


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Originally posted by gunslingger
By the way I was thinking, what is more fun than riding??? MOVING BOXES and furniture! So any of you who were thinking the same thing are welcome to help me Saturday! I do not like to let people have this type of fun cuz I am a little greedy but I figured I should offer it. The last FLOW had a whole write up on EXTREME moving.
Well, if there's anything left on sunday you need to get finished before you can ride let me know, I'll be available and you have my number.


Apr 6, 2004
SW PDX, Oregon
So frank, what's the call, I've got Andrew pretty much dialed in, he's loving the new heavier spring so he's amped to go out, it sounds like PC on Sunday might be where it's at, I could just bring the trail;er and pick you up, I've got room for 4 plus me and more bikes than that...hey, I just realized you're in Seattle I think...well, let me know, I'm itching to see PC, and Chris talking all about it is making me even more antsy...e-mail/call/pm whatever me, and we'll get our plan squared away...


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
I've got to work untill 2:00 Sat., but Im thinking we could meet up anytime after say like 2:30 and hit Camas... Sunday at PC sounds fun..


Feb 20, 2004
Vancouver, WA
only one offer to help me move EXTREME boxes! I see how it is, as long as I have known all of you and nothing........i hired a mover anyway!

have fun at PC, i asked my woman about going and it did not put a smile on her face. I guess leaving a pregnant woman to do the last of the moving while i ride my bike is probably not a good idea! To be honest she REALLY found it to not be funny, I guess women just see things differently.

All I can say is next weekend I am IN it TO WIN IT!


Mar 25, 2003
Traveling the eastern U.S.
Originally posted by gunslingger
have fun at PC, i asked my woman about going and it did not put a smile on her face. I guess leaving a pregnant woman to do the last of the moving while i ride my bike is probably not a good idea! To be honest she REALLY found it to not be funny, I guess women just see things differently.
Dude, you got your priorities all wrong. How can you ever expect to clear that road gap if you've got a woman at home dragging you down? Who wears the pants in your family? Time to assert your manhood and lay down the law! You want to go riding on Sunday, and, dammit, you're going to go riding! Tell her, too, that the house better be unpacked when you get home.

Uh, I'm totally kidding....
Jul 19, 2002
Vancouver Washington
So I guess we will see you at PC on sunday. If you need a place to stay well I don't have one:D :D :D but I am sure you can stay up at leadbetter I know were this fort is just beware of the crazy paintballers.

Now we all know that your woman wears the pants in the family. You are whiped and whiped good.:D :D :D
She proably locked your bike up and threw away the key didn't she?:p :p


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
odd creatures, those women are...

Yeah, guess what? I can't ride this weekend at all. The army decided that I need to be at my unit on sunday after all so I'm screwed. I'll probably just ride today at discovery for a little bit, and wait till next week to go somewhere else.

Everyone have fun at PC! (wish I could go)


Mar 25, 2003
Traveling the eastern U.S.
Originally posted by gunslingger
I called her up as I was reading that and told her what you said. then I scrolled down and saw you were kidding. Now I am single but at least I can ride........
Glad I could help! Don't worry, there are tons of single women who ride here in Hood River - yeah, right!!

I do feel a bit guilty, and therefore obligated to help. You can live in the small shed I have in the backyard. I've got a 5-gallon bucket you can use as a toilet. At least you'll be close to the trailhead.


Apr 6, 2004
SW PDX, Oregon
Originally posted by frizanko
So who all is actually going to Spokane next weekend?
I've got to do the "Solve IT" clean-up for my Haz-mat class on Saturday till like 4pm, but I was thinking of trucking up on Sat-morning just to chill and maybe pedal around and meet some people...are you going? I really wanna go up cause it seems like there are a ton of people up there chillin, might be a good time, I think I will try'n make it up there for the day Sunday...


Feb 20, 2004
Vancouver, WA
and it aint as it seems. do i have to start quotin' 50 cent or Biggy Smalls to prove who i am......

OK new topic, what is better mechanical or hydraulic discs? Also if money was no object would you still wear cotton boxers?


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
Originally posted by Get_Some
I've got to do the "Solve IT" clean-up for my Haz-mat class on Saturday till like 4pm, but I was thinking of trucking up on Sat-morning just to chill and maybe pedal around and meet some people...are you going? I really wanna go up cause it seems like there are a ton of people up there chillin, might be a good time, I think I will try'n make it up there for the day Sunday...
Yeah, Im headin over on Friday... I cant wait!!!


The Official Meat of Ridemonkey
Sep 10, 2001
Portland, OR
I'm not riding this weekend. But I am heading to Santiam to scope out my race rig for this year. Hell or high water I am racing at least twice this year. I wanted to race last year, but lack of funds put a hault to that quick.

Has anyone checked out Falls City yet? There are some wicked trails there now with lots more on the make. Check out www.santiambicycle.com message board to see build times and trail updates.


Mar 25, 2003
Traveling the eastern U.S.
Originally posted by gunslingger
and it aint as it seems. do i have to start quotin' 50 cent or Biggy Smalls to prove who i am......

OK new topic, what is better mechanical or hydraulic discs? Also if money was no object would you still wear cotton boxers?
"How you livin' Biggy Smalls?"

No changing the subject! However, to answer your question, I would buy hydraulic boxers if I could afford it.


Apr 6, 2004
SW PDX, Oregon
Originally posted by frizanko
Yeah, Im headin over on Friday... I cant wait!!!
cool, well maybe I'll call you on SUnday if we make it up...so Sat. @ Ledbetters? ANdrew is claiming to show, but you've seen how that works...O well, I think he'll come out now, he's dying to get the Stinky on some good dirt...


