2nd cousins ect.

All this was for digital prints, for darkroom work you will need to charge more to cover your costs and time. For some realy unique prossesing it could be as much as $225 per 8x10. These are also prices for run of the mill type stuff, some things are naturaly worth more, so charge more.

The basic moral is figure out what your minimum price you will accept is, to make it worth your while. Then start out with much higher prices, and if people will pay them, you make more, but it leaves you some leway to negotiate.


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
this also depends on if your name is out there already. have you been published?done a gallery showing?been sent out on paid assigments for publishers?

my digital non print images go for 55 bucks for a 12 month rights lease. for an exclusive rights option customers are looking between 200 and 400 bucks but i know a few that pay 900 per image.

as far as prints, in a cheap frame with nice matte i usually let mine go for between 85 and 105. My buddy Richard on the other hand gets 120 bucks for an unframed and unmatted 8X10.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 24, 2004
wine country
Thanks for all the advice. My photo are decent, not the best, and I haven't made a name for my self with photos. What do you think I Should start photos at?

Here's a good one:


Rump Junkie
May 18, 2003
mtnbrider said:
Thanks for all the advice. My photo are decent, not the best, and I haven't made a name for my self with photos. What do you think I Should start photos at?

Here's a good one:
who is your market?consumers or magazines?