
Post Canyon this weekend- Sep 25 / 26


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Okay, the weather is nice again and I REALLY want to ride. I was thinking that Post canyon (hood river) would be great to ride this weekend, either day would be fine with me. I'd like to get a big shuttle going, and the more people the better. So, who's up for it?


Mar 7, 2004
Hood River, Oregon
Zane- Fyi.....p/c Is Darn Near Perfect Right Now. As You Know It Has Been Wet, But Rode Saturday And Monday, And It Was Perfect. Just Watch Out For A Few Of The Wood Stunts That Are Wet. If The Weather Stays Like This, The Weekend Will Be Great!!!!! Mike Ps- I'll Be Riding, Since I Live In Town....i'll Watch The Posts, And Might Be Able To Help Ya Shuttle


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
MotoXmg- are you riding both days this weekend? I'll probably have my blazer so I can shuttle like 4 people & bikes (including me), if you have a better shuttle rig let me know.


Mar 7, 2004
Hood River, Oregon
zane, not sure....being local, kinda ride whenever i want......just lemme know.....rode weds night....SICK!!!!!! I've got a subie loyale wagon.....holds 4 people/4bikes.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Subies are awesome............ I'm thinking sunday will be better for me and my friend, we have to build up his new scream on saturday.


Jul 17, 2002
Vancouver, WA
I need to get out to Post Canyon one of these days. I'll be in Whistler this weekend, and attending California Superbike School the following weekend but after that I'll be ready to do some local biking.

I've been hanging out in the downhill forum for the past couple of years but now that I'm in Vancouver I'll start checking out the NW forum and hopefully hook up with a few of you monkies to ride soon.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Okay, what's the plan? We're gonna be leaving at around 9 in the morning, so we'll be in hood river at like 10:30 or so. We're also meeting up with the guys from universal cycles sometime in the morning at PC, and they'll have plenty of trucks too. Give me a call tonight or in the
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Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Yeah, brian got a brand spankin new 04 large scream in the shiny battleship grey color. It took us freakin forever to get the 5th element set up to his liking, but it feels pretty damn good. Also his blackspire guide wouldn't work, so he's using the box guide for the time being.

PC was awesome!!! We were supposed to meet up with the universal guys, but we ran into the a couple guys that were riding with them and were told to wait a few minutes. Oddly, they never made it back down the trail from their first run (???). We met up with some other guys who were filming a bunch of stuff, and Chris and Angie showed up for a WHOLE DAY of riding this time :). The trails were perfect, it was my best day at PC thus far.


Apr 23, 2004
Nanaimo, BC
zane said:
Ryan- how's vancouver? You been able to ride at all? Did you get a PHONE yet???
I think its way nicer than vancouver.... Ive been riding lots too.. mainly dirt jumps, urban and a little bit of attempting trials, although i have ridden the shore 3 or 4 times since ive been here. One thing ive noticed that doesnt make any since though is that there are lots of vancouver riders who never ride the shore... I met a guy who lives downtown and rides urban all the time but has only been to the shore a few times over the past few years. Im having my scream brought up this weekend along with some other stuff so ill be able to ride whistler a time or two more before it closes and i wont get beaten up as much on the shore. My new cell # is 604-317-3686.. you should come up here sometime to ride.


Harbinger of Doom
Oct 23, 2001
yo ryan, i think i'll be up at whistler with Snacks and trailhacker this saturday. you should join us :thumb:


Apr 23, 2004
Nanaimo, BC
Toshi said:
yo ryan, i think i'll be up at whistler with Snacks and trailhacker this saturday. you should join us :thumb:
that would be cool... but im not sure if it would work.... my mom is coming up for the day so she probably doesnt want to drive the extra way to whistler so i can ride my bike. I know for sure though i will be up there with lots of ubc riders. the next weekend since its the canadian thanksgiving and the cycling club is doing a trip if you want to get another day or two out of your pass. Otherwise.. let me know if you ever want to come do some shore riding and we can meet up.


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
If any of you seattle area monkeys want to come down for a Post canyon trip, I'd be happy to show you around. Just give me a couple weeks warning in advance. Our next trip to PC will be on the weekend of the 9th / 10th, probably sunday.

Ryan- I won't be able to get up there before whistler closes, but I really want to get some shore action in before the weather goes to crap. I'm driving my blazer now so I can haul a couple bikes (it's a little smaller than your explorer, but it works). Are you free to ride on the weekends?


Mar 7, 2004
Hood River, Oregon
Hey Zane.....sorry I Couldnt Hook Up...i Did Ride Sunday, But Did An 8:o'clocker With A Buddy Of Mine, Due To Having Tight Schedules (we Were Riding P2/p3's).....i Might Have Seen You With A Posse Of Guys Around 10: ??? There Was About A Dozen "foriegners"...haha Maybe I Can Meet Ya Next Trip. Mike


Turbo Monkey
Mar 29, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Hey, I saw your group heading back up the hill in your car when I was riding back down the road. We were probably the foreigners you saw, we parked by drop zone and shuttled the hill from there.


Apr 23, 2004
Nanaimo, BC
zane said:
Ryan- I won't be able to get up there before whistler closes, but I really want to get some shore action in before the weather goes to crap. I'm driving my blazer now so I can haul a couple bikes (it's a little smaller than your explorer, but it works). Are you free to ride on the weekends?
bad weather just makes riding here more interesting.. its not like post canyon or larch where you cant ride any wood if its wet. Im free basically all weekends and weekdays after about 2 to 3:30... and could probably be convinced to miss a friday if riding was involved. Just let me know if you want to come up and it should work.