
(@) Phucket Friderp GMT(@)


ass grabber
Sep 8, 2006
Central Florida
Pfft. I don't like the neighbors enough to give them all my jerky. I'll leave some for snacks and vacuum bag and seal the rest.
I don't even talk to my neighbors cause then they want to borrow my shit. "Can I use your trailer?" "Can I use your mower?" "Can I borrow $50?"

I'll help them cut the trees off of their house after a hurricane or take somebody to the hospital, otherwise fuck off.


Patches O'Houlihan
Aug 7, 2006
Tustin, CA
My neighbors are all actually pretty cool. Jerky is just not super cheap to make and somewhat time consuming, even though it's not very difficult. I don't know shit about lawns or lawn care and my next door neighbor has always helped me out with what to do at certain times of the year and how to keep it looking good. I've loaned and borrowed equipment, etc. I definitely live in that kind of old school mentality neighborhood where everyone is friendly for the most part and watch out for each other, but kind of mind their own business. We have a few chatty Cathys and there's a few that I just get along with really well for various reasons that I talk with more often, but it's still not like a pool party or go out to dinner type of hangout.


Cake Tease
May 29, 2011
Auto industry slow down is finally hitting here....

Being forced to start taking one day per week off, which is in place until May unless something drastic happens. Other team members are being forced to take more. Sounds like our divisions in the US are completely shuttered. :(

Besides that, I took the most satisfying phantom dump this morning.

And I've probably drunk way too much coffee, oops.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
What is a phantom dump?

I had a dump this morning that felt normal but turned out to be yuuuuge. Had to clean the bowl after that one from the splashback. Is that an anti-phantom?


Turbo Monkey
Sep 16, 2008
Ottawa, Canada
y u no docking station
I don't really have a home office. I just brought my laptop home from work. I'm switching from the kitchen table to the couch, to our "study" - which is full of the kids' shit. if the situation continues for much longer, the kids stuff is going to get culled and we may consider some sort of desk in here. but we're not quite there yet.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
Tires in the house? Dont you have a ///deck shed to hide them in?
4 cars: 4 sets of winters, 4 sets of summers. I have a set of summers from the Infiniti to dispose of soon and those can go into the garage.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
I’ve put off the fleet’s winter to all season switchover until after coronavirus has abated.

At this point the (minimal but non 0) marginal risk of that extra interaction is not worth a few dozen dollars in increased tire wear.


Part of the unwashed, middle-American horde
Jul 26, 2006
I’ve put off the fleet’s winter to all season switchover until after coronavirus has abated.

At this point the (minimal but non 0) marginal risk of that extra interaction is not worth a few dozen dollars in increased tire wear.
I can't interact for another week anyways, so I'll change them back at that point. Given I won't be going up to the mtns anymore, as you say, it isn't worth the wear.


Poopdeck Repost
Jun 1, 2004
Transylvania 90210
You might want to check gay slang first. Or is that what you mean?
There’s some confusion on this point, as Docking and Space Docking are two different acts. The gay slang is simply Docking. There’s a heterosexual Space Docking.
Perhaps each verse of the cover could be a tribute to each variety. Regardless, i knew what i was saying when I said it.


Michael Bolton
Sep 21, 2003
In a van.... down by the river
MIL2 and FIL left Bay Area for wedding in TN yesterday am. They are driving 93 y/o grandma to AZ on the way. They haven't been isolating, so I'm putting odds that grandma gets sick after the drive. Wifey hasn't told them we're not coming yet, but I think they're assuming it at this point. I told her that she should let them know that we've been diagnosed, but are planning on coming still. Just to see her response...
