
Ping DH Girlie


Darth Bailer
Jul 20, 2001
Pau11y said:
Dude, that's like that thing from the Big Fish movie!
Thats exactly what all this fish talk and bare handed fishing has been reminding me of.

dh girlie

Echo said:
So now we can't post spiders OR fish? I see a trend of opression here! Pretty soon all wildlife pictures will be banned!

Post all the pics of fish you want...they don't scare me by just looking at pictures...although, some of the fish in the pictures are gross looking...My deal with fish is...I just don't like them being so close to me in the water when I'm snorkeling...probably why I will never snorkel again...they swim erratically and I know they aren't going to attack me or bite me and they probably won't touch me...but it just grosses me out. I like to look at fish in tanks and pictures or standing outside the water where you can see em...not the gross ones though...

Spiders...they creep me out...I don't want em on me, near me, in the same room with me, and I care to not look at pictures of them...but go ahead an post em...once I see a leg or a web, I just scroll on by.


Turbo Monkey
dh girlie said:
Spiders...they creep me out...I don't want em on me, near me, in the same room with me, and I care to not look at pictures of them...but go ahead an post em...once I see a leg or a web, I just scroll on by.
I'll try and dig this one pic I have for you. By Ft Davis, TX there's a creepy-crawlie place where a desert rat collected some of the local fauna. One thing he had was a 7in dia spider. I got to handle it a bit; it walked from my palm to my elbow. It was the kewlist feeling, like the lightest fingers walking up your arm. If you didn't see the giant brown hairy spider, you'd swear it felt like someone tickling you. The desert rat said to keep that thing from biting you, you should not have fear. So, if you get into how it felt on your arm, it would take the heebee-geebees away.

dh girlie

Pau11y said:
I'll try and dig this one pic I have for you. By Ft Davis, TX there's a creepy-crawlie place where a desert rat collected some of the local fauna. One thing he had was a 7in dia spider. I got to handle it a bit; it walked from my palm to my elbow. It was the kewlist feeling, like the lightest fingers walking up your arm. If you didn't see the giant brown hairy spider, you'd swear it felt like someone tickling you. The desert rat said to keep that thing from biting you, you should not have fear. So, if you get into how it felt on your arm, it would take the heebee-geebees away.

Please...don't go to the trouble...


crooked smile
Jul 10, 2002
Slacking at work
dh girlie said:
Post all the pics of fish you want...they don't scare me by just looking at pictures...although, some of the fish in the pictures are gross looking...My deal with fish is...I just don't like them being so close to me in the water when I'm snorkeling...probably why I will never snorkel again...they swim erratically and I know they aren't going to attack me or bite me and they probably won't touch me...but it just grosses me out. I like to look at fish in tanks and pictures or standing outside the water where you can see em...not the gross ones though...

Spiders...they creep me out...I don't want em on me, near me, in the same room with me, and I care to not look at pictures of them...but go ahead an post em...once I see a leg or a web, I just scroll on by.
Sometimes I wonder where your sense of humor goes :D


Turbo Monkey
Wumpus said:
I found a picture of biggins:

Yup, there are some friggin' HUGE pikes here in the Yampa river. Someone had the bright idea of importing a predator fish to get rid of the sucker fish in a res some 40 miles away. Well, those predator fish got out and is raising holy hell in the local river systems, chompin' away at the trout population. And since there's nothing higher on the food chain than these Northern Pikes they brought in, they're totally flourishing. This was maybe some 5-8 years ago. About 3 years ago, someone fishing near a gravel pit by the river pulled a 60" Northern out. That's 5 friggin' feet in 5 or so years. God damn!

Edit: That thing in the pic will take an arm off w/o to much trouble. Could prob kill a swimming child pretty easily.