
Pledge of Allegiance declared unconstitutional


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Please, will both sides of this mini holy war stop trying to "prove" that they are correct? The Christians clearly believe in something with a strong conviction, and saying that they are irrational or sheep a) isn't making any friends, and b) is insulting. I went to Jesuit school, so most of my high school friends were Catholic. I'm not so presumptuous as to write them all of as being weak minded. Are you? On the other hand, the Christians need to stop inserting religious commentary into every discussion. Maybe that's who you are, but that's still annoying. And the world is not going to end, despite what the Bible may or may not say. That belief is irrational, imo. :eek:

Ari, yes, the 1954 addition of "under God" has been brought up, but your point that it was during the red scare is interesting...
Originally posted by Joe Pozer

I don't know why but the word pontificating makes me laugh. I'm going to try and work it into my daily conversations. :p

I completely understand where you are coming from. I realize that many people who come from impoverished backgrounds and/or come from a single parent households in which the parent can't spend much time with the child have the odds stacked against them.
That being said, I don't fall for the victim mentality that many people use as an excuse to fail in our society. Yes, at this point in my life I have the priviledge to sit here in front of my PC and have a discussion with a friend who lives all the way in Colorado. But that hasn't always been the case in my life. It wasn't until I got to college that I actually got to work on a PC because my parents were too poor to afford one for the home. I did not grow up rich, in fact my parents had to work second jobs as janitors to help make ends meet. Not a very pleasent job which I know first hand since I spent many evenings, including weekends, helping them. When your are in high school the last thing you want to do is spend your weekend picking garbage, sweeping floors, and cleaning bathrooms but it was something we had to do in order to pay the bills and put food on the table. The thing is that my parents didn't sit there and bitch about it nor did I use this as an excuse to fail in school. I didn't complain about how unfair the American system is, instead I took advantage of it, got some grants, went to college, studied my arse off and now I'm in a position where I can live reasonably well and help out my folks.

Now, I will add the fact that I'm very lucky to have two very loving parents which gave everything they had to me and my sister. What they lacked in money they more than made up in love and spending lots of time with us.

But I just think that too many people fall for the victim mentality and prefer to blame society for their failures instead of taking responsability for their own actions.

Anyway, sorry for being so wordy and now I will step off my soapbox before I get pushed off.
I love using the word "pontificating"...isn't it a great word? And thanks for sharing your personal view about it Joe...now that you give your side of the story, I can see that you were very fortunate in having two parents who wanted the best for you. Unfortunately, and you have recognized this too, not everyone is as lucky as you have been. ;)

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by LeatherFace

I think that this may be in our future though...I would be really surprised if Dubya was elected for a second term. And the democrats don't have any great runners this year (like they really have since, well, since...Kennedy?)
The funny part is that Kennedy's 1960 platform bears a far greater resemblance to a modern Republican platform than anything even remotely considerd Democrat. Yet he is held up by many as the greatest of Democrats.
Another funny thing....today the word 'Democrat' is commonly associated with being on the 'left', pro-choice, anti-Christian, etc. I'm not saying those are always true, but they're sort of stereotypes. Jimmy Carter was a Democrat, yet anyone who knows anything about him knows he was proud to say he was a 'born again' Christian. :confused: Things that make you go hmm...


Ranger LL
Sep 5, 2001
in da shed, mon, in da shed
that mandates the separation of church and state. Religion has had much to do with the creation and development of this nation and it is as ingrained into our collective "American" culture as firearms.

The Establishment Clause, which this judge and others have twisted into a Trojan Horse to attack any acknowledgement of religion, is a constitutional protection against the establishment of a state, i.e. official, religion. There is nothing that says, however, that the two must be kept completely separate, like some sort of chemical elements that explode when combined.

The Pledge says "under God" and does not specify one to be inclusive. If you don't personally believe in God, great! You're not a Founding Father, though. Just don't say those terribly offensive words and go about your day. How pitiful that a small, vocal minority of aggressive atheists who never contributed crap to our nation suddenly have the power to judicially legislate away(in contradiction to the Separation of Powers Clause) something that the majority of Americans not only tolerate, but value.:confused:

Zonic Man

Originally posted by Damn True


He is being divisive, inflamatory, insulting......no wonder you don't see a problem with his posts.
Hey! Chalk up another one for True...way to go man!

Wooo hooo! More put downs! Yippee!

(Can't we make fun of people's religions now?)


In Utah, separation of Church and State = 2 blocks.

Oh, and also, there is no God.

Zonic Man

Originally posted by dmvprof
Damn True,

I'm not scared of very much. I've been around quite a bit of death. What is interesting is your accusation of my fear is really a reflection of the fear that you have and is the foundation of your faith. You are the one that fears hell or "being apart from god", not me.

