
Poll: Will DH ever be in the Olympics?

Will DH ever be in the Olympics?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 20 32.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 29 46.8%
  • I really don't know.

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • I don't care.

    Votes: 7 11.3%

  • Total voters


Oct 8, 2003
Seattle, WA
Do you think DH will ever be an Olympic sport? Why or why not? Since there is a limit to the number of events, what could it replace?


Jun 14, 2003
Amarillo, Texas
I do not think that downhill would ever be able to make its way into the olympics, but isn't there dh bmx? or am i just thinking of the x-games? but i think that one day 4X could have a chance at it.


My Nuts Are Flat
Apr 18, 2002
Towing the party line.
DH will not ever make the olympics. It simply limits venue choices too much as it requires a decent mountain within a certain area.

This is also the same reason the Xgames moved it from summer X to winter X and then simply gone.


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
That and, personally, Tv makes dh look pretty dull. Unless it has been captured in a vid and mixed a bit it just doesn't look that fast.

Yes, dhillers would love tv coverage, but if I showed one of my friends they simply see a very dull sport (I have tried introducing my friends to the sport and only a few find enjoyment, bummer)


Jul 1, 2004
Salmon Arm, B.C.
another problem with DH is it's not spectator friendly. You pick a spot on the mountain and watch a rider come down and do the same section over and over. Even if you're stoked on riding, it's not exactly fun watching 50 pros navigate a rock garden or berms for that matter
May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
I dont know what you are all talking about being a dull sport to watch on TV. I for one think it will one day be in the Olympics, as it doesnt take THAT much of a mountain to put a DH race on. It may not be the best course, but hey, that's okay.

TV coverage is just missing the boat. What is fun to watch isn't the guys flying down the hill or whatever, thats just a few minute segman called sensationalism...no that isn't that fun to watch for a half hour...what is fun to watch is the race develop...the actual compitition. They need to add the missing element of drama. Not only show the race, but the personality behind the RACER. Add that element of drama that makes even DH ski racing exciting to watch. Tell how the guy has had to overcome this and overcome that or how he started...just add personality to each and every rider coming down the hill...it gets interesting then as you start to pull for certain guys etc.

On top of that, adding different vantage points, maybe a camera on a wire ABOVE the technical rock garden with translucent colored lines outlining the varios line choices the riders have, going in depth about the hard sections of the course and where time can be made or lost, showing how DH racing is different than ski racing and whole seconds can be made up in line choice alone...the options are endless...

You can go on and on and on...I could write an essay on the subject...how we've had our chance in the media spotlight (mid 1990s) and we were just not ready for it...and we blew it....


Turbo Monkey
Jul 4, 2002
Whistler, BC
neversummersnow said:
On top of that, adding different vantage points, maybe a camera on a wire ABOVE the technical rock garden with translucent colored lines outlining the varios line choices the riders have, going in depth about the hard sections of the course and where time can be made or lost, showing how DH racing is different than ski racing and whole seconds can be made up in line choice alone...the options are endless...
Ok, now that would be fun to watch :)


Leader and Demogogue of the Ridemonkey Satinists
Oct 26, 2001
chez moi
Maybe what we need is some WWF-style plotlines...getting the "good guy" riders against the "bad guy" riders. Everyone could have a costume and a theme...some crossovers and defections...a few staged fights and we're set! Look how well it worked for that X-league football!

May 24, 2002
Boulder CO
MikeD said:
Maybe what we need is some WWF-style plotlines...getting the "good guy" riders against the "bad guy" riders. Everyone could have a costume and a theme...some crossovers and defections...a few staged fights and we're set! Look how well it worked for that X-league football!

Honostly, that would be better than the way it WAS brought to the average viewer.

Let's face it, the average viewer can't relate to this on any level, the only way to bring them in is to add "something else". The way EC and Cedric squared off last year would have presented an excellent oppertunity. Let the media sensationalize it a bit and bam...it's interesting...get a few more of those types of situations you've got something fun to watch.


Turbo Monkey
Sep 23, 2001
Santiago du Chili
spookymilk said:
another problem with DH is it's not spectator friendly. You pick a spot on the mountain and watch a rider come down and do the same section over and over. Even if you're stoked on riding, it's not exactly fun watching 50 pros navigate a rock garden or berms for that matter

yea thats why they have archery and pistol shooting and keirin and weightlifting etc etc etc in the olympics


Apr 14, 2003
Strong Island Ny
I dont think dh could ever be a permenent event, but if the opympics was held in the right area it could wind up being a trial event.

and im sure with a tv budget the size of NBC's olympic coverage you could make it worth watching. I mean i dont see how DH racing could be less interesting then curling and ive seen that on tv plenty (though it was fun to watch for a while).


May 7, 2002
Lynchburg, VA
ya really, would you rather watch athletes on bikes, flying down a rocky, muddy, technical course at insane speeds or watch a team of dudes pushing a weight down a sheet of ice. this is the 21st century, that game is kind of caveman era entertainment.

they could still have it set up in a team format with the countries and everything. still think 4X should be in it though


Turbo Monkey
Sep 14, 2001
at the end of the longest line
well, motocross is out, no engines allowed. When i first read the question i sorta rolled my eyes (and voted no), but really it does make sense. If DH grows and the staunch purists on the olympic commitee die, then it might have a chance, at least as a demo. The olympic people are starting to realise they actually have to stay relevant and add popular sports (who would of thought of snowboarding like 15 years ago?). Problem is, it might require bumping another sport out.

What might also keep it back though is they might consider it to be too heavily connected to technology, with all the data acquisition stuff and F1-like techno-races between teams, and even though other sports equipment is influenced by high-tech, its also fairly invisible and more in the preperation.


sled dog's bollocks
Jan 14, 2002
I don't care, because I just want to see an "unlimited" catagory for ALL olympic events, where men and women compete AGAINST each other, NO drug restructions, hopped up on steriods, meth, weed, whatever...



Turbo Monkey
Nov 6, 2001
Sydney, Australia
I can see 4x being a good event for the Olympics, a bit less dependant on bike alone, a bit more flexible in terms of course location, and more spectator-friendly as well as more exciting too. But with BMX racing being introduced, 4x would have no chance of getting a place.
Maybe 4 man DH could work, possibly?