
Post Funeral Ride


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
well, noah (lil manimal) and i were unable to make it to our favorite and only local DS race this year at hobby park (winston salem, NC). we had worked and practiced out there a lot lately and were hoping to have some fun on sunday....but...my grandfather-in-law passed away and the funeral was on saturday in balmy florida.

so as a concellation prize, i got sunday to do whatever i wanted to do in FL. i'd heard of Santos in Ocala and have seen pics but i haven't been there yet so that's where we decided to go...and let me tell you, that place rocks! for you NC folks, it's like a bigger, badder version of country park. huge dirt jump line with a mulch pit for learning new stuff and a curved wall ride. drops galore, some natural, some man-made but all buttery smooth on landing (although i did bottom my demo on the 10' one :D ) and it's all legal and maintained through the Ocala Mountain Bike Association. :cheers:

major props to the north florida crew that hooked this place up :cheers: :banana:
so anyway, i took A LOT of pics but i'll just throw in a few of the better ones here. i can't remember anyones name except for doug, he pretty much hangs out there from 10-6 every sunday to open/close the place, ride and show new guys like me and noah around. super nice guy.
doug and noah talking about riding and spiders

we started out in the "skills" section which is a really smart feature to have at a bike park. it's very benign and easy to learn on. they have a set of rollers to a steep hill to roller, some berms, a 10" wide bridge skinny and a 4" wide skinny to learn to balance on. there is also a rock garden and slalom gates to practice with as well. very good idea to have at a place that attracts riders of all skill levels.

noah on the bridge skinny

and the skinny skinny :D

from there we took the easy trail for about 3 miles over to the freeride area. this place is RAD!
your truly on the 10' drop, (the 20' drop scared the poo out of me after i bottomed on the 10 footer :eek: )

noah rolling/dropping the side of the smaller 4' drop. he wanted to hit it from the platform but, for once, i said no. he probably would have made it but had he crashed it would have been the end of our fun for the day.

here are some random shots from the dirtjump area
this is one of my fav's, i'm not sure why...it just came out cool. ( i haven't edited these for color yet)

noah on the beginner/table line


me trying the first double on the expert line. it was either too fast and land flat or too slow and case. i never could perfect this one :banghead:

the third gap in the expert line

bottom of the dj area w/ the wall ride and mulch pit

noah on his way up and over one of the tables

me, noah and my brother-in-law commemorating the day.

so did it make up for missing an awesome race? i dunno, but it was definitely a good day:cheers:


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL

BTW - how far is that from Miami... my wife is looking at a job there once her contract is up (June '07).


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
its at least 3-4 hours from n. cuba ;)
Yeah I already googled it... it's a bit far. But no where is too far when it's the only game in town, er state...

I'm sure I'll find others - but this just means I'm going to 'suggest' she keep her options open...


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
Yeah I already googled it... it's a bit far. But no where is too far when it's the only game in town, er state...

I'm sure I'll find others - but this just means I'm going to 'suggest' she keep her options open...

there are several places that i know of which are much closer.

markham woods is way south i think


and i think the TOE in lakeland is still around. hope you like elevated bridges, drops and dirt jumps

check www.freeridesouth.com , they can give you a lot more info.:cheers:


Apr 29, 2004
Miami, FL
For some reason I was thinking those were all the same places... cool.

I actually have freeridesouth as a favorite becasue I knew they had some cool stuff, just hadn't mapped it all out yet.


Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
sorry for your loss manimal, but atleast you got to get a good ride in with your son to remember him.:cheers:

thanks. he was my wife's grandfather, and i barely knew either of my grandfathers before they passed. he was a good example for me of how to be a good grandfather. always taking the g'kids to the movies, out to eat, on dirtbike/jetski trips. bought my wife her first new car. he suffered from cancer for about a year so at least the pain is over. good, good man...wish i had taken the time to know him better but he always treated me as his own grandkid. heck, my old s-10 was a gift from him when he bought himself a new truck a few years ago.
the ride was a good sending off i suppose. he loved to watch the g'kids ride just like i love to see noah enjoy riding.

the really cool thing is that he was married to his wife for 61 years at his passing. that's friggin amazing!


Artisanal Tweet Curator
Sorry for the loss. Wish the ride had been under better circumstances.

Kind of neat to see people riding there and what's been built the last few years. That's pretty much where I started mountainbiking in college at UF.

I went back over christmas. I was hoping the dj line was done so I brought my hardtail. That drop you bottomed out your demo on hurt my freakin ankles.:D That landing does suck. The bigger ones actually have better landings if you go back. Here's my xmas......



Ociffer Tackleberry
Feb 27, 2002
Blindly running into cactus
bro-in-law is riding an old trek Y bike :D i snagged it from a friend for $75 a while back for him. he's looking to get into something that doesn't clank when he rides. found a used STP in the buy/sell for under $400. he had a really good time out there and it was his first time hitting any real dj's. i think he's hooked :cheers:
not too shabby for a normally timid first-timer

and i cropped one of me landing. check the tire to seat action ;)