
Pic's from Ranger creek ride

Hey James, Carsten, and anyone else viewing... Here's some picture's from yesterdays ride.

We did Ranger creek and then skookum flats to wrap up the day. Two hornet attacks, one on James's hand, then it came for me and got me right in the lip, two falls for me, once captured below, and a chain snap. Ranger was epic, 4 miles of up and down from the top of coral pass and 6 miles of buttery smooth singletrack! Then we finished the day off with skookum flats, won't be doing that again on the big bike!

Good ride fella's!

DBR X6 RIDER said:
Excellent pics! That part is always a little nuts (yet fun)when it's covered in snow.
If the weather stays like it is right now, you guys may be the last folks to ride up there this year!:cool:
That would be cool. We ran into some hunters, a guy and a chic hunting for cougar, deer, or bear they said. They mentioned something about some guy who was found dead in a tent up on noble knob this year. I guess the coroner predicted he was in his tent in a sleeping bag for over 4 months!!! :confused: before someone finally opened it up to find him dead? Kinda spooky!


Turbo Monkey
Yeknomedir said:
They mentioned something about some guy who was found dead in a tent up on noble knob this year. I guess the coroner predicted he was in his tent in a sleeping bag for over 4 months!!! :confused: before someone finally opened it up to find him dead? Kinda spooky!
I wonder how many times I rode past a corpse over this summer?
In a sense, I'm a little jealous of that dead guy. He got to die somewhere he enjoyed. I'm likely going to be somewhere in this god-awful city when my number is called.:monkey:
DBR X6 RIDER said:
I wonder how many times I rode past a corpse over this summer?
In a sense, I'm a little jealous of that dead guy. He got to die somewhere he enjoyed. I'm likely going to be somewhere in this god-awful city when my number is called.:monkey:
Well I don't know about lucky as the hunter chic was talking about how it might of been a homicide.? But yeah, if he did go in his sleep, what a good spot to ascend from!
alpentalic said:
mmmmm snow!!!! *drools* hahaha.... looks like a blast was had by all
Yeah the snow had me jonesing for snowboard season on our way up, can't wait. I was pretty surprised how well the bikes did in the snow, I didn't really have to slow it down too much, but I could see how easy it would be to fly off the trail due to the slickness!
Sep 8, 2004
Nice photos! That was a killer ride. I'm definately gonna spend more time up there next year. I'm gonna have to get a lighter jacket too, by the time we hit skookum, I was roasting.

As for the dead guy, 4 months is a long time. How could nobody not notice that he'd been gone that long? He was up there camping in a tent, with a BORROWED truck. If somebody borrowed my truck, and I didn't hear from em for four months, I think I'd notify the authorities. Didn't the guy have neighbors, or family of some sort? Even if he did die of natural causes, you'd think it'd be hard to not notice that he'd been missing that long.

Skookum said:
Finally a full face comes in handy for a trail ride! it looks cold up on that ridge!
LOL...I wish I could of traded helmets for this ride and the ride I rode with you Skook. The light gear I packed this time would of been nice last time and the full gear last time would of kept me warm this time... :confused: I suppose I'll get it right one of these times ;)