As for the rest of it, how about your own interpretation. You don't have to cut and paste, you can post links to your references.
For the record, I love this guy.

I once told a Sister at my church about the bible banging that goes on around Ridemonkey.

She said (regarding the thumpers), "It must suck to be that narrow minded, eh? Just feel sorry for them."

Zonic Man

Originally posted by Damn True
Typical Jed.

Add nothing constructive to the conversation other than your little quips.
Rather that spout a bunch of BS?

Oh, and Mr. Smartypants, I'm the only one who actually addressed the court's findings and the connection between the Constitutionality of the Pledge and God. But you must of been too caught up in your super christian babble to understand that.

See below:

Originally posted by Zonic Man
Don't worry, the 9th circut is notorious for being overturned by the Court. They WILL get overturned on that decision. Under the fact that separation doctrine goes to separating the gov. from endorsing SPECIFIC religions...I.E. no christmas tree on the County Seat's front law and a sign saying "Merry Xmas" with a nativity scene...but a xmas tree, with a star of david, and whatever they use for quamsa and a sign saying "Seasons Greetings" is okay.

basically, it is likely to be overturned on the theory that "God" is universal and does not support one particular religion, thus the state or government is not "sponsoring" one religion over another.

Damn 9th circut. When will they ever learn.

BTW: Court is 5-4 conservative/interpretationalist presently, with 2 more conservatives upcoming from Bush (Stevens is like a million years old and Ginsburg gets sick every other month).
That was posted early after the decision came out yesterday.

Zonic Man

Originally posted by fourgivn1
Another funny thing....today the word 'Democrat' is commonly associated with being on the 'left', pro-choice, anti-Christian, etc. I'm not saying those are always true, but they're sort of stereotypes. Jimmy Carter was a Democrat, yet anyone who knows anything about him knows he was proud to say he was a 'born again' Christian. :confused: Things that make you go hmm...
The "South" is primarily democrat, and that is where the majority of this country's thumper ideals come from, ironically.

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
Originally posted by Zonic Man

Rather that spout a bunch of BS?

Oh, and Mr. Smartypants, I'm the only one who actually addressed the court's findings and the connection between the Constitutionality of the Pledge and God. But you must of been too caught up in your super christian babble to understand that.

See below:

That was posted early after the decision came out yesterday.
So the Bible is BS? What do the sisters teach at that church? :D :confused:

My bad. I did read that post and found it interesting and encouraging. I sincerely hope that the 9th circut court of Berkley gets overturned again as you predict.

Zonic Man

Originally posted by Damn True

Holy generalizations batman!

Thumper......that's cute.

And as for generalizations....have you looked at caucus reports from the "southern" states south of the mason dixon? Over the last, say FIFTY years? Primarily democrat in both the House and the Senate. I think it's safe to make that generalization.

Oh yeah, primarily democrat in their state governments as well. Hell, even Florida is primarily democratic....except for everybody's buddy Jeb.

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Hey, I came over to this board to avoid some of the flaming that goes on with other boards. Good natured ribbing is always fun, but this thing is neither good-natured, nor fun anymore. ("It's not funny....it's not fun..." hehe, random Howard / Stuttering John / Billy Crystal reference thrown in for kicks)

Atheists and agnostics - you've stated your opinions, thanks. While you're asking to be left alone from the bible thumping, you continually antagonize the situation by throwing in argument point after point. I could see why DT and others may feel like the questioning of the validity of their beliefs has started to become a personal attack. It only antagonizes the situation.

Christians - you've stated your opinions, thanks. If I am correct, the teachings of Christianity do include that of free agency - The right for people to choose reject God and the doctrine and teachings of Christianity. Now that you've stated your position and beliefs, please stop trying to cram it down the mouths of those who don't have the appetite for it. It only antagonizes the situation.

Those of other religions (Taoists, Buddists, Muslims, Jews, Hindu....) - Doesn't seem like there's much coming from this corner, so thanks for not piling on.

This thread really has evolved ( no darwinist reference intended ;) )into a mean-spirited battle. Let's cool it down ok?

(Sorry, I'm not a mod, but this was just getting too much to handle.)
Originally posted by El Jefe
Hey, I came over to this board to avoid some of the flaming that goes on with other boards. Good natured ribbing is always fun, but this thing is neither good-natured, nor fun anymore. ("It's not funny....it's not fun..." hehe, random Howard / Stuttering John / Billy Crystal reference thrown in for kicks)

Atheists and agnostics - you've stated your opinions, thanks. While you're asking to be left alone from the bible thumping, you continually antagonize the situation by throwing in argument point after point. I could see why DT and others may feel like the questioning of the validity of their beliefs has started to become a personal attack. It only antagonizes the situation.

