
Pornking now or LetoyIII later?


May 17, 2002
Long Island, NY
I've been reading ridemonkey for a while but this is my first post here...

Today I went into the shop to order a Letoy and found out that they are on backorder so I will not be able to get one until sometime mid summer at the earliest... I'm not happy with my current bike so naturally I have started thinking about getting a Pornking instead...

letoy http://www.pinkbike.com/php/pod.php3?image=16275
pornking http://www.pinkbike.com/php/pod.php3?image=19654

from reading the details of each frame on http://www.abikeonline.com & http://www.unrealcycles.com the differences I've noticed are the lack of horiz dropouts, adjustible brake bosses, angled seat tube, fewer gussets, steeper headtube, lower BB, price & available paint options... am I missing anything else? tire clearance, etc...

I ride urban/street, dj, trails, freeride... a little bit of downhill & I go uphill too, but usually very slowly... obviously I would have to testride the pornking before I decide, but I was hoping that some of the 24 riders here could give me some feedback on the less popular pornking frame... also is it practical to ride either frame for long distances, ie. to and from dj spots, or an occasional slow xc ride with friends...

I'd love to hear about your experience with either bike... toss up any links to articles or reviews if you have em...



Thank you sir may I have another!
May 15, 2002
el cajon
hey i know nothin bout those frames but the dh forum would prooly be a better place, ill put up a link for you.


May 17, 2002
Long Island, NY
The tankass looks pretty cool, but I am pretty set on the letoy... it is such a sweet frame, and I can get one for a ridiculously good price...


Mar 17, 2002
I always say, get what you really want. If you have to wait, then wait. Then again, if it's a long wait like yours...then I don't know.

How unhelpful was this post?

Well, when I got my bike last summer, I wanted it asap. So I skimped on the parts, when I could have saved more, and got all the good stuff at the same time. Now I am paying more, upgrading...I should have waited and saved...


May 25, 2002
wellesley, ma
hey, i personally think that both the letoy III and pornking are great bikes, but theres one bike which you should DEFINITLEY check out - the Evil Imperial. It is one of the beefiest hardtails i have ever seen, and i have even seen the evil crew jumping at the local jumps just outside of boston (evil bikes are located in boston) the evil guys are, almost ironically, wicked nice, and they should be more than willing to help you out. Also, evil makes a chain tensioner/ bashguard that can hold 2 rings - a big plus when riding urban. you can check them out at www.evilbikes.com