
binary visions

The voice of reason
Jun 13, 2002
I have no idea. Isopropyl?

You know how much bleach you can buy for the price of star san?
Um, a 16 oz. bottle of Star San is on Northern Brewer's page for $11.50.

1 oz makes 5 gallons of cleaner, so you're getting 80 gallons, or roughly $0.14/gallon. I use about a half gallon per batch (including brew day, secondary transfer, and bottling). Sometimes a full gallon if I'm being wasteful.

For the convenience, it's more than worth it. How much is your time worth?


bicycle in airplane hangar
Feb 2, 2007
Riding past the morgue.
A gallon of bleach is $0.99, IIRC proper mix is something like a table spoon per gallon. I'm not going to bother looking up/calculating how many tbls = oz but I'm pretty sure I'm coming out ahead. As far as time, what, 30 seconds to rinse something? Besides, we always have bleach around (two dogs, a cat, and a kid) but not always Star San/Iodophor/what ever. I believe that's how I actually started using bleach, ran out of Star San one day while brewing and needed something in a hurry. Went better than expected, never seen a reason to switch back.