
Photos: A Killer Day of Riding At C.O.P.


Feb 18, 2004
Well, it's that time again where I post my session photo's.


We arrived at Brandon's around 7:40ish and started loading up the bikes. As we got along the way of doing this, Brandon's bar for his Big Hit wouldn't fit on so we were a little worried, hoping we could go to C.O.P.

Luckily, we got the bikes on and we were ready to roll!

As we approached going up the hill at around 8:30 we found ourselfs sessioning some jumps at the top.

We then were sessioning the drops around 9ish and then were greeted by James Radke, telling us to go chill at the bottom because the park doesn't open until 10.. the lady at the thing told us the park was open at 8, she should be fired!

We later started sessioning random drops, here and there and came out with this..

We then later met up with Brian The Great and sessioned with him for a little bit! He showed us his style and told us "dead babies" jokes.

That pretty much filled up our day!
