


Turbo Monkey
Mar 1, 2007
Champery, Switzerland
I can't complain. I have a couple kids that are starting to kill it in their favorite styles of riding. One little guy is a pow shredder and another is a mini freestyle ripper. It is fun watching them charge down the runs with style and edge control at speed. I am just not so passionate about teaching over cooked spaghettis with zero concentration.

On another note, check out the suspension on the bike trailer.

This is one of the train shuttled spots close to Champery

Cog train track

One of the trails back down to the train.

We rebuilt the Crosets 2 trail in Champery. 90° right berm to a 90° left berm to a 180° right berm. So fun to ride!

Berms and jumps

Berm to berm step down transfer.

8 people and 9 bikes in my van.

My brother's pet crow.

10 speed chain bashguard modding. I love that little mill!

Trail down from San Remolo, Italy.

I gotta go give a snowboard lesson to a 12 year old Dutch kid who is learning faster than anyone I have ever taught. He is going to rip when he is older.
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Turbo Monkey
Jun 13, 2007
Awesome pics, Ben!
It seems we are going to concentrate more on riding on Swiss side of PdS, this time :)