
porting from apache to IIS?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
because i'm using my pc (running xp home) as a dev box, i can't install IIS (i have server 2003 & longhorn on disc, but don't want a massive overhaul). so instead i'm using apache (2.2), but will have to deliver on IIS.

how hard will it be to re-configure PHP & change the apache specific code? i tried for an afternoon to do this in visual studio 2005, but just getting the web front end & php hooks proved to be too frustrating & klugy (i.e., mysql options were nil at best). it's just a simple web portal that uses mysql, and not sqlserver (which plays nice w/ IIS).

the proposal was written with the specific language to use "an Application Server, with IIS & .NET"


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
for doing a straight-fwd web portal, .net are teh suck. i have yet to see a simple way in MS Vis Stud to create a thin portal that does the simplest of tasks.

and just b/c something is there doesn't necessarily mean i have to use it to the exclusion of all else.

i mean seriously, if the design is just php over apache talking to mysql, why use .net as a foundation? it's not like i'm writing a load balanced distributed app requiring 2G for its VM.

back to my original query: i see that when setting up php, one of the dozen or so options for a webserver is IIS. i must imagine it too uses php_mysql.dll & php_mysqli.dll extensions. this is why i'm optimistic there is a no-frills flop-over to IIS. true? if not, what are the pitfalls?


Expert on blowing
Feb 12, 2003
ok, it looks like i can upgrade from home to pro. i'm thinkin' this is the way to go.

man apache sure is easy to configure. i got a bad feeling about IIS.