
Photos from South Seatac on Thursday.

Sep 8, 2004
I got the photos all done, so, here they are. I was kinda tired, so I only uploaded ~30 of em for now. Maybe tomorrow I'll go through and edit some more, but these were most of the better ones.

http://home.comcast.net/~jimbo_the_biker/bikin-9-30/ -all of them are up there.

here ya go dbr - got another one of you, and two of your buddy up there too.

I thought this one came out pretty cool too, maybe I don't need the new canon 20d after all... maybe just a new flash unit. 'course, both would be more fun.

I'm thinking about going out saturday as well, hopefully. Maybe sunday later in the day as well. And as always, I'll be bringing both the bike, and camera gear.

Sep 8, 2004
bibs - that sucks about whistler. I won't even make it out there until next year. I've heard nothing but good things about it over there.

dbr- That kid was clearing the big tabletop, new gap, everything! The lighting does suck down there, but I discovered that if you use your flash on everyshot, they all turn out pretty well. I need to get a new external flash though, so it'll quit demonizing them. The redeye makes em look kinda possessed in a few shots. BUT then again, after seeing some of the stuff they were doing, perhaps they are possessed.



Turbo Monkey
Hahaha - you kind of have to be possessed to nail the big table jump and the gap - possessed w/ skills.:evil:

Casey is stepping it up big-time as of late...actually, there are alot of people out there really starting to progress.
It helps to have the energy to feed off of that an area like that and the people that ride it can provide.


Apr 17, 2004
DAMN, DUDE! That guy goes huge! Right on. Good shots too. My digi cam can't hold a candle to that since the flash creates huge shutter lag. It works pretty good in manual mode without the flash though.


Turbo Monkey
Bullitrider said:
DAMN, DUDE! That guy goes huge! Right on. Good shots too. My digi cam can't hold a candle to that since the flash creates huge shutter lag. It works pretty good in manual mode without the flash though.
Yeah, I feel your pain on the digicam issue as well. Mine does 35sec. video clips, so I just tend to do that unless I'm shooting in a bright area.:o:
Sep 8, 2004
Its insane watching these ~13-18yr olds go big. Whats worse, is that I'm 22, and they still have cooler bikes than me. Thats justification to go buy a demo8, right? haha.

I think I'm gonna get a Diamondback XTS moto, and then maybe a demo8 next year too, maybe. I think the XTS moto will hold me over quite well though.



skin cooker for the hive
Dec 6, 2001
Witness relocation housing
bibs said:
Ill be out there after 4 on staurday and sunday and today..I cant afford Whistler again :( So I am staying home ...again :(
You have a pass right? MAke it a day trip. At most it will cost gas. Get some of the rest of the mob going......

Too bad i didnt know you couldnt go..... i woulda asked to borrow your pass.
Sep 8, 2004
I wish I was as good on the bike, as I am behind the camera. My haro must be capable though, Travis snapped his rear axle and bent the derailer hanger on the big tabletop, so I let him borrow my haro. He cleared the middle jump over the tabletop AND the newgap on my bike. Its got a ****ty rear shock, but once my Fox R gets here, it might be a worthwhile bike. Until I get my new one of course.

I'm thinking about heading out there on thursday this week, if anybody wants to go out there. I'll probably get there sometime around noon - 1pm.



Turbo Monkey
DBR X6 RIDER said:
I'm heading out there this morning for a sesh and will likely head back out there on Thurs. as well.
Woo-hoo!! :dancing:
I forgot to mention get owned off the tree-drop on the way back to the car.

Was still a little tight from full weekend of Whistler and then a few hrs. of riding and working. Should have just let it be, but it was right there.
Anyway, I took off ok but was landing on the far left of the tranny but tires were square w/ landing. Found out instantly that the dirt there is fluffy-soft and the bike froze upon landing and I kept going forward. Somehow, didn't get one bruise, scratch or anything - sweet! Lot's of dirt in places I never knew existed until I washed off later. Front wheel true and rotor check and I should be good to go.

p.s. - don't thank me for the new 25-30ft. stepdown gap just down from the 2 drops on the right hand trail...not sure who is the creator of that one. Don't hit it without speed - I don't think you'll make it otherwise.
The shorter gap that was there previously has a smoother takeoff ramp - thanks, somebody!:)


Turbo Monkey
bibs said:
a big step down eh'? i wish i could see it, I cant walk that far or ride :(
Ya - it's interesting as you have to go off the right drop as w/ the smaller gap. This one is all about speed even before the drop and perhaps even popping early off the same drop to catch more tranny to set speed for gap. I heard Casey cleared it to flat.
I'm waiting until I get my 2.3's back - my 2.5's are a bitch to work w/ unless it's a pure downhill run.
Looks like rain for most of this week anyway - won't miss too much. I'm going down to work on drainage once it's pouring out there.

Fun! :redX:


Jan 6, 2004
Maple Valley, Washington
a bunch of us on sunday built it....pretty cool there were a bunch of shovels. I tried it twice...both times were crappy nosed it pretty bad...its all about the speed and goin off at the right angle...i missed the tranny to the left. casey was clearing it pretty well. its big though.


Mar 27, 2004
BIGHIT756 said:
a bunch of us on sunday built it....pretty cool there were a bunch of shovels. I tried it twice...both times were crappy nosed it pretty bad...its all about the speed and goin off at the right angle...i missed the tranny to the left. casey was clearing it pretty well. its big though.

You forgot to mention Steve's liquid courage face plant huck. I am suprised his Monster T didnt knock him out when it hit him in the back of the head. hahahahaha

I only laugh because he was alright. Sunday was fun! :D


Turbo Monkey
Langer said:
You forgot to mention Steve's liquid courage face plant huck. I am suprised his Monster T didnt knock him out when it hit him in the back of the head. hahahahaha

I only laugh because he was alright. Sunday was fun! :D
Oh, yeah - that reminds me. There were a bunch of Budweiser cans in the garbage bucket down there this morning. At least crush them so it's not obvious to passers-by. I'm sure that won't bode well with people thinking we're contributing to the delinquency of minors.;)

This is not a flaming...nor is it directed at anybody as much as it is to everybody.

By the way, is Steve's crash on video of any kind? Glad he's ok from the sounds of it.