
Political Correctness at the NY Times


Tube Smuggler
Sep 13, 2004
From an online chat with their TdF reporter:

Mon Dieu - why aren’t women allowed to compete? Do you think that perhaps in the future, women will be allowed to participate? Also, which country has won the most TDF?

Merci, jolie

EDWARD WYATT: I suspect the answer is the same as to the question of why women don’t participate in the NBA, in Major League Baseball or other men’s professional sports leagues. (Golf, of course, appears to be open to the possibility.) I don’t want to dip my toe into that debate. But I would note that there is an active and exciting women’s professional road racing circuit, both in Europe and the United States. In fact, the same week that Team Columbia’s (Mr.) Kim Kirchen was fighting his way into the yellow jersey here at the Tour de France, (Ms.) Ina-Yoko Teutenberg of the Team Columbia’s women’s team was winning the first stage of the Giro d’Italia Femminile. More information about the women’s racing calendar is available on the Web site of USA Cycling, at www.usacycling.org. The answer to your second question is — surprise — France, with 36 victories, although none since 1984, a source of great angst here. Belgium is second with 18 victories, followed by the United States and Spain with 10 apiece. (Spain’s total includes 2006, when the American Floyd Landis was stripped of his first-place finish because of a failed doping test and the victory was awarded to Oscar Pereiro of Spain.)

— Posted by jolie velez
Also he could have mentioned there is a woman's Tour De France.