
photoshop help please


site moron
Jul 5, 2006
Vernon, NJ
I am having a problem with photoshop, i cant have multiple pictures open any more. It maxes out the window size, and wont let me change the window size.

if i click into another application it will show me the x - + but once i click that top bar photoshop opens again. I cannot move anything around, have pictures side by side. I have used different work spaces and the such.

anything will help. thanks


find me a tampon
Jul 20, 2002
Orange County, CA
have you tried command- t. Then you can change the size so that you can fit more pics.
No more PS advice from you, please.

PSP, that's what the "f" key does. Keep hitting it until you have the red yellow and green buttons on the photo. Every other mode is a variation of fullscreen.