
Pics From Snowshoe this past weekend.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 6, 2002
Greenville, South Carolina
Over all it was a great weekend of riding and getting back on a DH bike. It did rain a lot up there, but when does it not rain up there? We rode Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Guess you can say I am ready for a wet rainy race at Sugar. I love the new bike!!!! We would have had more pics if it did rain so much. I didn’t want to get the camera out in the rain. Have to say thanks to Andy from www.freeridesouth.com for hooking us up with a place to stay.


David hitting one of the drops on the Pro DH

Me on the same drop

Big D

David hitting the hip on the Pro DH

Me on the same hip

Big D

Andy in the Village

Andy in the jump park