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
Cross your fingeres and hope the rain stays away. Drag Andrew out kicking and screaming if ya need to... We're gonna need more riders to make the shuttle work out ...


Apr 6, 2004
SW PDX, Oregon
yeah, I can bet he's comming, hey, I'm looking at a new fork since I'm probably gonna sell my crappy Z1wedge off on my old HT...so which one would you choose? 2004 Z1 Dropoff II or 2004 DJ3...those are my options, no 20mm for me BOO_HOO, but thesea re infinately better forks than my current set-up, I can get what I consider to be as good a deal as any at universal, (315 for the Z1, 269 for the DJ and I'd need the 130mmtravel kit) any suggestions?


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
Take that to the NSMB boards and see what they say.. There are always people bitchin about their Dirt Jumpers on there... The Z1 sounds like a decent choice.


Feb 20, 2004
Vancouver, WA
I had one on my last bike. The fork is solid and you can pump up the air in it and it will be really stiff. It is not good for multiple bumps though, kinda like a one hitter! I liked it though for everything beside riding fast down rocky trails.

Chris I happen to be livin in manshions and benz's, given ends to my friends, and it feels stupendous......other times I am actualy Gucci down to the socks, though i sometimes feel like ni--as are trying to stick me for my paper.......andyhow i hope you get the idea

by the way as far as political correctness was it wrong for me to quote that phrase?


Apr 6, 2004
SW PDX, Oregon
Damnit I am so up in the air...Yeah Frank I took it to NSMB, it's on the Gear board right now...my question is do I need the steel Stantions or will the Z1 alloy ones be strong enough...I realize nobody but me can truly answer that, but man I need some help...

OK- the Z1 will probably have better dampning I'm guessing, and IMO, the all black is just bonus pimp points

but- the DJ has steel Stantions/sliders and will most likely be tougher but sacrifice high speed sensetivity...

I'm thinking that if my wedge has survived the first 6months of me getting used to the 4x4 that the Z1 DOII will be pretty good to go, and certianly burlier than the wedge...any thoughts guys...

dammit, I just don't know what to do with myself...I don't know what to do with my self DUH NUH!!! (sorry thought I'd get in on the music thing with ya Jason)


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by gorgechris
Toshi (and others) - if you want to meet some HR riders and scope out a fun local XC trail, we'll be doing trail maintenance on the Whoopdee Trail this Sunday. I'll post a thread in the NW forum later this week. Mostly cutting back nasty brush, and then doing a couple quick laps. The trail is super fast and a lot of fun (except for the climb out!). After that, I'd like to mosey over and hit PC, as long as we're all sweaty and stinky.
are you still doing this whoopdee trail maintenance on sunday, chris?

Originally posted by jimmydean
Has anyone checked out Falls City yet? There are some wicked trails there now with lots more on the make. Check out www.santiambicycle.com message board to see build times and trail updates.
yep, was out there two weekends ago on a saturday with charlie/chuckwagon, riding a fully rigid dbr :D . fun stuff.

so there seems to be plenty of sunday activity. anyone riding on saturday? if not, i think i'm just going to cruise down the discovery trail, peering off into the woods for this extra stuff...


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
"Chris I happen to be livin in manshions and benz's, given ends to my friends, and it feels stupendous"

So how does someone who cant spell "Mansions" end up living in one?:D

And Dave your on your own with the fork man... I couldnt tell ya which to blow your $$ on.


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
Toshi, come hit Camas w/ us... We'll be there Saturday round 3:00 I think..
Sunday it sounds like everyone is headin out to PC.


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by frizanko
Toshi, come hit Camas w/ us... We'll be there Saturday round 3:00 I think..
Sunday it sounds like everyone is headin out to PC.
camas as in this town? http://tinyurl.com/3yc7z

can i meet you guys somewhere, as i don't know where to go and couldn't find directions in this bear of a thread (only ones to discovery)? tia.


Jan 29, 2004
Bend, OR
No doubt, this thread just keeps going, and going...
That map you linked to is right, but its not really as far out as it apears on there. Its only like 5 minutes east of Vancouver. As far as meeting up goes, Ive got to work untill 2:00 and then I think were gonna just figure out where were meeting then... I'll PM ya my Phone #...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by frizanko
No doubt, this thread just keeps going, and going...
That map you linked to is right, but its not really as far out as it apears on there. Its only like 5 minutes east of Vancouver. As far as meeting up goes, Ive got to work untill 2:00 and then I think were gonna just figure out where were meeting then... I'll PM ya my Phone #...
awesome, pm received. i may even bring a newbie from my apt complex along, since he was tooling along in the hallway on a nice(-ish) bike this afternoon. portland is just chock full of hidden riders. :eek:


Apr 6, 2004
SW PDX, Oregon
Hey yeah, let's meet at the parking lot like last time but @ wha like 3:00pm...cool? Andrew's definately coming, and if we're in agreeance, I'll bring the trailer...yes?...should be kinda mucky, but well, we do live in the NW don't we...


butthole powerwashing evangelist
Oct 23, 2001
Originally posted by frizanko
3:00 sounds good to me... Its gonna be a bit sloppy today I think, but We should be used to that.
good riding with y'all. for the record i'm probably going to be heading out towards hood river at about 10:30 am, from portland. any and all are welcome, although i can only swing 2 others really (2 bikes on the sportworks, one in the back).


Apr 6, 2004
SW PDX, Oregon
Originally posted by thruster
Well be leaving around 9:00 for pc see you all there.
yeah, around 11:D Toshi, Frank, I'm comming...I'm gonna drive myself up cause I may have to leave earlier than latter for a Family thing...where should we meet? I'll call you guy's first thing in the moanin'...Thruster good to know you'll be out there too, hope to have a great ride...