
Playing the Fear card.


filthy rascist
May 13, 2005
Front Range, dude...
...because all those kids who would have been playing at the playground and running the streets are either at teh front fighting a war they didnt start or want, or at basic training preparing for the war they didnt start or want. But President Analseepage had to have it, in the name of HIS god, so off you go kids.
And the lines at the doctors offices? Those are caused by the folks without any health care options (You know, single mothers forced to have children because abotrion was criminalized, as was birth control, (And the fatehr of the children is also off fighting the war referenced above), union members who had their unions crushed by the GoP, old people who lost social security etc...) who need care. Like the one legged homeless vet who left his tennis shoe in the street.

But there are plenty of guns. And you are free to practice your religion. As long as you follow Americas Jesus.