
Pics From Greens Lick NC This Weekend.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Took a few pic of us riding at Greens Lick This weekend. Rode it twice again this weekend. Yes, I do look like a dork in the Cross Country Helmet!!!!


Nice High Berms!!!

David Looking Smooth!!!

More High Berms

Me Dorking!!!


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Bent Creek, out side of Ashville. The run is 2.4 miles long just like what you see in the pics. You have to push or ride to the top. There is no way to shuttle the trail. It only takes 35 mins to push or 25 mins to ride up it. It is wearth every min.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
from the first post, it doesn't sound good.

Folks say good bye to the trails in Bent Creek as you know them. Ingles Field has already fallen to the rumble of a Trail Bulldozer in uneducated hands, and 10 more trails are to meet the same fate. The Forest Service has hired a company called Trails Unlimited to perform work on 11 trails in Bent Creek in 30 days. 30DAYS! No way to do competant work to 11 trails in 30 days.The bidding process was bypassed and this company hired directly. They are part of the FS but not. They are funded by, paid by, and, have their equipment bought by the FS. They are from out west and have no knowledge about our terrain or our weather patterns. The exibit of work on Ingles Field indicates they dont even have a working knowledge of how trail features work. email Randy Burgess rburgess01@fs.fed.us, Steve Hendricks shendricks@fs.fed.us, and Lisa Alcorn lalcorn@fs.fed.us With your feelings pro or con. The FS even had the gall to ask Pisgah Area SORBA to come and make the trails look like a trail. Heck we are just going to have our hands full trying to make the Grade Reversals functional. It will take us years to straighten out the mess that should have been part of Trails Unlimited contract (if they have one) We need to show some outrage and show it soon if we even have a chance to salvage some trails. Inboxes for the above FS emploiees need to be choked with emails tommorow morning or ASAP


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
DVNT said:
EVERYONE...PLEASE click on DVNT's link. It is VERY important to learn what is happening in Bent Creek because what gets OK'ed there is always a benchmark for the remaining areas of the forest.

I thought the mods to Ingles Field were good at first, but once I read up on what the mods to the trail will do in the long run, I now realize we are going to get shafted if we don't make our voices heard. Randy Burgess is the Ranger in Pisgah and he needs to know how we all feel about our trails. Please email him and push for educated, responsible trail companies like Trail Dynamics to either get the work OR make the company the FS essentially OWNS accountable to hold the same standards of trail repair and maintenance in OUR FORESTS!

JOIN SORBA! Also, Western North Carolinians and upstate South Carolina riders should consider joining the Pisgah Area chapter. All of you use Pisgah, why not guide what happens to it!


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
this just hit my inbox 2 minutes ago:
mikemtnbike@netzero.net (mikemtnbike@netzero.net)
To: pas@topica.com
Subject: Bent Creek Update


Hey- communication, albeit far too late, has commenced with the forest service.

First and foremost, they are listening to our comments, so to everyone that e-mailed- THANKS!! FS representatives have walked the trailwork and agree that the dips have not been constructed properly and sections of the trail require deberming. They have also agreed to look at the stream crossings and request some modifications. Supposedly, they are contacting the superintendent of this crew (who has not been present for the work) and requesting that he come and supervise his crew on our requested modications.

If all this happens, that's good. But, given the failure to have open and honest communication from the out-set, I will believe it when I see it.

I ran Wolf Branch up to Ingles Field up to the Connector and then up to the hard right up to 5 Points last night so I could get a first hand look at this work. It has certainly tamed the trail, but it will likely drain better than it did before. It's also going to be screaming fast and I feel will greatly increase user conflict. The sections where the spring heads have been re-routed to cross the trail in one place rather than saturating the trail are horrible IMO- not only ugly, but I can virtually guarantee the crossing will cut out the trail by the end of summer if left as is. I am also very concerned that the drainage structures put in will require constant maintenance because there will be a lot of focussed water coming off the trail into them. THe other thing I just do not understand is why the rocks that were removed from the trail tread are just stacked up at the side of the trail in loose piles.

I have requested that the forest service schedule a set meeting with Trails Unlimited and PAS to walk the trail, discuss work, including the intent of the work, how it will ride, and how it will need to be maintained. If this meeting is scheduled, I will e-mail and post where and when. I also have a meeting scheduled with Patrick Scott, the FS volunteer coordinator, for later in May- this meeting will be to formalize our volunteer agreement. As part of this, I am going to ask that we be allowed to use the aforementioned loose piles of rock, felled trees, etc, to retro-fit some technical trail features. I am also going to request that if we are going to be asked to have volunteer responsibilty for Bent Creek, then we will have to, for the future, be included in every phase of planned trail work. Without that commitment, I can see no reason why we should committ as volunteers.

Other ideas/suggestions/comments about what should be in this agreement or anything else we should be discussing with the FS would be welcomed.

Mike Brown


Turbo Monkey
Jul 16, 2004
11 trails in 30 days.

I can't imagine building 11 miles in 30 days let alone 11 trails.

anybody got a link to that Dingo spoof page. :nopity:


Delicate CUSTOM flower
Dec 11, 2001
Over your shoulder whispering
DVNT said:
11 trails in 30 days.

I can't imagine building 11 miles in 30 days let alone 11 trails.

anybody got a link to that Dingo spoof page. :nopity:
they didn't do that much really to Ingles Field. shallow grade rolling dips to get water off in some places, shallow rollers in others. It's way faster, but in a "Gore an uphill rider on Tuesday" kind of way. They definitely are going the low effort route from what I could see. Some of what they did will help.

But the things that Ken and the other SORBA volunteers did on the Boyd Branch trail will help more on the trail they repaired. They turned that gravel road into a piece of singletrack that you have to weave back and forth on rather than an old gravel bed with a straight line rut down it. It even had a log laid length wise that you could ride across at one point.