
Pictures from a Christmass eve Ride


Nam I am
Well our ride started out at my Place with Bdee, JustBill, Gnurider1080, IF_rider and Quo Fan. Just Bill and Gnurider1080 had just come down from Fomba wherethey had done a 2 hour ride with ArmOnFire.

Well rode for a bit and then Joined up with Vinneycactus, Beauster, Warrenride and Zach11979.

was lots of fun

Here is Quo Fan going over a Rock

Vinneycactus coming down a rather difficult downhill.

Justbill same downhill a litlte farther down

Quo Fan and GnuRider on the top section

Justbill takes time to relax after a tough climb while Vinneycatus Hucks

Just Bill Down a ladder off of a rock

IF_rider same rock same bridge , different angle

Beauster , says I don't need no stinkin Bridge work !

Quo Fan , rides up a rock line. THis is a relativly new section , lots of fun!

Same Section, Beau comes off the rock, I was a little late with the shutter.

Same Section, IF_rider hops over the top of this rock to a step incline with about 1 foot drop at the bottom.



Nam I am
I Are Baboon said:
Splat, I don't remember that downhill rock garden in the 2nd pic. This is Vietnam, right?
Yes it is Vietnam , and it could be because I didn't take you that way. that is one of those trails I don't that often , because I'm usually going in the other diection.

and Yes we have an I-495 Up here too. as amatter of fact that is the road you see in the background on the pictures of IF_rider and Beau coming off the rock

And here is a Picture that Quo Fan took of Justbill and my slef Both on the phone ! ( bill was lost :sneaky: )



Mama Monkey
Oct 30, 2003
Dancin' over rocks n' roots!
Nice pics as always Splat. I am SO jealous....the only riding I have done the past 2 days is over the river and through the state from Saratoga Springs, to the VT border to Rochester :( Oh well....we had the bikes and the sleds all loaded up on my new SUV so hopefully they will both see some use this week :D