Christians - you've stated your opinions, thanks. If I am correct, the teachings of Christianity do include that of free agency - The right for people to choose reject God and the doctrine and teachings of Christianity. Now that you've stated your position and beliefs, please stop trying to cram it down the mouths of those who don't have the appetite for it. It only antagonizes the situation.

Those of other religions (Taoists, Buddists, Muslims, Jews, Hindu....) - Doesn't seem like there's much coming from this corner, so thanks for not piling on.

This thread really has evolved ( no darwinist reference intended ;) )into a mean-spirited battle. Let's cool it down ok?

(Sorry, I'm not a mod, but this was just getting too much to handle.)
Second that one...great points El Jefe

Damn True

Monkey Pimp
Sep 10, 2001
Between a rock and a hard place.
We were having an intelligent though heated debate until a few individuals decided to add personal attacks to their arguments. I guess that's what some people do when their rebuttal lacks substance.

I tend to defend when attacked. I let myself get sucked into exactly what they were trying to accomplish. My bad.
Originally posted by Damn True
We were having an intelligent though heated debate until a few individuals decided to add personal attacks to their arguments. I guess that's what some people do when their rebuttal lacks substance.

I tend to defend when attacked. I let myself get sucked into exactly what they were trying to accomplish. My bad.
Think it's time to "unsubscribe" to this thread and let it die?

Zonic Man

Originally posted by Damn True
We were having an intelligent though heated debate until a few individuals decided to add personal attacks to their arguments. I guess that's what some people do when their rebuttal lacks substance.
LOL. Like what you are doing right there?

Originally posted by Damn True

I tend to defend when attacked. I let myself get sucked into exactly what they were trying to accomplish. My bad.
LOL. x 2


I broke all the rules, but somehow still became mo
Sep 6, 2001
Livin it up in the O.C.
OK... I don't feel like reding 4 pages of posts to see if this was already stated so here it is anyway.

The pledge was started in the 1800's but...
Did you know that "UNDER GOD" was only added to the pledge in 1954 (by Trueman?) to counter the Athiest bent of the Soviet Union.

Take it how you will... but this is how/when it happened.
Originally posted by Damn True
We were having an intelligent though heated debate until a few individuals decided to add personal attacks to their arguments. I guess that's what some people do when their rebuttal lacks substance.

I tend to defend when attacked. I let myself get sucked into exactly what they were trying to accomplish. My bad.
This is very true...on the one hand, us arguing and slandering other people doesn't help us convey our points any easier. On the other hand, the same thing goes for the 'other side.' If you look at my initial long posting in response to dmvprof, although somewhat heated, it wasn't disrespecting him. If you look at his response, you can obviously tell he doesn't think much at all of anything I had to say...it bordered on 'making fun' of what I had to say. When people do that, it just rubs ya the wrong way.

yeah, I think it's time to unsubscribe, for the good of all Monkeys here. :)

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Originally posted by Damn True
We were having an intelligent though heated debate until a few individuals decided to add personal attacks to their arguments. I guess that's what some people do when their rebuttal lacks substance.

I tend to defend when attacked. I let myself get sucked into exactly what they were trying to accomplish. My bad.
DT, please, please don't stir the pot anymore. "rebuttal lacks substance..." This just begs for a flame response and I'm sure there are folks chomping at the bit.

Though initially this looks like a call for peace from you, you still aren't accepting responsibility for your own antagonistic words. "I let myself get sucked into exactly what they were trying to accomplish." Come on DT, now you're the one sucking people in to flaming.

Please stop.


Turbo Monkey
Feb 27, 2002
Stuck in the 80s
I personally think this thread turned into an ugly war on page 11, when dmvprof started spewing nasty uncalled for comments about christianity. Most stuff before that were valid points from either sides. But that's just me...

El Jefe

Dr. Phil Jefe
Nov 26, 2001
OC in SoCal
Originally posted by Shortbus
I personally think this thread turned into an ugly war on page 11, when dmvprof started spewing nasty uncalled for comments about christianity. Most stuff before that were valid points from either sides. But that's just me...
In a 10 round fight, it doesn't really matter who threw the first punch.


Sep 14, 2001
This is most hottest and longest i personally ever read....

I wish i was smart enough to do at least semi interlectual discussion...

Ok im hitting the books now...


Nov 6, 2001
San Diego
Originally posted by dmvprof

You live in a secular country. And to correct waht IBISMOJO said, our founding fathers were not christian. This includes George Washington, Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams. These were all men of the enlightenment, and could only be described as deists. In fact, Thomas Jefferson once reffered to the revelation of John as the "ravings of a madman".
i thought i said christian principles...i guess not.


Feb 26, 2002
Port Washington, NY
Kids shouldnt have to say anything about god.

If they want to wear a cross they should be allowed to.... it doesnt upset anyone thats a load of sh*t. If you want to practice religion knock yourself out... but if you dont want to you shouldnt have to