When 3 Really is a Crowd (NYT; login req)
...and you thought this debate was over
wouldn't it follow the legal obligation - imposed by the courts - should result in legal recognition, i.e., "marital rights"?SOMETIMES when the earth shudders it doesnt make a sound. Thats what happened in Harrisburg, Pa., recently.
On April 30, a state Superior Court panel ruled that a child can have three legal parents. The case, Jacob v. Shultz-Jacob, involved two lesbians who were the legal co-parents of two children conceived with sperm donated by a friend. The panel held that the sperm donor and both women were all liable for child support. Arthur S. Leonard, a professor at New York Law School, observed, Im unaware of any other state appellate court that has found that a child has, simultaneously, three adults who are financially obligated to the childs support and are also entitled to visitation.
...and you thought this debate was over