HAHA!!! When did you learn to do a trackstand!Originally posted by FunkMaster
I watch every video. Must admit I have been inspired. I even bought a cheap trials bike, unfortunately I can't do much more than track stand.
I promise to one day buy Paradise Found (check your PM's).
Well(if I am worthy) let me know when you will be filming urban and park. I will throw down for the camera.Originally posted by WhiteRavenKS
it will be more dh than trials this time. the trials will be lesser in quantity but much higher in quality. there will be some park/urban stuff thrown in for sassy-ness.
Uh no?? What am I missing?Originally posted by WhiteRavenKS
notice anything incredibly awesome about it?
Aaah... I read it as bee-hac. I will have to work on my Croat speaking abilities.Originally posted by WhiteRavenKS
there was a town in croatia called Bihac. i thought no way it could possibly be that awesome of a name... but i asked a local how to say it and sure enough- "bee-hotch"
Yeah, you KNOW I'm a one-percenter, baby!Originally posted by WhiteRavenKS
by the way, full trucker- evan gets the award for ALL TIME BEST AVATAR. that is in the top 1% of great things in the history of mankind, ever.