I was in class a week or so ago and realized that we spend all of 1 chapter on world war 1 but had 7 chapters on the time from the civil war till world war 1 then 4 chapters from WW1 til WW2 and only 2 chapters on WW2. I go up and ask my techer why this is and I am told. "the actual battles and wars are unimportant as far as history is concerned, jest why the war started and what happend after." I was realy confused and some what irritated at this response. So I decide to as another teacher for a less "P.C." answer. and the only answer i got was a disgusted "the books all have to be polliticy correct and as far as the state is concerned the wars themselfs arent important. My question is how are the deaths of millions of people not important in the eyes of history??