So I need to design a political manifesto for thursday (don't ask) for a "globalization party". I have decided it will be a pro globalization party. SO far here are my key points, can anyone else think of any policy directives i should be focusing on?
BTW it needs to be realistic, but must actually be a viable plan. Very point form as it is right now.
Party Manifesto
Fundamental principles of equality, ideal that globalization can bring this through free trade. Democracy != consumerism. Important 3rd global 3rd space needed.
The policies outline below encompass our ideals and outline the processes we think will be necessary to lead to global prosperity, starting at home.
Hop you will support us by joining the party, contributing or helping at campaign time.
What we stand for:
Need to govern, not manage. Need to increase awareness of the good part of globalization. Protect workers world wide, as well as at home. Raise world human rights standards, using trade and sanctions. Allow free movement of labour worldwide (through blocks) allowing for better specialization.
Member Benefits:
Newsletter, spokespeople, conferences
Agriculture need protectionist policies here, neo mercantilist style. The world can be a dangerous place with many who do not like us. We must protect our food supply, and make sure it is available when we need it.
Economy and taxation foreign investment encouraged, but not more so then domestic labor. The economy should be monterist policies to lower product prices and not Keynesian demand management.
Education internet, global communication and education key. Should focus more on world history, world geography, foreign language requirement. More money to schools.
Environment pollution ignores borders, true global solution needed. It must be stopped, not taxed. Force companies to pay for cleanup, more stringent checks on industry. State fun programs to clean up production. Long lasting good, heavily tax disposable ones, fun recycling.
Government streamlined, less redundant, more effective. Focus on IR depts. Forge strong relationships worldwide. More transparent so tax payers can see where the $ goes, and believe the govt is working for them.
Health state sponsored private insurance, legislate the uninsurable, everyone MUST be able to receive a bare minimum of health insurance. State fund those who cannot be insured. Not free, paid.
Human Rights protection of worldwide basic human rights needed. More peacekeeping with UN, more aggressive policies on sanctions.
Immigration/Emigration free movement of labour/visa applications (zones). This can be done through large blocks, with visa requirements only between blocks.
Industry protection only of essential materials for war effort/food (see Ag). Must be environ controlled or no benefits (tax etc)
International Relations + Cooperation key focus area, promoting world cooperation, world trade, establishing communications networks. UN must be strengthened. Fair trade not just free.
Law and Order control frivolous lawsuits, protect minority rights, rights of person. Make people take responsibility for actions. Stiffer hard crime penalties, less stupid jailtime for guys with nickel bags of pot.
MNC control control MNC abuse abroad of workers/enviro with strict legislation at home through funding and sanctions. Make MNCs accountable. Do not allow FDI or FI from those culpable domestically either.
Worker rights 1- domestic, 2- abroad key to controlling investment and safety. Keyed to above.
BTW it needs to be realistic, but must actually be a viable plan. Very point form as it is right now.
Party Manifesto
Fundamental principles of equality, ideal that globalization can bring this through free trade. Democracy != consumerism. Important 3rd global 3rd space needed.
The policies outline below encompass our ideals and outline the processes we think will be necessary to lead to global prosperity, starting at home.
Hop you will support us by joining the party, contributing or helping at campaign time.
What we stand for:
Need to govern, not manage. Need to increase awareness of the good part of globalization. Protect workers world wide, as well as at home. Raise world human rights standards, using trade and sanctions. Allow free movement of labour worldwide (through blocks) allowing for better specialization.
Member Benefits:
Newsletter, spokespeople, conferences
Agriculture need protectionist policies here, neo mercantilist style. The world can be a dangerous place with many who do not like us. We must protect our food supply, and make sure it is available when we need it.
Economy and taxation foreign investment encouraged, but not more so then domestic labor. The economy should be monterist policies to lower product prices and not Keynesian demand management.
Education internet, global communication and education key. Should focus more on world history, world geography, foreign language requirement. More money to schools.
Environment pollution ignores borders, true global solution needed. It must be stopped, not taxed. Force companies to pay for cleanup, more stringent checks on industry. State fun programs to clean up production. Long lasting good, heavily tax disposable ones, fun recycling.
Government streamlined, less redundant, more effective. Focus on IR depts. Forge strong relationships worldwide. More transparent so tax payers can see where the $ goes, and believe the govt is working for them.
Health state sponsored private insurance, legislate the uninsurable, everyone MUST be able to receive a bare minimum of health insurance. State fund those who cannot be insured. Not free, paid.
Human Rights protection of worldwide basic human rights needed. More peacekeeping with UN, more aggressive policies on sanctions.
Immigration/Emigration free movement of labour/visa applications (zones). This can be done through large blocks, with visa requirements only between blocks.
Industry protection only of essential materials for war effort/food (see Ag). Must be environ controlled or no benefits (tax etc)
International Relations + Cooperation key focus area, promoting world cooperation, world trade, establishing communications networks. UN must be strengthened. Fair trade not just free.
Law and Order control frivolous lawsuits, protect minority rights, rights of person. Make people take responsibility for actions. Stiffer hard crime penalties, less stupid jailtime for guys with nickel bags of pot.
MNC control control MNC abuse abroad of workers/enviro with strict legislation at home through funding and sanctions. Make MNCs accountable. Do not allow FDI or FI from those culpable domestically either.
Worker rights 1- domestic, 2- abroad key to controlling investment and safety. Keyed to above.